B.Tech Electronics & Communication Engineering Reference Books | Best B.Tech ECE Books: From this article, candidates can get to know the details about the B.Tech Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE) Reference Books. Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering is a professional undergraduate degree that is given by the universities or affiliated colleges or institutions which are certified by a Government only after completion of 4 academic years in the stream of Electronics and Communication Engineering.
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Electronics and Communication Engineering is the amalgamation of Electronic Engineering and Communication Engineering which mainly deals with Electronic Circuits, Electronic devices. Electronics and Communication Engineers made our lives easier and enjoyable with the inventions of the telephone, television, radios, computers, etc., the design, organize or maintain satellites which bring the internet to underdeveloped or remote or rural areas.
Electronics and Communication Engineering deals with the concepts of Digital Systems, Solid State Devices, Electronic Circuits, Data Communication and Networks, Control Engineering, Optimization Techniques, Information Theory and Coding Techniques, Signals and Systems, Linear Algebra, Network Theory, etc.,
B.Tech ECE Subjects For 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year
First Year Subjects for Electronics & Communication Engineering
- Communicative English
- Calculus and Matrix Algebra
- Computational Thinking and Problem Solving
- Chemistry/Physics
- Computer Programming
- Cultural Education I & II
- Chemistry Lab. / Physics Lab
- Computer Programming Lab
- Engg.Drawing- CAD
- Fundamentals of Electrical technology
- Physics/Chemistry
- Physics/Chemistry Lab
- Solid State Devices
- Vector Calculus and Ordinary Differential Equations
- Workshop A/Workshop B
- Workshop B / Workshop A
Electronics & Communication Engineering subjects for Second Year
- Amrita Values Program I
- Amrita Values Program II
- Digital Systems
- Digital Signal Processing Lab
- Digital Systems Lab
- Digital Signal Processing
- Electromagnetic Theory
- Electronic Circuits Lab I
- Electronic Circuits
- Humanities Elective I
- Humanities Elective II
- Linear Algebra
- Network Theory
- Probability and Random Process
- Signals and Systems
- Signals and Systems Lab
- Soft Skills I
- Transmission Lines and Waveguides
Electronics & Communication Engineering Third Year Subjects
- Control Engineering
- Communication Theory
- Circuits and Communication Lab
- Computer Organization and Architecture
- Digital Communication Lab
- Digital Communication
- Data Communication and Networks
- Elective 1
- Linear Integrated Circuits
- Microprocessor and Microcontroller
- Microcontroller Lab
- Open Lab
- Optimization Techniques
- Soft Skills II
- Soft Skills III
- VLSI Design
- VLSI Design Lab
Fourth Year Electronics & Communication Engineering Subjects
- Elective II
- Elective III
- Elective IV
- Elective V
- Environmental Studies
- Information Theory and Coding Techniques
- Microwave Engineering Lab
- Project Phase 1
- Project Phase 2
- Radio Frequency Engineering
B.Tech Electronics & Communication Engineering Reference Books and Recommended Authors
Book Title | Author Name |
A Text Book on Analog Electronics: ECE/EEE/IN | A. Rajkumar |
COMPUTER NETWORKS for JNTUH (III Sem-I CSE/IT/CST/ECE 2013 course) I | I.A.Dhotre and V.S.Bagad |
Digital Communication for ANNA University (V-ECE-2013 course) | DR. J.S.CHITODE |
Electronics & Communication 5th SEM 2013 Harbinger VTU (Harbinger Series) | Harbinger |
Electronics & Communication for GTU (V-E&Tc, ECE, Electronics) | Dr.J.S.Chitode |
Electronics and Communication Engineering Handbook: For ECE Competitive Examinations | Susurla V S Suresh |
Question Bank in Electronics and Communication Engineering | Prem R Chadha |
TRB Electronics & Communication Engineering (Assistant Professors in Engineering Colleges) | M.PRESH NAVE |
(WCS)Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis 7th Edition w/ Maple for Circuits 2nd Edition and ECE 201 Lecture Notes 2nd Edition SET | J. David Irwin |
Finally, we advise the candidates to keep checking our site @ Freshers Now for all the latest news and notifications about the B.Tech Electronics & Communication Engineering Reference Books.