Arunachal Pradesh Post Matric Scholarship @ scholarships.gov.in | Umbrella Scheme Eligibility, Application Form: The higher authorities of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs have announced the notification on Arunachal Pradesh Scholarship. This page has given the full-fledge details such as Arunachal Pradesh Post Matric Eligibility, Objectives, duration, the value of scholarship, scope, duration, etc. Before applying for the Arunachal Pradesh Umbrella Scheme Scholarship, candidates have to go through the complete essential details given in this article. Moreover, we have also given the direct link to register for the Arunachal Pradesh Post Matric Umbrella Scheme Scholarship.
Arunachal Pradesh Post Matric Scholarship – Details
Arunachal Pradesh Post Matric Scholarship | Umbrella Scheme Eligibility, Application Form | |
Organization Name | Ministry of Tribal Affairs |
Name of the Scholarship | Umbrella Scheme for Education of ST Children -Post Matric Scholarship (PMS) for ST Students Arunachal Pradesh |
Category | Scholarships |
Academic Year | 2022-2023 |
Starting Date for Registration | To Be Announced |
End Date for Registration | To Be Announced |
Official Website | scholarships.gov.in |
Arunachal Pradesh Scholarship – Salient Features
Post Matric Scholarship (PMS) for ST Students
- A Centrally Sponsored Scheme implemented by the State Governments and Union Territory Administrations.
- 100% Central assistance over and above the committed liability of the States Governments/ UTs Admn. from the Government of India.
- The Scheme provides financial assistance to the Scheduled Tribe students studying at the post matriculation or post-secondary stage.
- Scholarships are available for studies in India only.
- The State Government and UT to which the applicant actually belongs awards the scholarship.
- The scheme also covers central assistance to States/ UTs for setting up Book Banks.
Arunachal Pradesh Post Matric Eligibility
Post Matric Scholarship (PMS) for ST Students
- Scholarships are paid to students whose parents/ guardians’ income from all sources does not exceed Rs. 2.50 lakh per annum.
- All children of the same parents/ guardian are eligible.
- Scheduled Tribe candidates who have passed the matriculation or higher secondary or any higher examination of a recognized University or Board of Secondary Education are eligible.
- The scholarships are available for the study of all recognized post matriculation or postsecondary courses in recognized institutions except certain identified training courses like Aircraft Maintenance Engineer’s Courses, Private Pilot Licence courses, etc.
- Students studying through correspondence courses are eligible.
- Employed students on leave without pay for the entire duration of a full-time course are
eligible for the course. - The scholarship holder under this scheme will not hold any other scholarship/ stipend.
- Students who have received coaching in any of the pre-examination training centers with financial assistance from the Government will not be eligible.
Arunachal Pradesh Umbrella Scheme Scholarship – Benefits
Post Matric Scholarship (PMS) for ST students
- Scholars are paid:- (a) Fees for enrolment/ registration, tuition, games, Union, Library, Magazine, Medical Examination, and such other fees compulsorily payable by the scholar to the Institution or University/ Board.
- Study tours charge up to a maximum of Rs. 1600/- per annum.
- Thesis typing and printing charges up to a maximum of Rs. 1600/- for the research scholars.
- Additional allowances to the ST students with disabilities at the prescribed rates for different degrees of disability.
- Annual allowance of Rs.1200/- for essential/ prescribed books, besides reimbursement of course fees to correspondence course students.
Maintenance allowance as mentioned below:-
For Hostellers
Group | Courses | Hostellers |
Group-I |
1200 |
Group – II |
820 |
Group-III | All other courses leading to a graduate degree not covered under Group I & II eg. BA/ B Sc/ B Com etc | 570 |
Group- IV | All post-matriculation level non-degree courses for which entrance qualification is High School (Class X), e.g. senior secondary certificate (class XI and XII); both general and vocational stream, ITI courses, 3-year diploma courses in Polytechnics, etc | 380 |
For Day Scholars
Group | Courses | Day Scholars |
Group-I |
550 |
Group – II |
530 |
Group-III | All other courses leading to a graduate degree not covered under Group I & II eg. BA/ B Sc/ B Com etc | 300 |
Group- IV | All post-matriculation level non-degree courses for which entrance qualification is High School (Class X), e.g. senior secondary certificate (class XI and XII); both general and vocational stream, ITI courses, 3-year diploma courses in Polytechnics, etc | 230 |
Note: Central assistance to States/ UTs for setting up of Book Banks is given @ prescribed rates. For the degree courses maximum limit is Rs. 7500/- for a set of books for two students and for a Post-Graduate course @ Rs. 5000/- per student.
Arunachal Pradesh Post Matric Umbrella Scheme Scholarship
Upgradation of Merit of ST Students
The objective of the scheme is to upgrade the merit of ST students by providing them remedial and special coaching in classes IX to XII. While remedial coaching aims at removing deficiencies in various subjects, special coaching is provided with a view to preparing the students for competitive examinations for seeking entry into professional courses like Engineering and Medical disciplines. The scheme was revised from time to time. The last revisions in the Scheme were made during 2008-09.
Arunachal Pradesh Post Matric Scholarship
Salient Features
- The State Government/ UT Administration selects certain schools in different Districts/ towns with hostel facilities that show excellence in the performance of students from class IX to XII.
- The Ministry fixes the total number of awards for each State annually.
- Coaching starts from class IX in the identified schools and continues till the awardees complete class XII.
- Coaching is provided in languages, science, mathematics as well as special coaching for admission to professional courses like engineering and medicine.
- While selecting the ST students the aim is to include at least 30% girl students and 3% disabled students.
- The scheme provides for 100% central assistance to the States/ UT’s
Arunachal Pradesh Scholarship – Benefits
A package grant of Rs. 19,500/- per student per year comprising the following:
Rs. 11,500/- per student per year as under Boarding & lodging charges @ Rs. 700/- Per month for 10 months | Rs. 7,000/- |
Pocket Money @ Rs. 200/- for 10 months | Rs. 2,000/- |
Books and Stationery | Rs. 2,500/- |
- Rs. 8,000/- per year per student for honorarium to Principal, Experts, and other incidental charges.
- Besides the amount of scholarship, students with disabilities are also eligible for the additional grants provided in the Scheme.
Steps To Register For Arunachal Pradesh Post Matric Scholarship
- Navigate to the official site @ scholarships.gov.in.
- The home page will appear on the screen.
- At the top of the page, candidates can see the “Ne” section.
- Click on that section.
- Enter all the personal details, and upload the documents.
- Then give a hit on the Submit button.
- Finally, take a copy of the Arunachal Pradesh Post Matric Scholarship application form for later use.
Arunachal Pradesh Post Matric Scholarship | |
To Apply For Arunachal Pradesh Post Matric Scholarship |
Link will be activated based on the official announcement |
To Check Arunachal Pradesh Post Matric Scholarship Details | Click Here |
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