Best Books for HP TET Exam – Subject Wise HPTET Preparation Books: Looking for HP TET Exam Reference Books? Well, here you are. Ready to collect them. This article is not going to deviate you. But provide you with the Recommended HP TET Exam Books. Tune in and stick along for the most informative article right here. Additional note- before you read through, you might be coming across the same books or might be reading again. This is just for reference purposes only. This is just for HPTET Preparation Books. Note down the list as per your convenience. Go through the below sections and get the Best Books for HP TET Exam Preparation for all Subjects.
★★ Best Reference Books ★★
HPTET Preparation Books
This section of the article will guide you through the HPTET Preparation Books section-wise. Take notes.
Child Development & Pedagogy
CTET Central Teacher Eligibility Test Success Master Paper | Arihant Experts |
Child Development and Pedagogy for CTETs & TETs (Paper I & II) | Arihant Experts |
A Complete Resource for CTET: Child Development and Pedagogy – Central Teacher Eligibility Test – Common for Paper I and II | Kumar Sandeep |
Child Development & Pedagogy for CTET & STET (Paper 1 & 2) Hindi Edition | Tyagi Renu |
Language Comprehension
Objective General English | S.P. Bakshi |
One word substitution English Practice Book | Lalit Kumar |
English – From Plinth to Paramount (Vol-1 and 2) | Neetu Singh |
High School English Grammar And Composition Revised Edition (English) 1st Edition | Wren and Martin |
Wiley’s Mathematics, Exam Goalpost, for Ctet and Tets, Paper-I, Class I-V | DT Editorial Services |
Ctet/Tet Ganit Aur Shikshan Shastra (Varg I-V) (Hindi, Paperback) | Deepak Pandey |
Social Sciences
HPTET Himachal Pradesh Teachers Eligibility Test Paper II for Class 6-8 Social Studies and Social Science (Teacher Selection – Hindi) | Arihant Experts |
HPTET Himachal Pradesh Teachers Eligibility Test Paper I (Class 1-5 Teacher Selection) | Arihant Experts |
Wiley’s Ctet, Exam Goalpost, Paper II, Social Science: Solved Papers & Mock Tests with Complete Solutions (English, Paperback) | DT Editorial Services |
Environmental Studies
Environmental Studies Education (Paryavaran Adhyayan Shiksha) (Hindi) | Dr. Mrs. Dipti Jain |
Teacher Eligibility Test Environmental Studies (For Classes I-V) (English, Paperback) | Shyam Anand |
Hindi Language
CTET & TETs Bhasha Hindi Paper I & II 10 Edition | Arihant Experts |
CTET & TETs Bhasha HINDI Paper I & II | Arihant Experts |
(CTET /TET) Hindi Bhasha Aur Shikshan Shastra (For Class I-VIII) | Kamal Deo Verma |
HP-TET (Himachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test) for TGT (Medical/ Non Medical) Guide (Popular Master Guide) Paperback | RPH Editorial Board |
HPTET Himachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test for Medical TGT Paperback | Arihant Experts |
Non Medical
HPTET Himachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test for Non-Medical TGT Paperback. | Arihant Experts |
HP-TET (Himachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test) for TGT-Medical-Non Medical Exam Guide (Popular Master Guide) (Hindi) Paperback. | RPH Editorial Board |
HPTET ( Himachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test ) TGT – ARTS in हिंदी Latest Edition Paperback | Swarn Guides |
HP-Tet Himachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test – TGT-Arts Exam Guide (English, Paperback) | R. Gupta |
Himachal Pradesh Prathmik Shiksha T.G.T. (Arts) – 2017-18 (Hindi) Paperback | Arihant Experts |
Junior Basic Training
- Himachal Pradesh JBT Junior Basic Training Commission Likhit Pariksha (Hindi) Paperback – Arihant Experts
- HPTET JBT Junior Basic Training (Old edition) (Hindi) Paperback – Arihant Experts
Urdu Language
- HP-TET (Himachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test) Language Teacher Exam Guide (Popular Master Guide) (Hindi) Paperback – RPH Editorial Board
- CTET and TET Exam Urdu Complete Book With Ahooza Premium Pocket Spiral Notebook Paperback – ABD Publication
Punjabi Language
- HPTET (Himachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test) PUNJABI Paperback – Swarn Guides
Best Books for HP TET Exam Preparation for all Subjects
Although you have got the best books for HPTET. This section of the article will guide you through HP TET Exam Books/ HP TET Preparation Books. You will also understand the significance of the books. Eventually, you will be able to pick HP TET Exam Reference Books with confidence.
Subject: Child Pedagogy & Development
Name: Child Development & Pedagogy for CTET & STET (Paper 1 & 2) Hindi Edition Publication: Tyagi Renu
- Easy to comprehend.
- Detailed concepts with ample of previous papers.
Subject: Hindi Language and Comprehension
Name: CTET & TETs Bhasha Hindi Paper I & II 10 Edition. Publication: Arihant
- It covers topics as per the syllabus based.
- Navigate question patterns from old papers.
Subject: English Language & Comprehension
Name: Objective General English Publication: SP Bakshi
- Basic concepts of English grammar.
- The collection of vocabulary, one-word substitution is of optimal level.
Subject: Arithmetical and Numerical Ability
Name: Quantitative Aptitude By Dr R.S Aggarwal Publication: S. Chand
- Help you in understanding and be building the concepts.
- Different type of questions pattern.
Subject: Environment
Name: Teacher Eligibility Test Environmental Studies (For Classes I-V) (English, Paperback) Publication: Shyam Anand
- Subject-specific solved questions.
- Content is comprehensive.
Subject: TGT (Medical) Exam
Name: HPTET Himachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test for Medical TGT Paperback Publication: Arihant
- Navigated content of the topics.
- Well versed link of the foundational concepts.
Subject: TGT (Non-Medical) Exam
Name: Popular Master Guide By R Gupta’s
- Includes Test Papers & Study Material
- Detailed Explanatory Answers have also been provided.
Subject: TGT Arts
Name: HPTET (Himachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test) TGT – ARTS in हिंदी Latest Edition Paperback Publication: Swarn Guides
- Specialised study and practice material.
- Solved test papers are designed.
Subject: JBT
Name: Himachal Pradesh JBT Junior Basic Training Commission Likhit Pariksha (Hindi) Paperback Publication: Arihant
- 3000+ questions that are based on the actual exams.
Good detailing of the concepts.
Subject: Urdu Language
Name: HP-TET (Himachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test) Language Teacher Exam Guide (Popular Master Guide) (Hindi) Paperback Publication: RPH Editorial Board
- Well customized according to the language.
- It covers the syllabus-related topics.
Hope you all have grabbed all the HPTET Preparation Books from this article. Take a note and did not miss any during your HP TET Exam Preparation. Good luck with your test and stay connected for more informative articles @ freshersnow.com.