Apache Bench MCQs and Answers With Explanation – Apache Bench is a popular load-testing tool used to evaluate the performance and scalability of web applications. This tool can simulate various HTTP requests, measure the response time, and provide other important metrics. The tool is available for free and can be easily installed on most operating systems. Now if you are preparing for an interview or any other exam on Apache Bench then you should check this Apache Bench Online MCQ Quiz to improve your knowledge.
Apache Bench MCQs with Answers
In this set of Top 50 Apache Bench MCQs, you will learn about Apache Bench’s features, command-line syntax, and options used for load testing.
Apache Bench Multiple Choice Questions
Name | Apache Bench |
Exam Type | MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) |
Category | Technical Quiz |
Mode of Quiz | Online |
Top 50 Apache Bench MCQs | Practice Online Quiz
1. What is Apache Bench?
A. A web server
B. A load testing tool
C. A caching mechanism
D. A database management system
Answer: B
Explanation: Apache Bench is a load testing tool used to measure the performance and scalability of web applications.
2. Which HTTP method is used by Apache Bench?
Explanation: Apache Bench can use any HTTP method, but the default method is GET.
3. What is the syntax for running Apache Bench from the command line?
A. ab [options] [http[s]://]hostname[:port]/path
B. bench [options] [http[s]://]hostname[:port]/path
C. apache [options] [http[s]://]hostname[:port]/path
D. loadtest [options] [http[s]://]hostname[:port]/path
Answer: A
Explanation: The correct syntax for running Apache Bench from the command line is “ab [options] [http[s]://]hostname[:port]/path”.
4. Which option specifies the number of requests to make?
A. -n
B. -c
C. -t
D. -p
Answer: A
Explanation: The -n option specifies the number of requests to make.
5. Which option specifies the number of concurrent requests?
A. -n
B. -c
C. -t
D. -p
Answer: B
Explanation: The -c option specifies the number of concurrent requests.
6. Which option specifies the length of the test in seconds?
A. -n
B. -c
C. -t
D. -p
Answer: C
Explanation: The -t option specifies the length of the test in seconds.
7. Which option specifies the POST data to send?
A. -n
B. -c
C. -t
D. -p
Answer: D
Explanation: The -p option specifies the POST data to send.
8. Which option specifies the content type of the POST data?
A. -H
B. -T
C. -C
D. -P
Answer: B
Explanation: The -T option specifies the content type of the POST data.
9. Which option specifies the headers to send?
A. -H
B. -T
C. -C
D. -P
Answer: A
Explanation: The -H option specifies the headers to send.
10. Which option specifies the SSL/ TLS protocol to use?
A. -k
B. -r
C. -s
D. -y
Answer: C
Explanation: The -s option specifies the SSL/TLS protocol to use.
11. Which option specifies the SSL/ TLS certificate file to use?
A. -C
B. -R
C. -S
D. -Y
Answer: A
Explanation: The -C option specifies the SSL/TLS certificate file to use.
12. Which option specifies the SSL/TLS key file to use?
A. -K
B. -Q
C. -V
D. -W
Answer: A
Explanation: The -K option specifies the SSL/TLS key file to use.
13. Which option specifies the SSL/ TLS passphrase?
A. -M
B. -N
C. -O
D. -P
Answer: D
Explanation: The -P option specifies the SSL/TLS passphrase.
14. Which option specifies the SSL/TLS CA certificate file to use?
A. -B
B. -D
C. -E
D. -F
Answer: A
Explanation: The -B option specifies the SSL/TLS CA certificate file to use.
15. Which option specifies the SSL/TLS verify depth?
A. -G
B. -H
C. -I
D. -J
Answer: B
Explanation: The -H option specifies the SSL/TLS verify depth.
16. Which option specifies the HTTP version to use?
A. -H
B. -V
C. -W
D. -X
Answer: B
Explanation: The -V option specifies the HTTP version to use.
17. Which option specifies the username for authentication?
A. -u
B. -v
C. -w
D. -x
Answer: A
Explanation: The -u option specifies the username for authentication.
18. Which option specifies the password for authentication?
A. -p
B. -q
C. -r
D. -s
Answer: A
Explanation: The -p option specifies the password for authentication.
19. Which option specifies the number of requests per second to make?
A. -g
B. -h
C. -i
D. None of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: Apache Bench does not have an option to specify the number of requests per second to make.
20. Which option specifies the rate at which requests are made?
A. -R
B. -S
C. -T
D. -U
Answer: A
Explanation: The -R option specifies the rate at which requests are made.
21. Which option specifies the output file for the results?
A. -f
B. -g
C. -h
D. -i
Answer: B
Explanation: The -g option specifies the output file for the results.
22. Which option specifies the verbosity level of the output?
A. -v
B. -w
C. -x
D. -y
Answer: A
Explanation: The -v option specifies the verbosity level of the output.
23. Which option specifies the time delay between requests?
A. -d
B. -e
C. -f
D. -g
Answer: A
Explanation: The -d option specifies the time delay between requests.
24. Which option specifies the window size for the TCP socket?
A. -A
B. -B
C. -C
D. -D
Answer: B
Explanation: The -B option specifies the window size for the TCP socket.
25. Which option specifies the maximum number of requests to make per connection?
A. -E
B. -F
C. -K
D. -H
Answer: C
Explanation: The -k option specifies the maximum number of requests to make per connection.
26. Which option specifies the timeout for each request?
A. -T
B. -U
C. -V
D. -S
Answer: D
Explanation: The -s option specifies the timeout for each request.
27. Which option specifies the number of threads to use?
A. -N
B. -O
C. -P
D. -Q
Answer: C
Explanation: The -P option specifies the number of threads to use.
28. Which option specifies the method for resolving hostnames?
A. -1
B. -2
C. -3
D. -4
Answer: D
Explanation: The -4 option specifies the method for resolving hostnames.
29. Which option specifies the source IP address to use?
A. -5
B. -6
C. -7
D. -8
Answer: B
Explanation: The -B option specifies the source IP address to use.
30. Which option specifies the network device to use?
A. -9
B. -0
C. -a
D. -b
Answer: B
Explanation: The -B option specifies the network device to use.
31. Which option specifies the maximum size of the request?
A. -L
B. -M
C. -N
D. -O
Answer: A
Explanation: The -l option specifies the maximum size of the request.
32. Which option specifies the minimum size of the request?
A. -P
B. -Q
C. -R
D. -S
Answer: C
Explanation: The -r option specifies the minimum size of the request.
33. Which option specifies the timeout for establishing a connection?
A. -j
B. -k
C. -l
D. -m
Answer: C
Explanation: The -C option specifies the timeout for establishing a connection.
34. Which option specifies the method for sending the data?
A. -N
B. -O
C. -P
D. -Q
Answer: C
Explanation: The -p option specifies the method for sending the data.
35. Which option specifies the number of seconds to run the test?
A. -t
B. -u
C. -v
D. -w
Answer: A
Explanation: The -t option specifies the number of seconds to run the test.
36. Which option specifies the IP address to use?
A. -x
B. -y
C. -z
D. -A
Answer: A
Explanation: The -a option specifies the IP address to use.
37. Which option specifies the user agent string?
A. -B
B. -C
C. -D
D. -E
Answer: B
Explanation: The B option specifies the user agent string.
38. Which option specifies the content type header?
A. -F
B. -G
C. -H
D. -I
Answer: D
Explanation: The D option specifies the content type header.
39. Which option specifies the accept header?
A. -J
B. -K
C. -L
D. -M
Answer: A
Explanation: The A option specifies the accept header.
40. Which option specifies the proxy server to use?
A. -N
B. -O
C. -P
D. -Q
Answer: C
Explanation: The C option specifies the proxy server to use.
41. Which option specifies the proxy username?
A. -R
B. -S
C. -T
D. -U
Answer: A
Explanation: The A option specifies the proxy username.
42. Which option specifies the proxy password?
A. -V
B. -W
C. -X
D. -Y
Answer: D
Explanation: The D option specifies the proxy password.
43. Which option specifies the SSL/TLS version to use?
A. -Z
B. -Aa
C. -Ab
D. -Ac
Answer: A
Explanation: The A option specifies the SSL/TLS version to use.
44. Which option specifies the SSL/TLS ciphers to use?
A. -Ad
B. -Ae
C. -Af
D. -Ag
Answer: B
Explanation: The B option specifies the SSL/TLS ciphers to use.
45. Which option specifies the SSL/TLS client certificate?
A. -Ah
B. -Ai
C. -Aj
D. -Ak
Answer: B
Explanation: The B option specifies the SSL/TLS client certificate.
46. Which option specifies the SSL/TLS client key?
A. -Al
B. -Am
C. -An
D. -Ao
Answer: A
Explanation: The A option specifies the SSL/TLS client key.
47. Which option specifies the SSL/TLS client key password?
A. -Ap
B. -Aq
C. -Ar
D. None of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: The correct option to specify the SSL/TLS client key password in Apache Bench is -p, which is used to specify the passphrase for the private key.
48. Which option specifies the number of requests to send concurrently?
A. -a
B. -b
C. -c
D. -d
Answer: C
Explanation: The -c option specifies the number of requests to send concurrently.
49. Which option specifies the number of requests to send in total?
A. -e
B. -f
C. -g
D. -n
Answer: D
Explanation: The -n option specifies the number of requests to send in total.
50. Which option specifies the URL to send the requests to?
A. -i
B. -n
C. -k
D. -l
Answer: B
Explanation: The -n option is used to specify the URL of the server to which the requests will be sent.
The Apache Bench tool is a useful utility for web developers and administrators to test the performance and reliability of web servers. By simulating multiple requests, it provides insights into the server’s capacity to handle traffic, response time, and resource utilization. And we hope this article about Apache Bench Multiple Choice Questions/ Apache Bench MCQs with Answers has helped you in learning new things related to the Apache Bench concept. Feel free to browse our Freshersnow portal regularly to get the latest quiz updates.