BSSC Sanitary Inspector Result 2020 (Released) | Bihar SSC SI Cut Off Marks, Merit List

BSSC Sanitary Inspector Result
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BSSC Sanitary Inspector Result 2020 (Released) @ | Bihar SSC SI Cut Off Marks, Merit List: The officials of the Bihar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC) had conducted the Bihar Sanitary Inspector Exam on 24th November 2019. Applicants who have attended the Bihar Sanitary Inspector Exam 2020 and waiting for results must check this article completely. The officials released BSSC Sanitary Inspector Result 2020 on the official site. Candidates who attended the exam they can directly download the Bihar Sanitary Inspector Exam Result from this page. Moreover, we had provided the information about the BSSC Sanitary Inspector Cut Off Marks 2020 and BSSC Sanitary Inspector Merit List 2020 in the below sections.

Latest Update: BSSC Sanitary Inspector Result 2020 is Released. So, check the Result through below link.

BSSC Sanitary Inspector Result 2020 – Overview

BSSC Sanitary Inspector Result 2020 | Cut Off Marks, Merit List
Organization Name Bihar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC)
Post Name Sanitary Inspector (SI)
Total Vacancies 276 Posts
Advertisement Number Advt. No. 08010116
Exam Date 24th November 2019
Result Status Released
Category Sarkari Result
Selection Process Written Test, Interview
Job Location Bihar
Official Site

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BSSC Sanitary Inspector Result 2020 @

Bihar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC) officials uploaded the BSSC Sanitary Inspector Result 2020 on the official website. Applicants can check their BSSC Sanitary Inspector Result 2020 from the link attached at the end of this page. Go through the below sections to know more details of the BSSC Sanitary Inspector Cut Off Marks and BSSC SI Merit List. And also we had provided the steps to download the Bihar SSC Sanitary Inspector Result 2020.

BSSC SI Exam Merit List 2020

The Bihar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC) officials will release the BSSC SI Exam Merit List 2020 on the official website @ All the candidates must check names and registration numbers in the BSSC Sanitary Inspector Merit List 2020 to know they have scored top marks in the exam or not. Aspirants whose names are present in the merit list can move to the next level selection process. The officials will release the Merit List along with the result or after the official declaration of the result.

Bihar SSC Sanitary Inspector Cut Off Marks 2020

The Bihar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC), officials will fix the Cut Off Marks based on few elements like the number of aspirants attended for the written exam, the number of the vacancies available for the post, the toughness of the question paper, analysis based on previous year cut off marks and candidates category.

Applicants who secured the minimum Cut Off Marks they can move to the next level selection process for the Sanitary Inspector post. Candidates must check their Bihar SSC Sanitary Inspector Cut Off Marks 2020 to know their result status from the official website @

Steps To Download BSSC Sanitary Inspector Result 2020

  • Go to the official website @
  • Bihar Staff Selection Commission (BSSC) home page will be displayed on the screen.
  • On the home page, search for the BSSC Sanitary Inspector Result 2020 link.
  • Then, click on it and it will redirect to another page.
  • Enter your registration number and password in the required fields.
  • After that click on the submit button.
  • Your BSSC Sanitary Inspector Result 2020 will be displayed.
  • Download the BSSC Sanitary Inspector Exam Result 2020 and take the print out of the
  • BSSC Sanitary Inspector Result 2020.

To Download BSSC Sanitary Inspector Result 2020: Click Here (Link Expired)

We hope the above information about the BSSC Sanitary Inspector Result 2020 is useful for all the participants who had attended the BSSC Sanitary Inspector Exam 2020. For more latest updates, you can visit our website Freshers Now. Thank You.

BSSC Sanitary Inspector Result 2020 – Frequently Asked Questions

When will the BSSC Sanitary Inspector Result release?

The BSSC Sanitary Inspector Result is released on 7th August 2020.

When was BSSC Sanitary Inspector Exam conducted?

The BSSC Sanitary Inspector Exam is held on 24th November 2019.

What is the Cut Off Mark for BSSC Sanitary Inspector Exam?

The officials not yet given any Cut Off Marks details for BSSC Sanitary Inspector Exam. The authority will be released along with the Result.

Where can I check the BSSC Sanitary Inspector Result?

Candidates can check the BSSC Sanitary Inspector Result from Freshers Now. Also, get from the official site @