7th January Daily Current Affairs 2023: Hey Guys!! check out this article if you are in need of Today Current Affairs 7 January 2023. For aspirants who are appearing or going to appear for competitive exams such as UPSC, RRB, SSC, Bank Exams then you should definitely know the 7 January 2023 Current Affairs. So, the Freshersnow team has ensure to bring before you about the Daily Current Affairs Quiz which will be covering latest headlines such as “National Genome Editing & Training Centre”, Aspirational Blocks Programme (ABP), modern art hockey stadium, World’s first Palm-leaf Manuscript Museum, Belinda Clarke, Start-up India Innovation Week 2023.
Daily Current Affairs 7th January 2023 | Today GK Quiz Updates
★★ Aptitude Questions & Answers ★★
1. Who inaugurated the “National Genome Editing & Training Centre” at National Agri-food Biotechnology Institute (NABI) Mohali?
A. President
B. Prime minister
C. Union minister
D. None of the above
Ans: C
Explanation – Union Minister Dr.Jitendra Singh inaugurated the “National Genome Editing & Training Centre” at National Agri-food Biotechnology Institute (NABI) in Mohali, Punjab, in the current climatic scenario, improving crops for better nutrition and tolerance to the changing environmental condition is a significant challenge.
2. Which government is set to launch the Aspirational Blocks Programme (ABP), a new initiative on the lines of the Aspirational District Programme?
A. State Government
B. Union Government
C. Parliament
D. None of the above
Ans: B
Explanation – The Union Government is set to launch the Aspirational Blocks Programme (ABP), a new initiative on the lines of the Aspirational District Programme. The Aspirational District Programme is aimed at improving the performance of districts lagging on various development parameters, Under the ABP, 500 blocks across states have been identified.
3. Who will flag off the world’s longest-distance cruise from Uttar Pradesh’s Varanasi via Bangladesh to Assam’s Dibrugarh?
A. President
B. Prime minister
C. Union Minister
D. UP Chief Minister
Ans: B
Explanation – Prime Minister Modi will flag off a luxury cruise from Uttar Pradesh’s Varanasi via Bangladesh to Assam’s Dibrugarh on 13th January 2023. More than 50 tourist spots are covered in this excursion by a luxury ship named as ‘Ganga Vilas’. Also the ship has 3 decks with unique designs.
4. In which state Modern drone with covers a range of 7 km was introduced for the first time?
A. New Delhi
B. Andhra Pradesh
C. Tamil Nadu
Ans: C
Explanation – Police Assistant Inspector Jawahar Kumar has introduced a modern drone camera for the first time in Tamil Nadu in Karimangalam village of Dharmapuri district to easily identify criminals. Through this, traffic jams and accidents can be detected up to a distance of 7 kilometers police station.
5. Who inaugurates the modern art hockey stadium in Rourkela?
A. President
B. Prime minister
C. Union Minister
D. Odisha Chief Minister
Ans: D
Explanation – The modern hockey stadium was inaugurated by Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik in Rourkela, inaugurating the stadium, named after legendary freedom fighter Bhagwan Birsa Munda.
6. World’s first Palm-leaf Manuscript Museum opens in which state?
A. Tamil Nadu
B. Kerala
C. Andhra Pradesh
D. Karnataka
Ans: B
Explanation – “World’s First Palm-Leaf Manuscript Museum” was set up by the Archives Department in association with the Kerala Museum of History and Heritage at a cost of Rs 3 crore in Thiruvananthapuram.
7. How many fintech companies have been selected by the Reserve Bank of India as part of a regulatory sandbox initiative to prevent and reduce financial fraud?
A. 5
B. 8
C. 6
D. 7
Ans: C
Explanation – The Reserve Bank of India has selected six fintech companies as part of a regulatory sandbox initiative to prevent and reduce financial fraud.
8. In which country has a bizarre fossil that seems to have a dinosaur-like head and bird-like body and was a 120-million-year-old fossil discovered?
A. India
B. Japan
D. China
Ans: D
Explanation – A bizarre fossil that seems to that a dinosaur-like head and bird-like body and was 120-million-yeara -old fossil has been discovered in China. It has a “surprisingly elongated” scapula and first metatarsal bones, making it stand out from other birds. Moreover, its skull is nearly identical to that of T-rex dinosaurs.
9. Legendary batsman Belinda Clarke has her bronze statue unveiled at the Sydney Cricket Ground (SCG) on the stadium’s Walk of Honour. With this, she became the first female cricketer to be idolized. To which country Belinda Clarke belongs?
A. India
B. Australia
C. America
D. Sri Lanka
Ans: B
Explanation – Legendary Australian batsman Belinda Clarke has her bronze statue unveiled at the Sydney Cricket Ground (SCG) on the stadium’s Walk of Honour. With this, she became the first female cricketer to be idolized.
10. Which of the following known as, Start-up India Innovation Week 2023, will be organized by the department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce and Industry?
A. 10th January 2023 to 16th January 2023
B. 09th January 2023 to 15th January 2023
C. 08th January 2023 to 14th January 2023
D. 07th January 2023 to 13th January 2023
Ans: A
Explanation – Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce and Industry is organizing Start-up India Innovation Week from 10th January 2023 to 16th January 2023 to celebrate the Indian Start-up Ecosystem.
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