Amazon Interview Experience (Latest): Here to know about the Amazon Interview Experience for Freshers? Then this article is exclusively for you. We know many of you guys will be wondering about what the Amazon Interview Experience is like for candidates who have already done their interviews. So, we have articulated this article to shed some light for you. Below are some of the Amazon On Campus Interview Experience and Amazon Off Campus Interview Experiences we have included taken from the aspirants who have given their interviews recently. And now, we hope these Latest Amazon Interview Experiences can give you guys what you are searching for and establish some confidence in you to perform well when your time comes.
Amazon Interview Experience – Overview
Latest Amazon Interview Experience for Freshers | |
Organization Name | Amazon |
Qualifications | Any Graduate/ Post Graduate |
Job Role | Multiple |
Category | Interview Experience |
Job Location | Across India |
Experience | Freshers |
Official Website | www.amazon.in |
Latest Amazon Interview Experience
Check out the Latest Amazon Interview Experience that we have enlisted below entirely for you and know how different candidates have performed in their interview and got a positive result at the end of the rigorous interview. Now, without any delay scroll down and check out the Amazon On Campus Interview Experience and Amazon Off Campus Interview Experience we have provided and know how the interview went like for your co-students and whether they have been selected or not.
Candidate #1 Amazon On Campus Interview Experience
Job Role – SDE
Status – Selected
Difficulty level – Moderate to Hard
I belong to B.Tech (CSE) background and recently the Amazon as recruited few students from our college. It is an On-Campus interview for me, basically, the overall Amazon recruitment process included the following rounds.
- Written Test/ Online Coding Round
- Multiple Technical Rounds
- Managerial Round
- Bar Raiser Round
Round 1 (Online Assessment/ Online Coding Test) – The first round will be the screening round, and it contains the following sections.
- Technical (Code Debugging) – 20 Mins
- Work Styles Assessments – 20 Mins
- Aptitude & Reasoning Ability – 35 Mins
- Coding Round – 70 Mins
1. The overall difficulty level can be differed from easy to moderate. Any individual who has a full grip over concepts can get through this round.
2. But the main challenge will be to complete the task within the allotted time. So, you have to make a lot of practice to complete in respective sections within the time.
Round 2: Technical Round
Once I got shortlisted in the Online Assessment Round, I was asked to appear for the Amazon Technical Interview round. I was familiar that Amazon conducts multiple technical rounds to shortlist the candidates for further rounds. So, you can know how stressful it is and at the same time, you can expect the difficulty level too. To get a brief idea of how the Amazon Technical Interview went for me, check out the Amazon Technical Interview Experience given below.
Here are some of the questions that I was at the time of the Technical Interview Round 2.
1. Find the element that appears once in a sorted array (Given a sorted array in which all elements appear twice (one after one) and one element appears only once. Find that element in O(log n) complexity.)
2. Remove duplicates from a sorted linked list (Write a function that takes a list sorted in non-decreasing order and deletes any duplicate nodes from the list. The list should only be traversed once)
3. Check if a number can be expressed as a sum of consecutive numbers (Given a number n, the task is to check whether it can be expressed as a sum of two or more consecutive numbers or not.)
4. Print all k-sum paths in a binary tree (A binary tree and a number k are given. Print every path in the tree with the sum of the nodes in the path as k.)
5. What is multi-threading? Give me an example of where it is used
6. What are the resources shared b/w multiple threads.
After I have confidently and correctly answered all the questions I was sure I’ll be shortlisted for the next round. And I got my answer when they asked me to appear for the next set of technical interview rounds.
Round 3: Technical Round
The previous round result has given me a boost and increased my confidence. Round 3 Technical Round little hard when compared to the previous round. The interviewer asked me the following questions. So, make sure you guys prepare similar types of questions.
1. Painter’s partition problem (We have to paint n boards of length {A1, A2…An}. There are k painters available and each takes 1 unit time to paint 1 unit of the board. The problem is to find the minimum time to get this job done under the constraints that any painter will only paint continuous sections of boards, say board {2, 3, 4} or only board {1} or nothing but not board {2, 4, 5}.)
2. Algorithm to find the maximum non-adjacent sum in n-ary tree
3. Given k sorted arrays, merge them all in a single sorted array.
4. Given a linked list, find its length.
Round 4: Technical Round
Following are the Technical Interview Questions that were faced by me in the 4th technical round.
1. Minimum steps to reach the target by a Knight (Given a square chessboard of N x N size, the position of Knight and position of a target is given. We need to find out the minimum steps a Knight will take to reach the target position.)
2. Few Questions about BFS, its time and space complexity.
3. Type of Data Structures and their real-time applications.
Round 5: Managerial Round
In this round, the interviewer will ask questions to test your leadership skills. Check out the below questions to know what sort of questions will be asked in this round.
1. What would you do if you are stuck in a huge Technical problem? Support your answer with a real-time situation you have faced.
2. Describe an incident where you were in a difficult situation
3. And some other situation-based questions on how I reacted will react are asked.
Final Round – Bar Rasier
1. Asked leadership questions related to Insist on higher standards.
2. Longest Consecutive Subsequence (Given an array of integers, find the length of the longest sub-sequence such that elements in the subsequence are consecutive integers, the consecutive numbers can be in any order)
The main theme of this round is to test technical knowledge, previous projects, design concepts & leadership principles.
I hope you got how tremendous an experience it was. Well, finally my effort paid off and I got the result saying that I got SELECTED!!!!
Candidate #2: Amazon Off Campus Interview Experience
Status – Selected
The students who are appearing for the Amazon Off Campus Interview may check out my Amazon Interview Experience to know what the interview process will be like, whether it will be difficult or easy? and what sort of questions will be asked all these can be answered through this.
The overall process has 4 rounds.
- Online Assessment Test
- Technical Interview Round 1
- Technical Interview Round 2
- Bar Rasier Round
Round 1 – Online Assessment Test
In this round, I was asked 2 coding questions and was given a time limit of 70 mins. The difficulty level is Moderate to Difficult.
Round 2 – Technical Interview Round
This Round is all about testing your coding skills. Below are some of the questions that were asked by the interviewer to me.
1. Introduce Yourself
2. Check if a given Binary Tree is SumTree
3. Move all zeroes to the end of the array (Given an array of random numbers, Push all the zero’s of a given array to the end of the array. For example, if the given arrays is {1, 9, 8, 4, 0, 0, 2, 7, 0, 6, 0}, it should be changed to {1, 9, 8, 4, 2, 7, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0}. The order of all other elements should be the same. The expected time complexity is O(n) and the extra space is O(1).)
4. You will start at a point (X, Y) on a grid of dimensions (M, N). Return the no. of ways in which you can cross the border of the grid in exactly k steps.
If you are struct somewhere in coding don’t panic. The Amazon interviewers are friendly, they will explain the problem and why you struct there. The technical round will be just like a discussion. So, don’t get nervous.
Round 3 – Technical Interview Round
A brief introduction about yourself can be expected in this round 2.
1. Maximum sub-tree sum in a Binary Tree such that the sub-tree is also a BST (Given a binary tree, the task is to print the maximum sum of nodes of a sub-tree which is also a Binary Search Tree.)
2. Time Complexities of some programs and how you will calculate it.
4. Count ways to reach the nth stair (There are n stairs, a person standing at the bottom wants to reach the top. The person can climb either 1 stair or 2 stairs at a time. Count the number of ways, the person can reach the top.)
Final Round – Bar Raiser
The interviewer asked me about my final year & mini-projects that I have done and mentioned in my resume. And below are some of the questions he asked me in Bar Raiser round.
1. Why Amazon?
2. Tell me about a time when you have exceeded expectations.
3. Tell me about a time when you have delivered late? If yes what was the reason for the delay?
4. The approach, the challenges I faced, and their solutions.
We sincerely hope this article has helped in some way in knowing about how positive Amazon Interview Experience for different candidates is like. For more such splendid interview experiences do check our Freshersnow.com website.
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