APPSC Group 4 Reference Books | Best Books For APPSC Group 4 Exam (Prelims, Mains) in English, Telugu Medium: Candidates who are preparing for the APPSC Group 4 Exam can go through this page. Our team has made efforts to help you during your APPSC Group 4 Exam Preparation. The officials of the APPSC will conduct the Group 4 Exam to select candidates for various open positions.
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Also, you can easily take the list of Best Books For APPSC Group 4 Exam which are to be included during the test practice. We wish the information shared above about APPSC Group 4 Best Books helped you to an extent. APPSC Group IV Exam had the choice for candidates to appear in English or Telugu medium. So, keeping that view in mind, we have provided APPSC Group 4 Reference Books in both mediums.
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APPSC Group 4 Previous Papers | APPSC Group 4 Syllabus |
How To Prepare for APPSC Group 4 Exam? | APPSC Recruitment |
APPSC Group 4 Exam Scheme
Name of the Subject | Number of Questions/ Number of Marks | Time Duration |
General Studies
150 | 150 Minutes |
Secretarial Abilities
150 | 150 Minutes |
Type of Examination: Objective Type |
Best Books For APPSC Group 4 Exam – English Medium
The below listed APPSC Group 4 Reference Books In English medium. So students who will prepare and write an exam in English can go through these books.
- APPSC General Studies & Mental Ability – Vijeta Competitions Editorial Board
- A.P State Govt And Indian Govt Schemes – Annapurna Experts
- Daily Newspapers like The Hindu
- A modern approach to Logical Reasoning – R.S Agrawal
- Quantitative Aptitude for competitive exams – R S Agrawal
- NCERT books for Botany and Zoology
- APPSC Science & Technology group 1, 2, 3, 4 Telugu Paperback – Vijetha Competitions
- Indian Polity- M. Laxmikanth
- History of Modern Andhra Pradesh (1858-2016)- P Raghunatha Raos
- NCERT books for Physics
- The budget of AP and India
Best Books For APPSC Group 4 – Telugu Medium
Candidates who are preparing and writing exams flexibly in the Telugu language can adopt the below-listed books for the preparation process. The below books are as standard as the above English books. The concepts are framed in simple Telugu, to understand by every candidate who follows.
- APPSC Group-I MAINS Paper-IV ( S & T, Lie Sciences, Environment)- Hari Krishna
- The reasoning for S.I, Group-I, II, III, IV, RRB, Constables, ICET, and all the competitive exams – Puppala Shivaji
- The budget of AP and India
- Daily Newspapers like Eenadu, Sakshi
- APPSC AP Bifurcation Guide – Vijeta Competitions
- APPSC AP Government Schemes – Vijeta competitions
We hope that the above-provided information about the APPSC Group 4 Reference Books is helpful for your preparation and to qualify for exams. For any Top Exam Reference Books and Best Books, you can reach our portal @ freshersnow.com website. If you have any queries about any competitive exam, comment below we will reach you.