Best Books For Gujarat PSI Exam – Gujarat Police SI Preparation Books: Looking for Best Books For Gujarat PSI Exam? Here they are. All place categorically. Gujarat Police SI Preparation Books will help you ace your preparation even better. Know the parameters of Gujarat PSI Exam preparation and eventually, these best books for Gujarat Police SI will surely elevate your preparation. Ensure that you are taking note of all the essential information at your convenience. Consider this list of books for Gujarat Police SI and progress your preparation.
★★ Best Reference Books ★★
Best Books For Gujarat PSI Prelims Exam
Gujarat Police SI General knowledge
- General Studies – Disha experts (Comprehensive book. Easy guide)
- One liner approach general knowledge – Kiran Prakashan (Short and understandable. Book is precise facts on various topics ranging from Politics to Art)
Gujarat Police SI General Awareness
- The yearly current affairs – Disha publication (Conceptual book. Compactly provides all important facts)
- General knowledge – Tarun Goyal – Dhankar Publication (Subjective book to consider. Provides crucial information)
Gujarat Police SI Psychology
- NTA – Psychology Paper 2 – Arihant (Ideal objective book. Contains emergence of psychology, biological reasons of behaviour, learning, perception, memory, thinking, intelligence, creativity etc)
- Question bank psychology – Arya publishing company (Adaptable to references. Contains basic and foundational concepts of psychology)
Gujarat Police SI History
- NTA – History – JBC press (Readable and precise format. Detailed knowledge about the ancient, medieval and modern eras of Indian history)
- The history compendium – Disha publication (third edition)
The book includes infographics, mind maps, tables, charts, etc. Provides comprehensive learning topics.
Gujarat Police SI Geography
- UGC NET/ SET Geography – Arihant (Ordained with subjective topics. Clear topics are included such as the denudation process, fundamental concepts, structures, etc)
- Geography of India – Majid Hussain (Subject-oriented aspects of the content. Understandable methodology of the topics)
Gujarat Police SI Sociology
- Sociology – Spectrum books (Contains previous year’s question papers. A better understanding of the context of the topic)
- UGC-NET/ SET- Sociology paper 2 – Dr. K. Kautilya (Basic fundamentals are well covered. Topics such as phenomenology, ethnomethodology, Indian society, development, socio-cultural issues, etc. are aligned)
Gujarat Police SI Science
- General science for a competitive exam – Disha publication
- Encyclopedia of general science – Arihant experts
Covers various units whilst interlinks the contexts. Adaptable means of learning.
Gujarat Police SI Mains Exam
Gujarat Police SI Gujarati Language
Easy to use as it is well guided for the learner. The book is structured and well ordained.
- Learn Gujarati through English – Bilingual edition (Well organized. Formulated to all the beginners)
- Rapidex Hindi – Gujarati language learning course – Pustak Mahal (Alphabets, consonants, number and case, vowels, part of speech, gender declension of nouns, etc. are all covered. Easy to understand and practice the foundational concepts)
Gujarat Police SI English Language
- Objective general English – S.P Bakshi (Conceptual book for learning. Covers the basic foundation of the subject)
- English grammar and composition – S.C Gupta (Comprises over 7000 solved questions. Also covers Descriptive English, which can be traced for easy reading)
Gujarat Police SI General knowledge
- Lucent G.K – Dr. Binay Karna and Manwendra Mukul (Foundational topics covered. Clear cut topics are structured)
- Arihant general knowledge – Manohar pandey (Prominence topics are well highlighted. Understandable means of the subject….)
Gujarat Police SI Legal studies
- Law for the common man – Kush kalra (Simple language makes it easier to understand. Comprehensive and well guided)
- Legal eagles – Random house India
Traces the story of the top seven lawyers of India. Needed a book for basic legal study.
Best Books For Gujarat PSI Exam are well placed. Hope you have collected all the Gujarat Police SI Preparation Books. Good luck with your exam. Stay connected with us for more informative articles at freshersnow.com