CEERI Syllabus 2025 & Exam Pattern PDF Download: Are you looking for the CEERI Syllabus 2025? If yes then check out this article completely. We have provided information regarding CSIR-CEERI Syllabus 2025. The higher authorities will conduct the exam on the given date for Technician, Technical Assistant & Security Officer posts. The CEERI Security Officer Syllabus 2025 plays an important role so aspirants get to know the exam. At the bottom of this page, we have given direct links to download the CEERI Technician & Technical Assistant Syllabus 2025. So, be quick and download the direct links in format, and also check the CEERI Exam Pattern.
The exam is conducted in three papers for the posts technical assistant and technician and for security officer post the exam is conducted in only two papers. For the technician post, the time of the exam is 2 hours 30 minutes and for the Technical Assistant post, the time of the exam is 3 hours. The security officer post is conducted for 3 hours 30 minutes. For more detailed information regarding the CEERI Exam Pattern 2025 look at the tables given below on this page.
CEERI Technician, Technical Assistant Syllabus 2025-Overview
CEERI Syllabus 2025 & Exam Pattern | |
Name of the Organization | CSIR-Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute (CSIR-CEERI) |
Post Name | Technician, Technical Assistant & Security Officer |
Category | Syllabus |
Official Website | ceeri.res.in |
CSIR CEERI Exam Pattern 2025
As many applicants are searching for the CEERI Technician, Technical Assistant Exam Pattern 2025 can check out this section for detailed information. Candidates can get a good score in the exam by knowing the structure of the paper, time duration, total questions, and total marks. This section gives the information of the exam pattern on all the posts separately and applicants can have great knowledge and score good marks.
Technician-1 (Group-II)
Mode of the Examination | OMR Based or Computer Based Objective Type Multiple Choice Examination |
Medium of Questions | The questions will be set both in English and Hindi except the questions on the English Language. |
Standard of Exam | SSC + ITI/ XIIth Standard |
Total No. of Questions | 150 |
Total Time Allotted | 2 hours 30 minutes |
Paper-I (Time Allotted – 1hour)
Subject | No. of questions | Maximum Marks | Negative Marks |
Mental Ability Test | 50 | 100 (two marks for every correct answer) | There will be NO NEGATIVE marks in the paper |
Paper-II (Allotted Time – 30 minutes)
Subject | No. of questions | Maximum Marks | Negative Marks |
General Awareness | 25 | 75 (three marks for every correct answer) | One negative mark for every wrong answer |
English Language | 25 | 75 (three marks for every correct answer) | One negative mark for every wrong answer |
Paper-III (Allotted Time – 1 hour)
Subject | No. of questions | Maximum Marks | Negative Marks |
Concerned Subject | 50 | 150 (three marks for every correct answer) | One negative mark for every wrong answer |
Technical Assistant Group III(1) & III(2)
Mode of the Examination | OMR Based or Computer Based Objective Type Multiple Choice Examination |
Medium of Questions | The questions will be set both in English and Hindi except the questions on the English Language. |
Standard of Exam | Diploma / Graduation Level (based on the advertised qualification of the post) |
Total No. of Questions | 200 |
Total Time Allotted | 3 hours |
Paper I (Time Allotted – 1 hour)
Subject | No. of questions | Maximum Marks | Negative Marks |
Mental Ability Test | 50 | 100 (two marks for every correct answer) | There will be no negative mark in this paper |
Paper II (Time Allotted – 30 minutes)
Subject | No. of questions | Maximum Marks | Negative Marks |
General Awareness | 25 | 75 (three marks for every correct answer) | One negative mark for every wrong answer |
English Language | 25 | 75 (three marks for every correct answer) | One negative mark for every wrong answer |
Paper III (Time Allotted – 90 minutes)
Subject | No. of questions | Maximum Marks | Negative Marks |
Concerned Subject | 100 | 300 (three marks for every correct answer) | One negative mark for every wrong answer |
Security Officer
Paper-I (Time Allotted – 90 minutes)
Subject | No. of questions | Maximum Marks | Negative Marks |
Mental Ability and Personality Assessment Test | 100 | 100 | There will be no negative marks in this paper |
Paper II (Time Allotted – 2 hours)
Subject | Maximum Marks |
Comprehension | 25 |
Report Writing | 25 |
Security Regulations, Firefighting, etc. | 25 |
General Awareness | 25 |
CSIR-CEERI Exam Syllabus 2025 Technician & Technical Assistant, Security Officer
Mental Ability :
1. Alphabet Test
2. Blood Relations
3. Calendars
4. Clock Reasoning
5. Data Sufficiency
6. Decision Making
7. Distance & Directions
8. Input Output
9. Mirror Image & Water Image
10. Cube and Dice, etc
11. Tabulation
12. Statements (Assumption, Argument, Conclusion)
13. Analogy
14. Classification
15. Number Series
16. Mixed Series
17. Counting Figures
18. Input-Output
19. Missing Number
20. Venn Diagrams, etc.
General Awareness :
1. History
2. Geography
3. Culture
4. Festivals
5. Sports
6. Inventions in the world
7. Current Affairs of the last six months
8. Awards and Prizes
9. Indian Politics
10. Indian Culture
11. Basic Computer
12. Indian Economy
13. Famous Books and Authors
14. Famous days and dates
15. Indian parliament
16. Physics, Chemistry, and Biology
English :
1. Reading Comprehension
2. English Usage Errors
3. Synonyms
4. English Grammar
5. Paragraph Completion
6. Antonyms
7. Jumbled Para
8. One-Word Substitution
9. Sentence Improvement
10. Sentence Correction
11. Idioms
12. Phrases
Concerned Subject :-
Electrical :
1. Fundamentals of Electricity
2. Magnetism
3. D.C Generators
4. D.C Motors
5. Chemical Effects of Electric Current
6. Hand Tools
7. Earthing
8. Alternator
9. Wires, Joints and Soldering
10. Basic Electronics
11. Electrical Wiring
12. AC motor
13. Illumination
14. Transformers
15. Safety measures involved in the industry
16. Electrical Measuring Instruments
17. Alternating Current
Electronic Mechanic :
1. Basic Electronics
2. Electronic Components and Devices
3. Analog Electronics
4. Digital Electronics
5. Electronic Measurements
6. Electronic Circuits and Applications
7. Electronic Tools and Equipment
8. Industrial Electronics
Computer Operator and Programming Assistant (COPA) :
1. Fundamentals of Computers
2. Operating Systems
3. Office Applications
4. Programming Concepts
5. Database Management Systems
6. Web Technologies
7. Networking Concepts
8. Cyber Security
9. Troubleshooting and Maintenance
Mechanic in Refrigeration & Air Conditioning :
1. Basics of Refrigeration
2. Components of Refrigeration System
3. Types of Refrigeration Systems
4. Refrigeration System Installation and Maintenance
5. Air Conditioning Principles
6. Components of Air Conditioning System
7. Types of Air Conditioning Systems
8. Air Conditioning System Installation and Maintenance
9. Troubleshooting and Repairing
Welder :
1. Welding Processes
2. Welding Techniques
3. Types of Joints
4. Welding Materials
5. Welding Equipment and Tools
6. Welding Safety
7. Welding Inspection and Quality Control
CEERI Syllabus 2025 Download Link
CEERI Syllabus 2025 PDF Download | |
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