BHU PET Previous Question Papers PDF Download | Postgraduate Entrance Test Old Papers: Candidates can get the complete BHU PET Previous Question Papers PDF from this page. Consequently, this Banaras Hindu University Postgraduate Entrance Test is conducted systematically every year by the Banaras Hindu University. Aspirants who are going to start preparation should refer to the previous papers of BHU PET. Seeing these previous year question papers will help the aspirants to know various models of questions.
From the below sections of this page, you can also check the BHU PET Exam Pattern 2021 in detail. And we have mentioned the subject wise links to download the Old papers. Candidates according to their convenience can download the Postgraduate Entrance Test Old Papers. Moreover, these BHU PET Previous Question Papers are available in PDF Format. Candidates keep referring to the next parts of the article and collect more info.
BHU PET Previous Papers Details
Name Of The Organization | Banaras Hindu University |
Name Of The Examination | Banaras Hindu University Postgraduate Entrance Test |
Category | Commerce Entrance Exams, MBA Entrance Exams, Science Entrance Exams, Arts Entrance Exams, Education Entrance Exams, Engineering Entrance Exams, Architecture Entrance Exams |
Official Website | www.bhu.ac.in |
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BHU PET 2021 | |
BHU PET Syllabus |
BHU PET Previous Question Papers PDF Download
We hope many aspirants are waiting for the BHU PET Previous Question Papers. By referring to the model question papers, individuals get an idea of the pattern of the BHU PET Question Papers. Candidates can download the sample papers from our web portal. Aspirants can also download the previous model question papers from the official site of Banaras Hindu University. As per the decision of conducting body, the sample papers and previous year question papers are available on the website. Every contender should remember that after completion of the BHU PET Previous Question Papers they need to focus on the mock test. It helps the aspirants to know how far they are damn perfect in each topic. Furthermore, details check it further.
Banaras Hindu University PET Exam Pattern 2021
Applicants can know the examination module for all the courses from this section. Thus, the students can see the exam pattern before starting the preparation. Candidates can check the detailed information of Exam Pattern from the link given at the end of the page.
Acharya, All M.A, M. Sc. Geology, All M.Sc.
There shall be one paper of two hours duration carrying 360 marks containing 120 MCQ based on the graduate level of the concerned subject.
M.A in Mass Communication
The duration of the test is 120 minutes carrying 360 marks containing 120 multiple choice questions on Current Affairs and General Knowledge, Language Proficiency including Proficiency in the English Language, Logical Quantitative and Analytical Abilities and Aptitude.
There shall be one paper of 120 minutes duration of 120 multiple choice questions carrying 360 marks. It will be divided into two Sections:
- Section A will have 60 MCQs (180 marks) of graduation level from Accounting (30MCQs), Income Tax (06 MCQs) and Business Finance (24 MCQs).
- Section B will be of 60 MCQs (180 marks) of graduate-level and will comprise of Business Organization & Management (24 MCQs), Business Law including Company Law (12 MCQs), monetary theory and Banking (12 MCQs), Business Economics (06 MCQs) and Statistics (06 MCQs). A candidate is required to answer questions from both the Sections.
M. A. (Museology)
There shall be one paper of 120 minutes duration carrying 360 marks containing 120 multiple-choice questions on AIHC & Arch. (Ancient Indian History, Culture, and Archaeology), History of Art, History, Sanskrit and other allied subjects as prescribed for the postgraduate examination.
M.A. Prayojanmoolak Hindi (Patrakarita)
There shall be one paper of 120 minutes duration carrying 360 marks containing 120 multiple-choice questions on General Knowledge and currents Affairs including human rights and environmental consciousness; Quantitative Aptitude, Language Proficiency, and basic Hindi grammar, Hindi in Constitution, Standardization of Hindi Language and Devnagari Script,
Technical Hindi words used in media, English – Hindi Translation of words/terms generally used in official Correspondence; A
a brief history of Hindi Journalism.
Master of Library & Information Science and M.A. in Manuscriptology & Paleography
So, the test includes 120 questions for 360 marks within the time duration of 120 minutes. These questions shall be based on General Awareness, Analytical, Quantitative and Verbal Abilities, and Aptitude. The questions will be from diverse areas of experience varying from the activities of daily life to broad categories of academic interest such as Science, Social Studies, and Humanities, etc.
M. P. Ed. (Master of Physical Education)
- (a) one theory paper of 120 minutes duration carrying 360 marks containing 120 multiple-choice questions based on Principles of Physical Education and Educational Psychology, Organisation, Methods, Materials, and Supervision in Physical Education, Principles of Coaching and Officiating, Anatomy, Physiology and Exercise Physiology, Kinesiology, Care of Athletic Injuries and Health Education, Recreation Camping and History of Physical Education (organized at all the centers fixed by the University)
- (b) Physical fitness test (modified AAHPER fitness test) of 360 marks conducted by External Examiners appointed by Controller of Examinations., at Department of Physical Education, BHU at Varanasi only in the supervision of the C. E. or his representative(s).
M. A. (Museology)
There shall be one paper of two hours duration carrying 360 marks containing 120 multiple-choice questions on AIHC & Arch.
Master of Tourism and Travel Management and M.A. in Social Work
There shall be one paper of 120 minutes duration carrying 360 marks containing 120 MCQ’S related to English Language, Mathematics, Reasoning, Current Affair, Social and Cultural History, History, Art History, Tourist sites and Destinations, Sports, Film, Music & Dance. However, the admission to the course will be by composite merit
comprising of marks in the entrance test, group discussion, and an interview.
M.A. in Public Administration
There will be one paper of 120 minutes duration carrying 360 marks containing 120 multiple choice questions based on general knowledge, Public Administration, Public,
and Private Administration, New Public Administration, Ecology of Public Administration, Bases and Theories of Organization, Management, Bureaucracy, Budget, Planning, Delegated Legislation and Deferent modes of Control over Administration.
M. Sc. in Bioinformatics
There shall be one paper of two hours duration of 120 multiple choice questions carrying 360 marks. It will be divided into two sections: Section A will have 24 MCQs (72 marks) on Mathematics and Statistics (at 10 + 2 level) and Computer Science at the elementary level. Section B will be of 96 MCQs (288 marks) and will comprise of 32 MCQs each from Biology, Chemistry, and Physics (UG level). A student is required to answer questions from both the sections A & B.
M.A./ M.Sc.
The examination includes 120 questions for 360 marks within 120 minutes from Statistics of the graduate level.
Download BHU PET Previous Question Papers PDF
Contenders can download the BHU PET Previous Question Papers Pdf for free of cost. Our team made these links available to download the Banaras Hindu University Postgraduate Entrance Test Previous Papers. Aspirants make use of this excellent opportunity and start the preparation as soon as possible. To know more data regarding the Banaras Hindu University Postgraduate Entrance Test keep on visiting our web portal Freshersnow.com frequently. As soon as the Banaras Hindu University official body releases the BHU PET exam date, we will update this article. At the bottom of the post, we have furnished the subject wise links to download the BHU PET Previous Question Papers for BHU PET Entrance Exam. Without any delay start preparing for the BHU Postgraduate Entrance Test.
Download Links – BHU PET Previous Papers
BHU PET Previous Year Question Papers – Important Link | |
BHU PET Previous Year Question Papers PDF | Click Here |
BHU PET Previous Year Question Papers PDF | Click Here |
We tried our level best to give detailed info on BHU PET Previous Year Question Papers. I hope it will help the aspirants.
BHU PET Previous Question Papers – Frequently Asked Questions
What is the time duration for the BHU PET Exam?
The time duration given for BHU PET Exam is 120 minutes.
For how many marks the BHU PET Exam is going to conduct?
BHU PET Exam is going to conduct for 360 marks.
How can I download BHU PET Previous Question Papers?
All the candidates can download the BHU PET Previous Question Papers from the links given in our page Freshers Now easily.