11th December 2021 Current Affairs Quiz: For the sake of candidates, we have provided the Latest Current Affairs Quiz of 11th December 2021. In the below sections, we have provided the 11th Dec 2021 Current Affairs Quiz along with the Answers, Explanations, and Static Points. Candidates who are preparing for the banking exams and any other competitive exams need to check this article regularly. To get to know Daily Current Affairs, bookmark this page to visit frequently.
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11th December 2021 Current Affairs Quiz By Freshersnow.com
1) ____ granted Observer Status to International Solar Alliance.
d) None of the above
Answer: B
Explanation: The UN General Assembly has conferred Observer Status to the International Solar Alliance (ISA), a historic decision which India said would help provide for well-defined cooperation between the Alliance and the United Nations that would benefit global energy growth and development. This decision has been taken based on the UNGA’s Sixth Committee report.
Static Points:
UNGA President – Abdulla Shahid
Headquarters: New York
India’s Permanent Ambassador to UN – TS Tirumurti
2) Which country assumed the chairmanship of the council of Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure of SCO?
a) India
b) China
c) US
d) Russia
Answer: A
Explanation: India assumed the Chairmanship of Council of Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure of SCO (RATS SCO) from October 28, 2021, for a period of one year. The seminar is the 1st event to be hosted by India during its Chairmanship of Council of RATS SCO. This is the second time India is hosting such a Seminar event.
Static Points:
RATS SCO headquarters – Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Director – Jumakhon Giyosov
3) Which institution releases the report on the Country level status of Emergency & Injury Care in India?
a) NDC
b) NITI Aayog
c) NIC
Answer: B
Explanation: NITI Aayog has released two comprehensive reports titled Reports on the current status on Country level- secondary and tertiary level & district level emergency and injury care in India. These reports were launched in the presence of Dr V K Paul, Hon’ble Member (Health) NITI Aayog and Dr Rakesh Sarwal, Additional Secretary, and other dignitaries.
Static Points:
NITI Aayog Chairperson – Shri Narendra Modi
CEO – Amitabh Kant
Vice Chairperson – Rajiv Kumar
Headquarters – New Delhi
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4) As per the ‘World Malaria Report 2021’, what is the number of estimated malaria deaths in 2020?
a) 6.00 lakhs
b) 5.71 lakhs
c) 7.44 lakhs
d) 6.27 lakhs
Answer: D
Explanation: According to WHO’s (World Health Organisation) latest World Malaria Report 2021, globally there were an estimated 241 million malaria cases and 627000 malaria deaths in 85 malaria-endemic countries in 2020, increasing from 227 million in 2019. As per the report, there are about 14 million more cases in 2020 compared to 2019 and 69000 more deaths.
Static Points:
WHO Headquarters – Geneva, Switzerland
Director-General – Tedros Adhanom
5) Which state retains the top position for most Employable Talent?
a) Maharashtra
b) Uttar Pradesh
c) Kerala
d) West Bengal
Answer: A
Explanation: As per the 9th edition of India Skills Report (ISR) 2022, released by Wheebox, Maharashtra has retained the top position in the list of states with the highest poll of employable talent followed by Uttar Pradesh and Kerala. The theme of ISR 2022 is ‘Rebuilding and Reengineering the Future of Work’. As per the current edition, the overall employability in India has improved with 46.2% of the youth being found to be highly employable compared to last year’s employability standing at 45.97%.
Static Points:
Topmost Employability followed by Maharashtra
Uttar Pradesh (2)
Kerala (3)
West Bengal (4)
Karnataka (5)
6) Federal Bank entered into Bancassurance Partnership with which insurance company?
a) HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company
b) Life Insurance Corporation
c) Star Health and Allied Insurance
d) United India Insurance
Answer: C
Explanation: Federal Bank and Star Health Insurance tie-up for bancassurance. Federal Bank has joined hands with Star Health and Allied Insurance Co Ltd as a corporate agent to provide a wide range of innovative health insurance products for the Bank’s 8.90 million customers spread over 1,291 banking outlets across the country. It is a partnership between a bank and an insurance company that would enable them to offer insurance products to the bank’s customers.
Static Points:
Federal Bank CEO – Shyam Srinivasan
Headquarters – Aluva, Kerala
Tagline – Your Perfect Banking Partner
Star Health and Allied Insurance CEO – V Jagannathan
Headquarters – India
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7) Which bank granted Scheduled Payment Bank Status to Paytm Payments Bank Limited?
a) RBI
b) SBI
c) HDFC Bank
d) ICICI Bank
Answer: A
Explanation: According to Paytm Payments Bank, it has been given the scheduled bank status by the Reserve Bank of India. The bank has been included in the Second Schedule to the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 and the approval will help it to bring more financial services and products. With this approval, PPBL becomes the 3rd Scheduled Payments Bank. This will also enable the PPBL to offer more financial services and products.
Static Points:
Paytm Payments Bank Founder – Vijay Shekhar Sharma
Headquarter– Noida, Uttar Pradesh
Tagline – Simplifying Payments For India
RBI Governor – Shaktikanta Das
RBI Deputy Governor – Mahesh Kumar Jain, M. Rajeshwar Rao, Michael Patra and T. Rabi Shankar
8) FICCI appoints ____ as the Chairman & Managing Director of Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL).
a) Sangita Reddy
b) Sanjiv Mehta
c) Dilip Chenoy
d) Harshavardhan Neotia
Answer: B
Explanation: The Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) announced that Sanjiv Mehta, the Chairman and Managing Director of Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL), will be appointed as its President. FICCI’s 94th Annual General Meeting was to be held on 18th December 2021.
Static Points:
HUL Headquarters – Mumbai
Established – 1933
9) Which corporation introduced Atmanirbhar Hastshilpkar Scheme for North-Eastern Artisans?
c) NEDFi
d) None of the above
Answer: C
Explanation: North-Eastern Development Finance Corporation Ltd. (NEDFi) has introduced the ‘Atmanirbhar Hastshilpkar’ scheme to support artisans in the Northeast region. The objective of the scheme is to provide financial assistance in the form of term loans for income-generating activities. Under the launch of the scheme, around 17 artisans have been provided with credit assistance of Rs 1 lakh per artisan.
Static Points:
NEDFi – is a Financial institution
Headquarters – Guwahati, Assam
★★ Practice Aptitude Questions & Answers ★★
10) Architect Balkrishna Doshi to be honoured with the ____ Medal 2022.
a) Gold
b) Silver
c) Bronze
d) None of the above
Answer: A
Explanation: Architect Balkrishna Doshi will receive the Royal Gold Medal 2022, one of the world’s highest honours for architecture, the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) announced. The announcement for the same was made by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). He is also an awardee of Padma Shri and the Padma Bhushan.
11) When was International Mountain Day is observed?
a) 9th December
b) 7th December
c) 12th December
d) 11th December
Answer: D
Explanation: International Mountain Day is celebrated on 11th December every year to educate children and people about the role that mountains play in providing freshwater, clean energy, food, and recreation. The theme of 2021 is “Sustainable mountain tourism”. Mountain conservation plays a crucial role in long-term development. Nearly, 27% of the Earth’s land is covered by mountains.
12) Which bank signs MoU with Centrum Housing Finance for Housing Loans?
a) Bank of Baroda
b) New Development Bank
c) World Bank
d) Asian Development Bank
Answer: A
Explanation: Bank of Baroda signs MoU with Centrum Housing Finance Limited (CHFL) for sourcing and financing Housing loans under the Co-lending Mechanism. The Bank will penetrate deep into the markets of tier 2 & tier 3 cities at very competitive interest rates. Bank extends up to Rs.1000 crore as Housing finance in one financial year. CHFL is one of the leading housing finance companies that provide long-term housing finance.
Static Points:
CHFL MD & CEO – Sanjay Shukla
Headquarters – Mumbai, Maharashtra
Bank of Baroda CEO – Sanjiv Chadha
Headquarters – Vadodara, Gujarat
Tagline – India’s International Bank
★★ Practice Reasoning Questions & Answers ★★
13) ____ got Approval from RBI to hike the stake up to 9.99% in IndusInd Bank.
a) PAI
b) LIC
c) AXA
d) Liberty Mutual
Answer: B
Explanation: LIC gets central bank approval to hike stake in IndusInd Bank to 9.99% The Reserve Bank of India has approved the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) to raise its stake in IndusInd Bank by up to 9.99 per cent. The approval will be valid for 1 year i.e. up to December 8, 2022. At present, LIC holds a 4.95 per cent stake in the IndusInd Bank.
Static Points:
IndusInd Bank Headquarters – Mumbai
CEO – Sumant Kathpalia
Tagline – We Make You Feel Richer
LIC Chairperson – MR Kumar
Headquarters – Mumbai
14) ____ award for exceptional bravery at sea to Indian Navy, ICG & Master.
a) ICA
b) FAO
c) IMO
d) None of the above
Answer: C
Explanation: IMO Award for exceptional bravery at sea to Indian Navy, ICG and Master along with a crew of tugboat Ocean Bliss. The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has established an annual Award to provide international recognition for individuals’ and teams’ exceptional bravery at sea. For 2021, IMO awarded Certificate of Commendation to the Indian Navy, Indian Coast Guard and Master along with crew members of tugboat Ocean Bliss.
Static Points:
IMO Secretary-General – Kitack Lim (Republic of Korea)
Headquarters – London, United Kingdom
★★ Practice English Questions & Answers ★★
15) Asian Development Bank approves USD ____ mn loan to Improve Urban Services in India?
a) 203
b) 230
c) 270
d) 350
Answer: D
Explanation: Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved USD 350 million policy-based loans to improve urban services in India. This loan supports the policies formulated by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) to benefit the urban poor, economically weaker section and low-income groups. ADB will also provide recommendations on cross-cutting issues like climate change, environmental and social safeguards assessment, and gender equality and social inclusion.
Static Points:
Asian Development Bank (ADB) President – Masatsugu Asakawa
ADB Headquarters – Manila, Philippines
We have provided the Latest Current Affairs of 11th December 2021 in the above section. Follow this site @ Freshersnow.Com for Daily Current Affairs.