Best Books for TCS CBO Aptitude Test | TCS CBO Preparation Books: If you are the one searching for the Books for TCS CBO Exam Preparation, then here is an article for you. During TCS CBO Aptitude Test preparation, it is a must that everyone should consider the list of TCS CBO Aptitude Test Reference Books for every subject. So, to help you out, we have come up with a new post by providing the TCS CBO Preparation Books. By going through the below sections, you can get the Subject wise TCS CBO Best Books.
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TCS CBO Aptitude Test Reference Books
This article will guide you with Best Books for TCS CBO Aptitude Test. There are many candidates who might randomly be picking out the books. Without a mere focus on the preparation level. In order to ace your preparation, you need to have the TCS CBO Best Books. That is exactly, what this article is going to guide you with. Subsequently, do follow along and take notes at your convenience.
Verbal Ability
- Quick Learning Objective General English by R.S.Aggarwal and Vikas Aggarwal
- Objective General English by S.P. Bakshi
- Word Power Made Simple by Norman Lewis
- High School English Grammar and Composition by Wren and Martin
- Objective English for competitive examinations by Hari Mohan Prasad
Reading Comprehension
- Reading Comprehension, Grade 7 (Paperback) by Carson-Dellosa
- Notice and Note: Strategies for Close Reading by G. Kylene Beers
- English Reading Comprehension (English, Paperback, RPH Editorial Board)
- Unraveling Reading Comprehension by Brett Miller
- Guiding Reading by Nikki Gamble; Angela Hobsbaum; David Reedy
Logical Reasoning
- A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning by Agarwala Vikas and R.S. Aggarwal
- Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT by Nishit K. Sinha
- Quantitative Aptitude + Logical Reasoning by R.S. Aggarwal
- Analytical & Logical Reasoning For CAT & Other Management Entrance Tests by Bs Sijwalii
- A New Approach to Reasoning Verbal & Non-Verbal by B.S. Sijwalii and Indu Sijwali
Quantitative Aptitude
- Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by R. S. Aggarwal
- Fast Track Objective Arithmetic by Rajesh Verma
- Teach Yourself Quantitative Aptitude by Arun Sharma
- The Pearson Guide To Quantitative Aptitude For Competitive Examination
- Wiley’s Quantitative Aptitude Book
Data Interpretation
- Data Interpretation Decoded: DI and Data Sufficiency for Prelims & Mains by Oliveboard
- How to Prepare for DATA INTERPRETATION for CAT by Arun Sharma
- Data Interpretation – Magical Books Series by K. Kundan
- Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency by Arihant Experts
We hope that the provided Books for TCS CBO Exam Preparation will be useful. So, include these TCS CBO Preparation Books in your practice according to your preparation level. Follow the list of TCS CBO Aptitude Test Reference Books at your convenience and need. Stay connected for more informative articles at freshersnow.com.