Accenture Interview Questions (Technical, HR) for Freshers PDF Download: If you are on a way to know the Accenture Interview Questions for Freshers? Then you have checked into the right portal. By referring to this page, candidates would come to know the Accenture Recruitment Process and what kind of questions will be asked in the Accenture Technical, HR Interviews. However, at the end of this article, we have attached the Accenture Interview Questions for Freshers PDF Download link. You can make use of the download link and can get the Accenture Technical, HR Interview Questions along with the Answers. Moreover, in order to grab the particulars regarding Accenture Recruitment, Off Campus Drive, Internships, etc., you can use the links which we have provided at the end of this page.
Accenture Interview Questions – Overview
Name Of The Company | Accenture |
Qualification | Any Graduate/ Post Graduate |
Job Role | Multiple |
Job Location | Across India |
Experience | Freshers |
Category | Interview Q & A |
Website | www.accenture.com |
Accenture Selection Process
The Accenture Recruitment Process will differ from one job role to another. However, there will be an elimination in each of the rounds. The below selection process is followed for 2 job profiles, they are ASE (Associate Software Engineer) and SE (Software Engineer). Whereas, for the SDE profile, the process that is followed is, Aptitude test followed by Technical and HR interviews.
- Cognitive and Technical Assessment
- Coding Ability
- Communication Assessment Round
- Interview Technical/ HR
Accenture Test Pattern
In this section, we have provided the Accenture Test Pattern. Whereas, candidates will be subjected to 2 assessments. Accenture First Assessment includes Coginitive Ability and Technical Round, and Coding Round. In this Accenture Second Assessment, the Communication ability of the candidate will be tested.
First Assessment
The first assessment includes 2 stages of rounds:
- Coginitive Ability and Technical Round
- Coding Round
Sections | Topics | Number of Questions | Duration of Time |
Cognitive Ability |
50 Questions | 50 Minutes |
Technical Assessment |
40 Questions | 40 Minutes |
Coding Round |
2 Questions | 45 Minutes |
Note: Coding Round is a mandatory round. Whereas candidates who cleared the Coginitive Ability and Technical Round must take this round. This is an Elimination round and the Score of this round will be considered at the final Interview.
Second Assessment
Accenture Communication Assessment Round is not an elimination round. Candidates will be tested in the parameters like Sentence Mastery, Vocabulary, Fluency, and Pronunciation.
Section | Duration of Time |
Communication Assessment | 20 min |
Accenture Technical Round
Once you clear the Accenture Online Test, you will be called for Accenture Technical Interview. In this round, the panel will focus to know the candidate’s coding and problem-solving skills. To face this round, candidates were needed to have basic knowledge in computer science-related subjects like OS, DBMS, CN, data structures, algorithms, etc., Panel will ask you the questions with respect to the job profile you have chosen.
Accenture Technical Interview Questions for Freshers
Here, we have provided a few Accenture Technical Interview Questions and Answers to help the candidates in their preparation. Make use of the whole of this section and get to know what kind of questions that will be asked in the Accenture Technical Interview Round.
- What is the significance of the “super” and “this” keywords in Java?
A. super keyword: In Java, the “super” keyword is used to provide reference to the instance of the parent class(superclass). Since it is a reserved keyword in Java, it cannot be used as an identifier. This keyword can also be used to invoke parent class members like constructors and methods.
this Keyword: In Java, the “this” keyword is used to refer to the instance of the current class. Since it is a reserved keyword in Java, it cannot be used as an identifier. It can be used for referring object of the current class, to invoke a constructor of the current class, to pass as an argument in the method call or constructor call, to return the object of the current class
2. Can you differentiate between “var++” and “++var”?
A. Expressions “var++” and “++var” are used for incrementing the value of the “var” variable.
“var++” will first give the evaluation of expression and then its value will be incremented by 1, thus it is called as post-incrementation of a variable. “++var” will increment the value of the variable by one and then the evaluation of the expression will take place, thus it is called pre-incrementation of a variable.
/* C program to demonstrate the difference between var++ and ++var */
int main()
int x,y;
x=7, y=1;
printf(“%d %d”, x++, x); //will generate 7, 8 as output
printf(“%d %d”, ++y, y); //will generate 8, 8 as output
3. Explain the memory allocation process in C.
- Memory allocation process indicates reserving some part of the memory space based on the requirement for the code execution.
- There are two types of memory allocation done in C:
Static memory allocation: The memory allocation during the beginning of the program is known as static memory allocation. In this type of memory allocation allocated memory size remains fixed and it is not allowed to change the memory size during run-time. It will make use of a stack for memory management.
Dynamic memory allocation: The memory allocation during run-time is considered as dynamic memory allocation. We can mention the size at runtime as per requirement. It will make use of heap data structure for memory management. The required memory space can be allocated and deallocated from heap memory. It is mainly used in pointers. Four types of the pre-defined function that are used to dynamically allocate the memory are given below:
- malloc()
- calloc()
- realloc()
- free()
4. What is meant by the Friend function in C++?
A. A friend() function is a function that has access to private and protected members of another class i.e., a class in which it is declared as a friend. It is possible to declare a function as a friend function with the help of the friend keyword.
class class_name
friend return_type function_name();
5. Can you give differences for the Primary key and Unique key in SQL?
Primary key | Unique Key |
It is a unique identifier for each row of a table. | It is a unique identifier for table rows in the absence of a Primary key. |
A single Primary key is allowed in a table. | More than one Unique Key is allowed in a table. |
NULL value or duplicate value is not permitted. | It can have a single NULL value but a duplicate value is not permitted. |
When we define a Primary key, a clustered index is automatically created if it does not already exist on the table. | When we define a Unique key, a non-clustered index is created by default to enforce a UNIQUE constraint. |
6. What is a map() function in Python?
A. In Python, the map() function is useful for applying the given function on every element of a specified iterable(list, tuple, etc.).
Syntax for map() function is: map(func, it)
Where func is a function applied to every element of an iterable and itr is iterable which is to be mapped. An object list will be returned as a result of map() function execution.
def addition(n):
return n+n
number=(10, 20, 30, 40)
res= map(addition, number)
7. Write a C++ program for generating the Fibonacci series.
A. The Fibonacci series is a number sequence in which each number is the sum of the previous two numbers. Fibonacci series will have 0 followed by 1 as its first two numbers.
The Fibonacci series is as follows:
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55….
The below-given program will display the Fibonacci series of n range of numbers given by the user. If the entered range value is 1, the num1 value will be printed, i.e., 0. If the entered range value is 2, num1 and num2 values will be printed, i.e., 0 and 1. If entered range value is n, num1 and num2 value will be printed. Along with that, each next term will be calculated based on the addition of the previous two numbers and this process continues until it generates n numbers in a Fibonacci series.
void main()
int num1,num2,nextnum,n,i;
cout<<“Enter the value for range:”; //Fibonacci series range value will be inputted
cout<<“Fibonacci series is:”<<endl;
cout<<num1<<endl; //Single value will be printed if range value is 1
else if(n==2)
cout<<num1<<“\t”<<num2<<endl; //Two values will be printed if the range value is two
for(i=3;i<=n;i++) //Fibonacci series will be printed based on range limit
8. What is the difference between the local variable and global variable in C?
Comparisons | Local variable | Global variable |
Declaration | A variable that is declared inside function or block is called Local variable |
A variable that is declared outside function or block is called global variable |
Scope | The scope of a variable is available within a function in which they are declared. |
The scope of a variable is available throughout the program. |
9. List the Coffman’s conditions that lead to a deadlock.
- Mutual Exclusion: Only one process may use a critical resource at a time
- Hold & Wait: A process may be allocated some resources while waiting for others
- No Pre-emption: No resource can be forcible removed from a process holding it
- Circular Wait: A closed chain of processes exist such that each process holds at least one resource needed by another process in the chain
10. What are short, long and medium-term scheduling?
- Long term scheduler determines which programs are admitted to the system for processing. It controls the degree of multiprogramming. Once admitted, a job becomes a process
- Medium term scheduling is part of the swapping function. This relates to processes that are in a blocked or suspended state. They are swapped out of real-memory until they are ready to execute. The swapping-in decision is based on memory-management criteria
- Short term scheduler, also known as a dispatcher executes most frequently, and makes the finest-grained decision of which process should execute next. This scheduler is invoked whenever an event occurs. It may lead to interruption of one process by preemption
11. Explain inheritance in Java? How can it be achieved?
- Inheritance in Java is a process by which one class can have all properties of other class.
- That means one class inherits all the behaviour of the other class.
- Inheritance increases the code reusability.
- Inheritance is an important feature of OOP concept.
- Inheritance is also a representation of the IS-A relationship
There are two terms used in inheritance:
- Child class (Subclass): Class which inherits other class, called a Child class or derived class
- Parent class (Superclass): A class that got inherited by another class is termed as parent class or Base class
12. What is “Collection Framework” in Java?
A. Collection Framework in Java is an architecture for storing the classes, and interfaces and manipulating the data in the form of objects. There are two main interfaces in Collection Framework that are:
13. What is normalization? What are its types?
A. Normalization is the process of organizing the data in the database to reduce redundancy of the data and achieving data integrity. It is also called as database normalization or data normalization.
By normalizing the data we can arrange the data in tables and columns, and a relationship can be defined between these tables or columns.
There are following types of normalization available which are used commonly:
- First normal form (1NF)
- Second normal form (2NF)
- Third normal form( 3NF)
- Boyce & Codd normal form (BCNF)
- Fourth normal form(4NF)
14. Explain the “primary key,” “foreign key,” and “UNIQUE key” in Database?
- Primary Key: A primary key in the database, is a field or columns, which uniquely identifies each row in the database table. Primary key should have a unique value for each row of the database table. And it cannot contain null values. By default, a primary key is a clustered index
- Unique Key: A unique key also works as primary key except that it can have one null value. It would not allow the duplicate values. By default, the unique key is the non-clustered index
- Foreign Key: A foreign key is used to create a link between two tables. It can be defined in the second table, but it will refer to the primary key or unique key of the first table. A Foreign key can contain multiple null values. A foreign key can be more than one, in the table.
15. Differentiate between CHAR and VARCHAR2?
A. We use CHAR and VARCHAR2 in the database to store the string in the database. But the main difference between both the terms are given below:
- CHAR is of fixed size, and VARCHAR depends on the size of the actual string which we want to store
- If we use CHAR to store a string, then it will take memory as the size we have defined, but VARCHAR2 will take the memory as per the size of the string. So using VARCHAR, we can use memory efficiently
16. What is DML command in DBMS?
A. DML stands for Data Manipulation Language. The SQL commands which deals with data manipulation are referred to DML. Some DML commands are:
- SELECT- This command is used for retrieval of the data from the table of given database.
- INSERT- This command is used to insert or add the data into the table.
- UPDATE- This command is used to update the existing data in the table.
- DELETE- This command can be used to remove the records from the table.
17. What are the access specifiers in C++?
A. We use access specifier to prevent the access of the class members or to implement the feature of Data Hiding. In C++, there are some keywords used to access specifier within class body, which are given below:
- Public: If we specify a class member as public then it will be accessible from anywhere within a program. We can directly access the private member of one class from another class.
- Private: If we specify any class member as private then it will only be accessed by the function of that class only. We cannot access the private member of the class outside the class.
- Protected: Protected access specifier is mainly used in case of inheritance. If we define the class member as protected, then we cannot access class member outside the class, but we can access it by subclass or derived class of that class.
18. What do you understand by runtime polymorphism?
A. Polymorphism is a method of performing “a single task in different ways.” Polymorphism is of two types
- Runtime Polymorphism
- Compile-time polymorphism
- Here we will discuss runtime polymorphism.
Runtime Polymorphism- We can achieve runtime Polymorphism by method overriding in Java. And method overriding is a process of overriding a method in the subclass which is having the same signature as that of in superclass.
class A{ //Superclass
void name()
System.out.println(“this is student of Superclass”);
class Student extends A //Subclass
void name(){ // method Override with same signature(runtime polymorphism)
System.out.println(“this is student of subclass”);
public static void main (String[] args) {
A a= new A(); // refrence of A class
A b= new Student(); // refrence of student class
this is student of Superclass
this is student of subclass
19. What is List interface in collections?
a. List interface is an interface in Java Collection Framework. List interface extends the Collection interface.
- It is an ordered collection of objects.
- It contains duplicate elements.
- It also allows random access of elements.
public interface List<E> extends Collection<E>
20. What do you understand by object cloning?
A. Object cloning is a mechanism of creating the same copy of an object. For object cloning, we can use clone() method of the Object class. The class must implement the java.lang.Clonable interface, whose clone we want to create otherwise it will throw an exception.
Syntax of clone() method:
protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException
21. Can we insert duplicate values in Set?
We cannot insert duplicate elements in Set. If we add a duplicate element, then the output will only show the unique elements.
22. What is an abstract class in Java?
- An Abstract class is used to achieve abstraction in Java. If we use the keyword “abstract” with the class name, then it is called as an abstract class.
- An Abstract class can have only methods without body or can have methods with some implementation.
- The Abstract class cannot be instantiated
- It’s not necessary that an abstract class should have an abstract method.
abstract class Student{
23. What is deadlock condition in multithreading?
A. A Deadlock condition occurs in the case of multithreading. It is a condition when one thread is waiting for an object lock, which is already acquired by another thread and the second thread is waiting for a lock object which is taken by the first thread, so this is called the deadlock condition in Java.
24. What is the “Diamond problem” in Java?
A. The “Diamond problem” usually happens in multiple inheritances. Java does not support multiple inheritances, so in the case of Java, the diamond problem occurs when you are trying to implement multiple interfaces. When two interfaces having methods with the same signature are implemented to a single class, it creates ambiguity for the compiler about which function it has to call, so it produces an error at the compile time. Its structure looks similar to diamond thus it is called a “Diamond problem”.
25. Can we implement multiple interfaces in a single Java class?
A. Yes, it is allowed to implement multiple interfaces in a single class. In Java, multiple inheritances is achieved by implementing multiple interfaces into the class. While implementing, each interface name is separated by using a comma(,) operator.
public class ClassName implements Interface1, Interface2,…, InterfaceN
Accenture HR Round
Accenture HR Interview is the final round of selection. This round will be conducted to determine the candidate’s personality. Questions can be asked in various ranges starting from introduction, educational qualification, hobbies, strengths & weaknesses, likes, dislikes, family background, etc., Whereas, questions related to the company will be also asked in this round. The main purpose of the HR Interview is to know the candidate’s personality, ability to handle the job you have been assigned for and to check whether you will fit for the desired job role or not.
Accenture HR Interview Questions for Freshers
Refer to this section as we have mentioned some of the Accenture HR Interview Questions that will be asked in the Accenture HR Round. Go through this section and grab the essential points that are required to face the Accenture HR Interview.
- Brief about yourself
Your impression will be made in the interviewer’s mind by your response to this question. In almost all the HR interviews, this is the first question that will be asked. And, this is the foremost chance given to you to show who are. However, there is a strategic process to answer this question. While answering this question, make sure that you mention your academic qualification, previous work experience (if any), family background, and strengths and hobbies.
2. What are your strengths?
This might be an easy question but somewhat tricky to answer. With your response, the interviewer will check whether your strength would help for the job role you have opted for. While answering this question, mention the best strength you have which differentiates you from the others. Give an example like a life incident that happened where you have used your strength to come over it.
3. What is your biggest achievement till now?
Go with this question if you have any achievements. You must talk about the achievements which you have got with your effort and hard work. Once this question is asked, you must understand that the interviewer wants to know about you in deep. The traits that the interviewer expected from you by asking this question are, things that drive you, things that really matter to you? and your potential. Being very careful and genuine while answering this question is the key.
4. Why should I consider you for this job?
This is the most challenging question that has been asked in any of the interviews. This question will be asked to check whether you have the required abilities to fit in a specified job or not. You must be very careful while answering this question. Your answer to this question must make you differentiate among many. This is like an open door for a candidate to showcase him/ her and to get deleted for the desired job.
5. How will you deal with work pressure?
This is one of the most commonly asked questions in HR interviews. Before answering the questions, know that what the interviewer is expecting from you and how it could help the company. Answer this question in a positive way. If you could answer this with a past experience, it would help the interviewer to understand you in an easy way. Keep in mind that, whatever you speak must be honest and should match with your body language.
6. Are you willing to relocate?
Before appearing for the interview, one question you must ask yourself is ‘Am I willing to relocate?.’ If the answer is no, you must know that there will be fewer chances to get selected in the final round. But though if you are eager to work in the company, you can discuss with the panel member and can settle the issue. If your answer is yes, it is well and good. Sometimes, this question is asked to check your flexibility, commitment, and enthusiasm.
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