Central Board of Secondary Education has announced All India Pre Medical Test Syllabus. Candidates interested in studying MBBS/BDS from reputed medical institutions in India can appear in AIPMT exam. The Question paper of National Eligibility Entrance Test will be based on All India Pre Medical Test Syllabus. In AIPMT Syllabus 2020 the Biology, Physics, Chemistry subjects are included. Candidates have to prepare Class XI and Class XII syllabus for three subjects. Contenders check the next sections of this post for more other relevant information about the AIPMT Syllabus 2020 and AIPMT (NEET) Exam Pattern.
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AIPMT Syllabus 2020
Are you looking for AIPMT Syllabus 2020 PDF? Well, then you came to the right place. Therefore in this post, we are giving the complete AIPMT Syllabus 2020 in a PDF Format. So, all the individuals who are willing to take this All India Pre Medical Test can check it out and then start preparation. Along with that AIPMT Syllabus 2020, we are also uploading the AIPMT (NEET) Exam Pattern 2020 at the end of this post. Kindly, all the postulants check the entire article. Moreover, in the end, we are also furnished the direct link to download the AIPMT 2020 Syllabus. Therefore, individuals click on it to download for further usage. We are enclosing here for to help the people. Preparing for the AIPMT test is not an easy task. So, practice hard to get a free seat.
Moreover, getting admission in MBBS/BDS in medical and dental colleges across India is very typical. Because there are very fewer seats as compared to the number of competitors. Therefore to score the highest marks in AIPMT (NEET) 2020 it is important that to know the syllabus. After knowing have to work out on that all topics. Therefore, all the aspirants have to keep this in mind and prepare as per that. Remember that you have to do a lot of practice with the help of the AIPMT Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2020. And also, make a planner according to that. So, that you can easily cover all the topics without missing anyone. Therefore, it is better, that you can make two or more revisions. Individuals have to remember that the officials of the Central Board of Secondary Education are going to conduct the Exam in upcoming months.
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AIPMT Syllabus 2020 – Overview
Name Of The Organization | Central Board of Secondary Education |
Name Of The Examination | All India Pre Medical Test |
Courses Offered | MBBS/MDS |
Category | Entrance Exams |
Sub Category | Dental Entrance Exam, Medical Entrance Exam |
Official Website |
cbse.nic.in |
Therefore, preparing with the help of the AIPMT Syllabus 2020 contenders can grab the free seat in their dream university. Aspirants will get a complete idea about the subjects and Number of questions when referring all the provided materials. Therefore, by verifying all the provided topics contenders will get good marks, etc. Moreover, without the help of the AIPMT (NEET) Exam Pattern 2020 and AIPMT Syllabus 2020, there is no use for preparation. But having the correct AIPMT Syllabus 2020 PDF and NEET Exam Pattern 2020 contenders can easily ace the test. Therefore, keep this in mind while starting your preparation. Furthermore, below in this post, we are enclosing the complete AIPMT (NEET) Exam Pattern 2020 in a precise manner.
AIPMT (NEET) Exam Pattern 2020
Candidates who are appearing for the All India Pre Medical Test must check the AIPMT (NEET) Exam Pattern. Meanwhile, contenders have to complete their paper in 3 hours. Invigilators will not give extra time to complete paper. So aspirants need more practice to complete the test in time. Therefore, candidates will be asked objective type questions with multiple answers for each question. And also the exam answer paper pattern will be in OMR form. And there will be a total of 180 questions. The AIPMT question paper will consist of subjects like Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (Botany & Zoology). Moreover, the exam will be conducted on the pen-paper basis. That is through the offline process. Therefore, the question paper will be conducted in different languages. Meanwhile, applicants have to choose for their suitable language.
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Therefore we intimate the candidates that maximum of three attempts will be allowed for AIPMT Exam. Consequently, the number of attempts will be counted from the year 2017. The AIPMT question paper will be available in total ten languages. They are Tamil, Hindi, Marathi, English, Telugu, Assamese, Gujarati, Bengali, Oriya and Kannada. For each correct answer, four marks will be awarded. And also, for each wrong answer, one mark will be deducted. Furthermore, details scroll down to check.
Name of the Subject | Number of Questions | Minimum Marks |
Chemistry | 45 | 180 |
Physics | 45 | 180 |
Biology (Botany & Zoology) | 90 | 360 |
Total | 180 | 720 |
AIPMT Syllabus 2020 PDF Download
Moreover, aspirants have to compulsorily refer to the AIPMT Syllabus 2020 PDF Download to qualify the AIPMT examination. At present generation getting qualified for the competitive exams and also entrance exams is not an easy task. So, contenders have to check the AIPMT Syllabus 2020 and exam pattern to crack the exam easily. Moreover, applicants can click on the active link in this article to download the Syllabus for free of cost. Therefore, we suggest all the aspirants download the Syllabus and AIPMT previous papers. And prepare well to score good marks and good rank to achieve a free seat. In addition to this, most of all candidates are unable to find the exact links to download the AIPMT Syllabus. Therefore, scroll throughout the article to see furthermore latest links that are useful to you.
AIPMT (NEET) Exam Syllabus
AIPMT Physics Class XI Syllabus
- Physical world and measurement
- Kinematics
- Oscillations and Waves
- The motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body
- Work, Energy, and Power
- Laws of Motion
- Gravitation
- Properties of Bulk Matter
- Thermodynamics
- The behavior of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory
Physics Class XII Syllabus
- Optics
- Electromagnetic Waves
- Atoms and Nuclei
- Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
- Electromagnetic Waves
- Electronic Devices
- Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
- Current Electricity
- Electrostatics
- Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
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NEET Syllabus for Chemistry Class XI
- States of Matter: Gases and Liquids
- Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
- Organic Chemistry- Some Basic Principles and Techniques
- Structure of Atom
- Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
- Some p-Block Elements
- Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
- Environmental Chemistry
- Thermodynamics
- Hydrogen
- Redox Reactions
- Equilibrium
- s-Block Element (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals)
- Hydrocarbons
Class XII Chemistry Syllabus For AIPMT Exam
- Solid State
- Chemical Kinetics
- General Principles and also the processes of Isolation of Elements
- Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers
- p- Block Elements
- Solutions
- Electrochemistry
- Surface Chemistry
- Coordination Compounds
- Chemistry in Everyday Life
- Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
- d and f Block Elements
- Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
- Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
- Polymers
- Biomolecules
Biology Syllabus For Class XI
- Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants
- Diversity in Living World
- Human physiology
- Cell Structure and Function
- Plant Physiology
Class XII Biology Syllabus
- Reproduction
- Biotechnology and Its Applications
- Genetics and Evolution
- Ecology and environment
- Biology and Human Welfare
Download AIPMT Syllabus 2020 PDF: Click Here
Hence, we hope the information that we are providing is useful for candidates. Therefore, furthermore recent and everlasting updates stay tuned to our website Freshersnow.