CETPPMC Syllabus 2021 PDF Download and Exam Pattern: CETPPMC Syllabus 2021 PDF Download Link along with the test pattern is available in this article. So, if you are preparing for the CETPPMC Exam 2021, go ahead and check out the CETPPMC Exam Syllabus 2021 PDF. And then use it to prepare for the Exam. So, go ahead and prepare for the Test by checking out the total CETPPM Syllabus 2021.
As we have furnished the latest CETPPMC Exam Pattern here, it will be very easy for you to prepare for the test. We have provided information regarding the Basic Concepts of CETPPMC Syllabus 2021 for the better preparation of the applied candidates. And for more recent updates, aspirants can check out our web portal daily.
CETPPMC Syllabus 2021 – Details
Name Of The Organization | Pondicherry Linguistic and Religious Minority Medical and Dental Colleges Welfare Association |
Name Of The Examination | CETPPMC Entrance Exam |
Category | Dental Entrance Exams, Medical Entrance Exams |
Official Website | www.pimsmmm.com |
Candidates can check out the total information regarding the CETPPMC Syllabus 2021. Therefore, everyone knows that the CETPPMC Syllabus 2021 plays a crucial role for the aspirants. In addition to these Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, Biology consists of a lot of topics and subtopics. Therefore, all the aspirants need to start up their preparation as soon as possible. Moreover, the date of CETPPMC 2021 is approaching near. So, it is the correct time for your preparation.
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CETPPMC Exam Syllabus 2021
And also, you have to make a perfect schedule for the individual subjects. Therefore, along with CETPPMC Syllabus 2021 and CETPPMC Exam Pattern 2021, also get the CETPPMC Previous Question Papers on our site. Furthermore, we provided the complete material is available on our website. By downloading the CETPPMC Exam Syllabus 2021, it will be very easy for you to get the subject wise CETPPMC 2021 Syllabus along with the sub topics. Without delay, check all data and grab the excellent score. Therefore, on this page, we have explicitly mentioned the CETPPMC Exam Pattern 2021 also. Moreover, candidates can keep on visit our web portal for more fresh updates of CETPPMC Syllabus 2021.
CETPPMC Exam Pattern 2021
In addition to this, aspirants should mainly focus on CETPPMC Exam Pattern 2021 to get select in the entrance exam. By checking the CETPPMC Test Pattern 2021, you can easily know the structure of the question paper. Moreover, aspirants should have a precise knowledge about these test pattern to crack the seat in the Pondicherry Linguistic and Religious Minority Medical and Dental Colleges Welfare Association. So, from the below table applicants can check the CETPPMC Exam Pattern 2021. Candidates should have a time of two (2) hours for each session. Therefore, aspirants need to complete in time when appeared for the CETPPMC Entrance Exam.
Section | Subjects | No. of questions | Marks |
Session 1 | Physics, Chemistry | 100 | 100 |
Session 2 | Zoology, Botany | 100 | 100 |
Total | 200 Questions | 200 Marks |
Download CETPPMC Syllabus 2021 PDF
Candidates can check out the given syllabus and practice more for the CETPPMC Entrance Exam 2021 along with a PDF. To make the aspirants preparation easy, we have included the complete data according to the CETPPMC Syllabus 2021. Therefore, while practicing candidates need to know the entire syllabus. So check the complete program which is provided on this page. Moreover, Syllabus for CETPPMC 2021 will cover from four subjects those are Physics, Chemistry, Botany, and Zoology. Biology. These subjects will consist topics from 11th and 12th class syllabus. So aspirants should prepare from physics, chemistry and biology subjects of 11th and 12th class. Therefore, all the information regarding the CETPPMC Syllabus topics in the below of this page.
- Units and Measurements
- Motion in a straight line
- Motion in Plane
- Laws of Motion
- Work, Energy, and Power
- Systems of Particles and Rotational motion
- Oscillation
- Gravitation
- Mechanical properties of solids
- Mechanical Properties of Fluids
- Thermal Properties of Matter
- Thermodynamics
- Kinetic Theory
- Waves
- Ray Optics and Optical Instruments
- Wave Optics
- Electric Charges and fields
- Electrostatic principals and capacitance
- Current Electricity
- Moving Charges and Magnetism
- Magnetism and Matter
- Electromagnetic Induction
- Alternating Current
- Electromagnetic Waves
- Dual Nature Of Radiation And Matter
- Atoms
- Nuclei
- Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Devices And Simple Circuits
- Communication Systems
- Atomic Structure
- Classification Of Elements And Periodicity In Properties
- Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure
- States Of Matter: Gases And Liquids
- Stoichiometry
- Chemical Equilibrium And Acids-Bases
- Hydrogen And Its Compounds
- Block Elements (Alkali And Alkaline Earth Metals)
- Environmental Chemistry
- Organic chemistry- Some basic principles and Techniques and hydrocarbons
- Solid States
- Solutions
- Electrochemistry and Chemical Kinetics
- Surface Chemistry
- General Principals of Metallurgy
- Biomolecules
- Chemistry in everyday life
- Haloalkanes And Halo arenas
- Organic Compounds Containing C, H And O
- Vegetative Morphology (Root-Stem-Leaf)
- Flower
- Fruits
- Taxonomy
- Anatomy (Root – Stem – Leaf)
- Genetics – Physiology (Absorption-Transpiration-Photosynthesis-Respiration- Growth)
- Ecology
- Cell Biology
- Human Physiology I (Nutrition and Digestion- Digestive System- Respiration – Circulation – Blood)
- Human Physiology II- ( Excretion – Nervous co-ordination – Meninges – Reproduction)
Genetics (Sex determination – sexlinked inheritance, – ploidy – Gene Mutation) - Blood Groups – Embryology (Gametogenesis – Types of vertebrate eggs-Fertilisation – Cleavage – Gastrulation – Organogenesis)
- An environment in Relation to Human Welfare (Communicable Diseases – Contamination – Types of diseases: – Airborne diseases – Vector Borne Diseases – Contact
Diseases – Sexually transmitted diseases – Non-Communicable diseases – Pollution)
CETPPMC Syllabus – Important Link | |
CETPPMC Syllabus 2021 & Exam Pattern PDF Download | Click Here |
Therefore, aspirants can visit our web page Freshersnow frequently to know the fresh updates about CETPPMC Syllabus 2021 rather than this information. Furthermore, qualified applicants can also know the important details about CETPPMC Exam.
CETPPMC Syllabus 2021 – Frequently Asked Questions
What is the time limit for the CETPPMC Exam?
The time duration of the CETPPMC Exam is 2 Hours.
Is there any negative marking in the CETPPMC Exam?
There is no negative marking in the CETPPMC Exam.
Which topics to be covered before appearing for the CETPPMC Exam?
Candidates have to prepare the topics like Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany before appearing for the CETPPMC Exam.