Cassandra MCQs and Answers With Explanation – To help individuals learn more about Cassandra, a set of Cassandra MCQ Questions & Answers has been provided in this article. Before going through these Top Cassandra MCQs with Answers kindly know details about Cassandra. Cassandra is an open-source, distributed database management system that is designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers, providing high availability with no single point of failure. It is commonly used by companies that require scalability and reliability in their data storage and processing needs.
Cassandra MCQs with Answers
Now Cassandra Multiple Choice Questions that are provided in this article cover various aspects of Cassandra, including its architecture, data modeling, query language, and administration, among others. Whether you’re a database administrator or a developer, Cassandra MCQs can help you improve your understanding of this powerful database system. To be the best one in the field that you have opted to work you should be continuously learning something new, hence check out this Cassandra Quiz and be up to date with the concept.
Cassandra Multiple Choice Questions
Name | Cassandra |
Exam Type | MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) |
Category | Technical Quiz |
Mode of Quiz | Online |
Top 50 Cassandra MCQ Questions | Practice Online Quiz
1. What is Cassandra?
A. A NoSQL database system
B. A Relational database system
C. A Graph database system
D. A Document database system
Answer: A
Explanation: Cassandra is a NoSQL database system that is designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers.
2. Which of the following is not a characteristic of Cassandra?
A. High Availability
B. Fault Tolerance
C. ACID Transactions
D. Scalability
Answer: C
Explanation: Cassandra is designed to be highly available, fault-tolerant, and scalable. However, it does not support ACID transactions.
3. What is the consistency level in Cassandra?
A. The number of replicas required to satisfy a read or write request
B. The number of nodes in the cluster
C. The amount of data stored in the database
D. The number of data centers in the cluster
Answer: A
Explanation: The consistency level in Cassandra refers to the number of replicas that are required to satisfy a read or write request.
4. What is a key space in Cassandra?
A. A namespace that defines a set of tables
B. A partition in the database
C. A replica in the database
D. A node in the cluster
Answer: A
Explanation: A key space in Cassandra is a namespace that defines a set of tables.
5. What is a column family in Cassandra?
A. A group of columns that are stored together
B. A group of nodes in the cluster
C. A group of tables that are stored together
D. A group of replicas in the database
Answer: A
Explanation: A column family in Cassandra is a group of columns that are stored together.
6. Which of the following is not a data type in Cassandra?
A. Text
B. Integer
C. Float
D. Double
Answer: C
Explanation: Cassandra supports a variety of data types, including Text, Integer, and Double. However, it does not support the Float data type.
7. What is a node in Cassandra?
A. A server that stores data in the cluster
B. A partition in the database
C. A replica in the database
D. A column family in the database
Answer: A
Explanation: A node in Cassandra is a server that stores data in the cluster.
8. What is a replica in Cassandra?
A. A copy of data stored on another node in the cluster
B. A group of nodes in the cluster
C. A partition in the database
D. A column family in the database
Answer: A
Explanation: A replica in Cassandra is a copy of data stored on another node in the cluster.
9. What is a partition key in Cassandra?
A. A column or set of columns that determines how data is partitioned across nodes
B. A replica in the database
C. A column family in the database
D. A node in the cluster
Answer: A
Explanation: A partition key in Cassandra is a column or set of columns that determines how data is partitioned across nodes.
10. What is a token in Cassandra?
A. A numerical value that is used to determine a node’s position in the ring
B. A group of nodes in the cluster
C. A column family in the database
D. A replica in the database
Answer: A
Explanation: A token in Cassandra is a numerical value that is used to determine a node’s position in the ring.
11. Which of the following is not a replication strategy in Cassandra?
A. SimpleStrategy
B. NetworkTopologyStrategy
C. QuorumStrategy
D. OldNetworkStrategy
Answer: D
Explanation: SimpleStrategy and NetworkTopologyStrategy are replication strategies in Cassandra. QuorumStrategy is not a replication strategy in Cassandra.
12. What is a replica placement strategy in Cassandra?
A. A strategy that determines how replicas are placed across nodes in the cluster
B. A strategy that determines how nodes are placed in the ring
C. A strategy that determines how data is partitioned across nodes
D. A strategy that determines how queries are executed
Answer: A
Explanation: A replica placement strategy in Cassandra is a strategy that determines how replicas are placed across nodes in the cluster.
13. What is a snitch in Cassandra?
A. A component that determines the network topology of the cluster
B. A component that determines how data is partitioned across nodes
C. A component that determines how replicas are placed across nodes
D. A component that determines how queries are executed
Answer: A
Explanation: A snitch in Cassandra is a component that determines the network topology of the cluster.
14. What is a tombstone in Cassandra?
A. A marker that indicates that a column or row has been deleted
B. A marker that indicates that a column or row has been updated
C. A marker that indicates that a column or row has been added
D. A marker that indicates that a column or row has been moved
Answer: A
Explanation: A tombstone in Cassandra is a marker that indicates that a column or row has been deleted.
15. Which of the following is not a consistency level in Cassandra?
Answer: D
Explanation: ONE, QUORUM, and ALL are consistency levels in Cassandra. ANY is not a consistency level in Cassandra.
16. What is a compaction strategy in Cassandra?
A. A strategy that determines how data is compacted and organized on disk
B. A strategy that determines how data is partitioned across nodes
C. A strategy that determines how replicas are placed across nodes
D. A strategy that determines how queries are executed
Answer: A
Explanation: A compaction strategy in Cassandra is a strategy that determines how data is compacted and organized on disk.
17. What is a bloom filter in Cassandra?
A. A probabilistic data structure that is used to determine if a column or row exists in a partition
B. A strategy that determines how data is partitioned across nodes
C. A strategy that determines how replicas are placed across nodes
D. A strategy that determines how queries are executed
Answer: A
Explanation: A bloom filter in Cassandra is a probabilistic data structure that is used to determine if a column or row exists in a partition.
18. Which of the following is not a component of a column in Cassandra?
A. Name
B. Value
C. Timestamp
D. Partition Key
Answer: D
Explanation: A column in Cassandra consists of a name, value, and timestamp. The partition key is not a component of a column.
19. What is a secondary index in Cassandra?
A. An index that is created on a non-primary key column to allow for fast querying
B. An index that is created on a primary key column to allow for fast querying
C. An index that is created on a column family to allow for fast querying
D. An index that is created on a node to allow for fast querying
Answer: A
Explanation: A secondary index in Cassandra is an index that is created on a non-primary key column to allow for fast querying.
20. What is a materialized view in Cassandra?
A. A view that is created on a column family to allow for fast querying
B. A view that is created on a node to allow for fast querying
C. A view that is created on a non-primary key column to allow for fast querying
D. A view that is created on a primary key column to allow for fast querying
Answer: A
Explanation: A materialized view in Cassandra is a view that is created on a column family to allow for fast querying.
21. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a distributed database system like Cassandra?
A. High availability
B. Scalability
C. Strong consistency
D. Fault tolerance
Answer: C
Explanation: Distributed database systems like Cassandra typically sacrifice strong consistency in favor of high availability, scalability, and fault tolerance.
22. Which of the following is not a component of the Cassandra data model?
A. Keyspace
B. Column family
C. Column
D. Node
Answer: D
Explanation: Keyspace, column family, and column are components of the Cassandra data model. Node is not a component of the Cassandra data model.
23. What is a counter column in Cassandra?
A. A special type of column that is used to store counter values
B. A special type of column that is used to store text values
C. A special type of column that is used to store timestamp values
D. A special type of column that is used to store boolean values
Answer: A
Explanation: A counter column in Cassandra is a special type of column that is used to store counter values.
24. Which of the following is not a way to ensure data consistency in Cassandra?
A. Using a high consistency level for read and write operations
B. Using lightweight transactions (LWTs)
C. Using multi-version concurrency control (MVCC)
D. Using a low consistency level for read and write operations
Answer: D
Explanation: Using a low consistency level for read and write operations is not a way to ensure data consistency in Cassandra.
25. What is a batch statement in Cassandra?
A. A statement that allows multiple queries to be executed as a single operation
B. A statement that allows a query to be executed on multiple nodes simultaneously
C. A statement that allows a query to be executed on a subset of nodes in the cluster
D. A statement that allows a query to be executed on a single node in the cluster
Answer: A
Explanation: A batch statement in Cassandra is a statement that allows multiple queries to be executed as a single operation.
26. Which of the following is not a type of consistency level in Cassandra?
Answer: A
Explanation: EVENTUAL is not a type of consistency level in Cassandra. SERIAL, LOCAL_QUORUM, and REMOTE_QUORUM are types of consistency level in Cassandra.
27. Which of the following is not a type of consistency model in distributed systems?
A. Strong consistency
B. Weak consistency
C. Eventual consistency
D. Medium consistency
Answer: D
Explanation: Medium consistency is not a type of consistency model in distributed systems. Strong consistency, weak consistency, and eventual consistency are types of consistency models in distributed systems.
28. What is the default consistency level in Cassandra?
Answer: A
Explanation: The default consistency level in Cassandra is ONE.
29. Which of the following is not a reason to use Cassandra?
A. High write throughput
B. High read throughput
C. Low latency
D. Strong consistency
Answer: D
Explanation: Strong consistency is not a reason to use Cassandra. Cassandra is known for its high write throughput, high read throughput, and low latency.
30. What is a clustering column in Cassandra?
A. A column that is used to store clustering keys
B. A column that is used to store partition keys
C. A column that is used to store replica keys
D. A column that is used to store token keys
Answer: A
Explanation: A clustering column in Cassandra is a column that is used to store clustering keys.
31. What is a compound primary key in Cassandra?
A. A primary key that consists of a single column
B. A primary key that consists of multiple columns
C. A primary key that consists of a single partition key and multiple clustering columns
D. A primary key that consists of multiple partition keys and a single clustering column
Answer: B
Explanation: A compound primary key in Cassandra is a primary key that consists of multiple columns.
32. Which of the following is not a reason to use a NoSQL database like Cassandra?
A. Schema flexibility
B. High scalability
C. High availability
D. Strong consistency
Answer: D
Explanation: Strong consistency is not a reason to use a NoSQL database like Cassandra. NoSQL databases like Cassandra are known for their schema flexibility, high scalability, and high availability.
33. What is the purpose of the nodetool utility in Cassandra?
A. To start and stop Cassandra nodes
B. To repair Cassandra nodes
C. To monitor Cassandra nodes
D. All of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: The nodetool utility in Cassandra is used to start and stop Cassandra nodes, repair Cassandra nodes, and monitor Cassandra nodes.
34. Which of the following is not a type of compaction in Cassandra?
A. Size-tiered compaction
B. Date-tiered compaction
C. Time-window compaction
D. Value-tiered compaction
Answer: D
Explanation: Value-tiered compaction is not a type of compaction in Cassandra. Size-tiered compaction, date-tiered compaction, and time-window compaction are types of compaction in Cassandra.
35. Which of the following is not a type of snitch in Cassandra?
A. SimpleSnitch
B. GossipingPropertyFileSnitch
C. RackInferringSnitch
D. SimplePropertyFileSnitch
Answer: A
Explanation: SimpleSnitch is not a type of snitch in Cassandra. GossipingPropertyFileSnitch, RackInferringSnitch, and SimplePropertyFileSnitch are types of snitch in Cassandra.
36. What is the purpose of the system keyspace in Cassandra?
A. To store system-level information about the Cassandra cluster
B. To store user-defined data in the Cassandra cluster
C. To store configuration information for the Cassandra cluster
D. All of the above
Answer: A
Explanation: The system keyspace in Cassandra is used to store system-level information about the Cassandra cluster.
37. Which of the following is not a type of replication strategy in Cassandra?
A. SimpleStrategy
B. NetworkTopologyStrategy
C. RingTopologyStrategy
D. DatacenterAwareStrategy
Answer: C
Explanation: RingTopologyStrategy is not a type of replication strategy in Cassandra. SimpleStrategy, NetworkTopologyStrategy, and DatacenterAwareStrategy are types of replication strategy in Cassandra.
38. What is the purpose of the CQL language in Cassandra?
A. To define the schema of tables in Cassandra
B. To query data in Cassandra
C. To insert data into tables in Cassandra
D. All of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: The CQL language in Cassandra is used to define the schema of tables in Cassandra, query data in Cassandra, and insert data into tables in Cassandra.
39. What is a keyspace in Cassandra?
A. A container for tables in Cassandra
B. A container for columns in Cassandra
C. A container for rows in Cassandra
D. A container for cells in Cassandra
Answer: A
Explanation: A keyspace in Cassandra is a container for tables in Cassandra.
40. What is the purpose of the replication factor in Cassandra?
A. To determine the number of nodes in the cluster
B. To determine the number of replicas of each row of data
C. To determine the number of data centers in the cluster
D. To determine the number of tables in the keyspace
Answer: B
Explanation: The replication factor in Cassandra is used to determine the number of replicas of each row of data.
41. Which of the following is not a way to achieve high availability in Cassandra?
A. Replication
B. Load balancing
C. Backup and restore
D. Data compression
Answer: D
Explanation: Data compression is not a way to achieve high availability in Cassandra. Replication, load balancing, and backup and restore are ways to achieve high availability in Cassandra.
42. What is a row in Cassandra?
A. A container for columns in Cassandra
B. A container for cells in Cassandra
C. A container for tables in Cassandra
D. A container for data in Cassandra
Answer: A
Explanation: A row in Cassandra is a container for columns in Cassandra.
43. What is the purpose of the commit log in Cassandra?
A. To keep track of all writes to the database
B. To keep track of all reads from the database
C. To keep track of all deletes from the database
D. To keep track of all updates to the database
Answer: A
Explanation: The commit log in Cassandra is used to keep track of all writes to the database.
44. Which of the following is not a way to achieve high scalability in Cassandra?
A. Sharding
B. Replication
C. Load balancing
D. Backup and restore
Answer: D
Explanation: Backup and restore is not a way to achieve high scalability in Cassandra. Sharding, replication, and load balancing are ways to achieve high scalability in Cassandra.
45. What is a column in Cassandra?
A. A container for rows in Cassandra
B. A container for cells in Cassandra
C. A container for tables in Cassandra
D. A container for data in Cassandra
Answer: B
Explanation: A column in Cassandra is a container for cells in Cassandra.
46. Which of the following is not a component of a CQL SELECT statement in Cassandra?
Answer: D
Explanation: UPDATE is not a component of a CQL SELECT statement in Cassandra. SELECT, FROM, and WHERE are components of a CQL SELECT statement in Cassandra.
47. Which of the following is not a type of data model used in Cassandra?
A. Relational data model
B. Wide column data model
C. Document data model
D. Hierarchical data model
Answer: D
Explanation: The hierarchical data model is not used in Cassandra. Cassandra uses the relational data model, wide column data model, and document data model.
48. Which of the following is not a type of data consistency in Cassandra?
A. Strong consistency
B. Eventual consistency
C. Weak consistency
D. Consistent hashing
Answer: D
Explanation: Consistent hashing is not a type of data consistency in Cassandra. Strong consistency, eventual consistency, and weak consistency are types of data consistency in Cassandra.
49. Which of the following is not a property of the Cassandra data model?
A. High availability
B. High scalability
C. High performance
D. ACID transactions
Answer: D
Explanation: ACID transactions are not a property of the Cassandra data model. High availability, high scalability, and high performance are properties of the Cassandra data model.
50. What is a cluster in Cassandra?
A. A group of nodes that store data in Cassandra
B. A group of tables that store data in Cassandra
C. A group of keyspaces that store data in Cassandra
D. A group of rows that store data in Cassandra
Answer: A
Explanation: A cluster in Cassandra is a group of nodes that store data in Cassandra.
We hope that the Cassandra MCQ questions and answers included in this article are helpful for individuals who are looking to enhance their knowledge of Cassandra. For the latest technical quizzes on various IT-related concepts, kindly check our Freshersnow website frequently.