Best Books For FCI Assistant Grade 3 Exam Preparation

FCI Assistant Grade 3 Exam Books
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Best Books For FCI Assistant Grade 3 Exam Preparation: Aspirants who are searching for the Best Books For FCI Assistant Grade 3 Exam Preparation, can have a look at this article. The Food Corporation of India is one of the major organizations that work under the Ministry of consumer affairs. The FCI is one of the important organizations which provides a well-paid and reputed government job.

Aspirants who have applied for the FCI Assistant Grade 3 Exam need to know the Best Books For FCI Assistant Grade 3 to perform well in the FCI Assistant Grade 3 Exam. This is the article that has given the FCI Assistant Grade 3 Best Books information that can help the candidates who have applied for the FCI Assistant Grade 3 Exam.

Best Books For FCI Assistant Grade 3 Exam Preparation

The Food Corporation of India is going to conduct the Assistant Grade 3 exam for the posts of Junior Engineer, Assistant, Stenographer, etc. To perform well in the exam candidates need to choose the Best FCI Books For Preparation. Detailed information about the FCI Best Books For Preparation is given in the following section.

Best Books For FCI Assistant Grade 3 Exam

The FCI posts except for the watchman post takes place in two stages which are given as paper-1 and paper -2. The basic non-Technical subjects such as Numerical Ability, Reasoning ability, and English Language topics are covered in paper 1. The following s the list of books for the topics mentioned.

Paper 1 FCI Books

Sr. No.

Book Subject


1 Fast Track Objective Arithmetic Numerical Ability Rajesh Verma
2 Magical Book on Quicker Maths Numerical Ability Manor Tyra
3 Quick Learning Objective General English English Language RS Aggarwal
4 Word Power Made Easy English Language Norman Lewis
5 New Approach to Reasoning Reasoning BS Sijwali
6 Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning Reasoning RS Aggarwal

Best Books For FCI Junior Engineers

The Food Corporation of India JE recruitment was announced for the civil and electrical mechanical streams. Paper 2 contains the post-specific technical knowledge of relative streams. The candidates can choose the below-mentioned books to prepare for the FCI Junior Engineer exam.

Sr. No. Book Subject


1 FCI Civil Success Book Civil Engineering Chandresh Agrawal
2 FCI Mechanical Success Book Mechanical Engineering Chandresh Agrawal
3 FCI Electrical Success Book Electrical Engineering Chandresh Agrawal
4 FCI Practical Work Book Paper 1 Practise Kiran’s Publication

Books For FCI Assistant Grade 3

There are four types of FCI Assistant Grade 3 posts which include technical, depot/general, and accounts. The books for FCI Assistant Grade 3 are available in both English and in Hindi, the candidates can choose any language from both. Except for languages the test will be bilingual, that is English and Hindi.

Sr. No. Book Subject


1 FCI AG 3 Practise Work Book Assistant Grade 3 Technical Paper II Kiran’s Publication
3 Popular Master Guide Assistant Grade 3 Accounts R. Gupta
4 Popular Master Guide Assistant Grade 3 Technical R. Gupta
5 Popular Master Guide (Hindi) Assistant Grade 3 Depot R. Gupta

Best Books For FCI Typist

There are four subjects included in the FCI Typist post. The candidates need to study four subjects. The four subjects are General Hindi, General English, general awareness, General Intelligence, and computer knowledge. The best books for FCI typists are listed below

Sr. No.

Book Subject/Post


1 SSC FCI (Hindi) AG 2 and Typist R. Gupta
2 FCI Practical Work Book (Hindi) AG 2 and Typist Kiran’s Publication
3 FCI AG2 and Typist Typist Pratiyogita Sahitya

FCI Stenographer Best Books

  • In order to apply for the For Corporation of India Stenographer, the candidates need to have DOEACC ‘O’ level certification.
  • By reading the recent current affairs and newspapers, the general awareness section can be prepared.
  • The candidates can refer to paper 1 books for the General English and General intelligence section.

The details about Best Books For FCI Assistant Grade 3 Exam Preparation are correct and useful to the candidates who are searching for. Stay in touch with our website @ to know more updates.