Best Books For TSPSC AEE Exam Preparation: Are you the one searching for the Best Books For TSPSC AEE Exam Preparation? This is the article that has given details regarding the TSPSC AEE Best Books. The candidates aspiring to get the job of an Assistant Executive Engineer in the State of Telangana, the TSPSC AEE Electrical Books are very essential. The TSPSC officials are conducting a challenging selection exam to recruit Engineers for Assistant executives.
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Now selecting the TSPSC Assistant Executive Engineer’s Best Books from a variety of TSPSE AEE books available in the market will be difficult. But this article has given all the information about the TSPSC AEE Exam Preparation Books in the below sections.
Best Books For TSPSC AEE Exam Preparation
There is huge competition for the TSPSC AEE Exam. All the applicants need to prepare well to be qualified for the TSPSC AEE Exam. The candidates can go through the information provided in this article to have knowledge about the Best Books For TSPSC AEE.
TSPSC AEE Exam Pattern
Name of the Subject | Number of Marks | Time Duration | |
Paper I: General Knowledge & Mental Ability | 150 marks | 2 hours 30 minutes | |
Paper II: Specialization in Engineering | 300 marks | 2 hours 30 minutes | |
Interview | 50 marks | – | |
Objective Type Questions |
Best Books For TSPSC AEE Exam
The list of the Best Books For the TSPSC AEE Exam is listed below, the candidates who have applied for the TSPSC AEE Exam can refer to the following books before preparing for the exam.
Top TSPSC AEE Books for Engineering
SL.No |
Name of the book | Author | |
1 | TSPSC Assistant Executive Engineers (AEE)- CIVIL ENGINEERING/ MECHANICAL ENGINEERING/ ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING | The author and publisher of this book are Vijeta Competitions, Editorial Board. | |
2 | TSPSC Telangana State Public Service Commission Assistant Executive Engineers Civil Engineering/ Mechanical engineering/ electrical engineering | The author and publisher of this book are GKP. | |
3 | TSPSC & APPSC Civil Engineering Volume 1, Engineering Mechanics, Strength of Materials, FM & HM Previous Objective Questions with Solutions, Subject wise & Chapter-wise | The book is written by the subject experts of engineering academies. |
Best TSPSC AEE books for General Abilities
We have provided the information about the Best TSPSC AEE books for General Abilities in the below-given table
SL.No |
Name of the book | Author |
1 | General studies for TSPSC examination | Vinnakota Srikanth. |
2 | Telangana: General knowledge | Ajay Kumar. |
3 | Quantitative aptitude for competitive examinations | R.S Agarwal. |
4. | TSPSC- General Studies and General Abilities Assistant Executive Engineers Recruitment Examination | The author and publisher of the book are GKP. |
5. | General Knowledge | The author of this book is Arihant Experts. Published by Arihant. |
Best TSPSC AEE Books For Interview
We have also provided the best books about interview rounds for the Assistant Executive Engineer in the State of Telangana. The best TSPSC AEE Books For interviews are listed in the below table.
SL.No |
Name of the book | Author |
1 | Civil Services Interview | Madhukar Bhagat. |
2 | Get your dream job: A step-by-step guide to clear any interview with confidence | Piyush Bhatia. |
3 | 5 steps to crack personal interview- A complete guide to getting your dream job | Saurav Bhowmik |
We believe that we have given useful information regarding the Best Books For TSPSC AEE Exam Preparation. To get more content like this visit our website @ Freshersnow.com
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