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Apache Common Collections Quiz – Details
Quiz Name | Apache Common Collections |
Exam Type | MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) |
Category | Technical Quiz |
Mode of Quiz | Online |
Latest Apache Common Collections Online Quiz
Which data structure in Apache Common Collections can be used to store key-value pairs where the keys are unique?
a) Bag
b) Set
c) Map
d) List
Answer: c) Map
Explanation: A Map in Apache Common Collections is a data structure that stores key-value pairs where each key is unique.
Which data structure in Apache Common Collections maintains a sorted order of elements?
a) Map
b) Set
c) Bag
d) List
Answer: d) List
Explanation: A List in Apache Common Collections maintains a sorted order of elements according to their position in the list.
Which data structure in Apache Common Collections is used to store multiple values for the same key?
a) Bag
b) Set
c) Map
d) List
Answer: a) Bag
Explanation: A Bag in Apache Common Collections is a data structure that can store multiple values for the same key.
Which data structure in Apache Common Collections is used to store elements in a circular buffer?
a) CircularBuffer
b) Queue
c) Stack
d) LinkedList
Answer: a) CircularBuffer
Explanation: The CircularBuffer data structure in Apache Common Collections is used to store elements in a circular buffer.
Which data structure in Apache Common Collections is used to store elements in a LIFO (Last In First Out) order?
a) Queue
b) Stack
c) LinkedList
d) Map
Answer: b) Stack
Explanation: A Stack in Apache Common Collections stores elements in a LIFO (Last In First Out) order.
Which data structure in Apache Common Collections is used to store elements in a FIFO (First In First Out) order?
a) Queue
b) Stack
c) LinkedList
d) Map
Answer: a) Queue
Explanation: A Queue in Apache Common Collections stores elements in a FIFO (First In First Out) order.
Which data structure in Apache Common Collections is used to store elements in a linked list?
a) Queue
b) Stack
c) LinkedList
d) Map
Answer: c) LinkedList
Explanation: A LinkedList in Apache Common Collections is a data structure that stores elements in a linked list.
Which data structure in Apache Common Collections is used to store elements in a hash table?
a) HashBag
b) HashSet
c) HashMap
d) HashedList
Answer: c) HashMap
Explanation: A HashMap in Apache Common Collections is a data structure that stores elements in a hash table.
Which data structure in Apache Common Collections is used to store elements in a tree-like structure?
a) TreeList
b) TreeSet
c) TreeMap
d) TreeBag
Answer: c) TreeMap
Explanation: A TreeMap in Apache Common Collections stores elements in a tree-like structure.
Which data structure in Apache Common Collections is used to store elements in a sorted order according to their natural ordering?
a) TreeSet
b) SortedMap
c) SortedBag
d) SortedList
Answer: a) TreeSet
Explanation: A TreeSet in Apache Common Collections stores elements in a sorted order according to their natural ordering.
Which data structure in Apache Common Collections is used to store elements in a sorted order according to a custom comparator?
a) SortedList
b) SortedBag
c) SortedSet
d) SortedMap
Answer: c) SortedSet
Explanation: A SortedSet in Apache Common Collections stores elements in a sorted order according to a custom comparator.
Which data structure in Apache Common Collections can be used to store elements in a stack-like structure, but also allows for fast access to the element at the top of the stack?
a) BoundedStack
b) CircularFifo
c) ArrayStack
d) LinkedStack
Answer: d) LinkedStack
Explanation: A LinkedStack in Apache Common Collections is a data structure that can be used to store elements in a stack-like structure, but also allows for fast access to the element at the top of the stack.
Which data structure in Apache Common Collections is used to store elements in a fixed-size buffer, overwriting old elements when the buffer is full?
a) BoundedFifoBuffer
b) CircularFifoBuffer
c) ArrayBlockingQueue
d) LinkedBlockingQueue
Answer: b) CircularFifoBuffer
Explanation: A CircularFifoBuffer in Apache Common Collections is a data structure that is used to store elements in a fixed-size buffer, overwriting old elements when the buffer is full.
Which data structure in Apache Common Collections is used to store elements in a sorted order according to their insertion order?
a) LinkedHashSet
b) LinkedBag
c) LinkedMap
d) LinkedList
Answer: a) LinkedHashSet
Explanation: A LinkedHashSet in Apache Common Collections stores elements in a sorted order according to their insertion order.
Which data structure in Apache Common Collections is used to store elements in a fixed-size buffer, throwing an exception when the buffer is full?
a) BoundedFifoBuffer
b) CircularFifoBuffer
c) ArrayBlockingQueue
d) LinkedBlockingQueue
Answer: c) ArrayBlockingQueue
Explanation: An ArrayBlockingQueue in Apache Common Collections is a data structure that is used to store elements in a fixed-size buffer, throwing an exception when the buffer is full.
Which data structure in Apache Common Collections can be used to store elements in a map-like structure where the keys are ordered?
a) TreeBag
b) SortedBag
c) OrderedMap
d) SortedMap
Answer: d) SortedMap
Explanation: A SortedMap in Apache Common Collections can be used to store elements in a map-like structure where the keys are ordered.
Which data structure in Apache Common Collections is used to store elements in a queue-like structure that allows for efficient access to both the front and back of the queue?
a) LinkedBlockingDeque
b) LinkedBlockingQueue
c) ArrayDeque
d) ArrayBlockingQueue
Answer: a) LinkedBlockingDeque
Explanation: A LinkedBlockingDeque in Apache Common Collections is a data structure that can be used to store elements in a queue-like structure that allows for efficient access to both the front and back of the queue.
Which data structure in Apache Common Collections is used to store elements in a hash table-like structure where the keys are ordered?
a) OrderedMap
b) SortedMap
c) LinkedMap
d) HashedMap
Answer: a) OrderedMap
Explanation: An OrderedMap in Apache Common Collections is a data structure that can be used to store elements in a hash table-like structure where the keys are ordered.
Which data structure in Apache Common Collections is used to store elements in a map-like structure that maintains the order in which elements were added to the structure?
a) LinkedMap
b) OrderedMap
c) InsertionOrderedMap
d) SortedMap
Answer: c) InsertionOrderedMap
Explanation: An InsertionOrderedMap in Apache Common Collections is a data structure that stores elements in a map-like structure that maintains the order in which elements were added to the structure.
Which data structure in Apache Common Collections is used to store elements in a hash table-like structure that allows for efficient access to the elements in the order in which they were added?
a) LinkedMap
b) OrderedMap
c) InsertionOrderedMap
d) AccessOrderedMap
Answer: d) AccessOrderedMap
Explanation: An AccessOrderedMap in Apache Common Collections is a data structure that stores elements in a hash table-like structure that allows for efficient access to the elements in the order in which they were added. This can be useful in situations where you want to iterate over the elements in the map in the order in which they were added, without having to first sort the keys.
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