BBA Books For All Semesters (1st, 2nd, 3rd Year) | Best BBA Reference Books: In this article, we have provided BBA all subjects best Books. BBA stands for Bachelor of Business Administration. Candidates who are looking for the BBA Books For All Semesters (1st, 2nd, 3rd Year), can check this complete page. At the time of preparing for the exams, these books will help you a lot. By using the Best BBA Reference Books, you can easily score more marks on your Test. Go through the below sections of this page to know much more information.
BBA Course Subjects
- Business Mathematics
- Principles of Management.
- Personnel Management and Industrial Relations.
- Computer Application
- Cost Management
- BBA Marketing
- Business Economics
- Business Economics.
- Financial and Management Accounting.
- Business communication
- Company law
- Material management
- Business Mathematics and Statistics.
- Production and Material Management.
- Marketing Management.
- Environment concept EVS
Syllabus for BBA Course
1st semester | |
Business economics | |
Financial accounting | |
Computer Fundamentals | |
Business Mathematics | |
Personality development & communication skill | |
Principles of management | |
2nd semester | |
Business economics | |
Database management systems | |
Business organization | |
Quantitative techniques & operations research in management | |
Personality development & communication skills | |
Cost accounting | |
3rd semester | |
Indian economy | |
Marketing management | |
Personality development & communication skills | |
Organization behavior | |
4th semester | |
Business laws | |
HR Management | |
Taxation laws | |
Marketing research | |
Computer application | |
Business environment | |
5th semester | |
Production & operations management | |
Marketing management | |
Financial management | |
Management information systems | |
Values & ethics in business | |
6th semester | |
Business policy & strategy | |
Entrepreneurship development | |
International business management | |
Environmental science | |
Project planning & evaluation |
Reference Books & Authors for BBA Course – All Semesters
- Stoner, Freeman and Gilbert Jr.; Management, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2003.
- Gupta, C.B.; Management Concepts and Practices, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi, 2003.
- Modern Business Organization by S. A. Sherlekar
- Industrial Organization Management: Sherlekar, Patil, Paranjpe, Chitale
- Business Correspondence and Report Writing – R. C. Sharma, Krishna Mohan – Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.
- Communicate to Win – Richard Denny – Kogan Page India Private Limited, New Delhi.
- Modern Business Correspondence – L. Gartside – The English Language Book Society and Macdonald and Evans Ltd.
- Business Organization and Management By Jallo, Tata McGraw Hill
- Business Environment Text and Cases By F. Cherunilam
(Himalaya Publication House) - Organizing and Financing of Small Scale Industry
By Dr. V. Desai - Business Communication – M. Balasubrahmanyan – Vani Educational Books.
- Creating a Successful CV – Siman Howard – Dorling Kindersley.
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