B.Tech Computer Science Engineering Reference Books | Best B.Tech CSE Books: In this article, you are provided with the Information regarding Eligibility Criteria for B.Tech Computer Science Engineering Reference Books along with the Author’s Name. So the students can refer to the below-provided information at their convenience. B.tech in Computer Science Engineering is the Profesional Undergraduate degree which is awarded to the students after finishing 4 academic years.
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About B.Tech Computer Science Engineering
Computer Science Engineering involves Researching, designing, Installing, Organising, or maintaining Computer systems together with designing and operating networks and Databases. Computer Science Engineering and Computer Science Engineering (Information Technology) deals with maintaining and organizing Computer Systems and dealing with Software Applications and Websites. CSE students deal with the concepts of Computer Science Essentials, Digital Systems, Linear Algebra, Queuing theory and Optimization, Data Structures & Algorithms, Computational Thinking, and Problem Solving, Cultural Education, etc.
B.Tech CSE Subjects for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Year
B.Tech CSE 1st Year Subjects
- Computer Science Essentials
- Computational Thinking and Problem Solving
- Cultural Education I
- Cultural Education II
- Computer Programming
- Computer programming lab
- Communicative English
- Calculus and Matrix Algebra
- Chemistry/Physics
- Chemistry Lab. / Physics Lab.
- Engg.Drawing- CAD
- Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
- Physics/Chemistry
- Physics/Chemistry Lab
- Workshop A/Workshop B
- Workshop B / Workshop A
- Vector Calculus and Ordinary Differential Equations
B.Tech CSE 2nd Year Subjects
- Data Structures & Algorithms
- Data Structures lab
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- Digital Systems
- Digital systems lab
- Discrete Mathematics
- Embedded Systems Lab
- Humanities II
- Humanities-1
- Introduction to Embedded Systems
- Operating Systems
- Operating Systems Lab
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Object-Oriented Programming Lab
- Probability & Random Processes
- Soft Skills I
B.Tech Computer Science Engineering 3rd Year Subjects
- Compiler Design
- Compiler Design Lab
- Computer Networks
- Computer Networks Lab
- Computer Organization and Architecture
- Computer Organization and Architecture Lab
- Database Management Systems
- Elective 1
- Elective 2
- Elective 3
- Environmental Studies
- Linear Algebra, Queuing theory and Optimization
- Software Engineering
- Soft Skills II
- Soft Skills III
- Theory of Computation
4th Year Subjects of B.Tech Computer Science Engineering Course
- Machine Learning and Data Mining
- Machine Learning and Data Mining Lab
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
- Software Project Management
- Elective IV
- Elective V
- Elective VI
- Project-Based Elective
- Project Phase I
- Project Phase II
Best B.Tech CSE Reference Books & Authors Name
Book Title | Author Name |
Computer Graphics | S.Sharanya |
Computer and Information Sciences: Advances in Computer Science 13th, 1998: International Conference Proceedings: 53 CSE (Concurrent Systems Engineering Series) |
T. Dayar |
Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C | Reema Thareja |
Computer Networks for ANNA University (IV-CSE, V-IT- 2013 course) | I.A.Dhotre V.S.Bagad |
Formal Methods and Software Development. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Theory and Practice of Software Development (TAPSOFT), … (CSE) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) |
Maurice Nivat and Hartmut Ehrig |
Fundamentals of Computer Science Engineering for RGPV (II-CSE 2015 course) | A. P. Godse, A. A. Puntambekar, I. A. Dhotre |
Parallel Computing: Accelerating Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) (Advances in Parallel Computing) | M. Bader and A. Bode |
The Network Designer’s Handbook: 51 CSE (Concurrent Systems Engineering Series) | A.M. Jones |
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (B.Tech (III Year II Semester CSE & IT) & M.Tech Kakinada II Sem – CSE) | Siddharth Santosh |
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