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Clojure MCQs and Answers with Explanation | Clojure Quiz

Clojure MCQ's

Clojure MCQs and Answers with Explanation: Clojure is a modern dialect of the Lisp programming language that is designed for concurrency and functional programming. It was created by Rich Hickey in 2007, and since then, it has gained popularity among developers for its simplicity, expressiveness, and seamless integration with the Java platform. Clojure is used for a wide range of applications, including web development, big data processing, and artificial intelligence. To help individuals test their knowledge and skills in Clojure programming, various Clojure MCQ Questions & Answers are accommodated in this article. These Clojure Multiple Choice Questions will help the individuals to confidently prepare for the interview or placement exam for their career betterment.

Clojure MCQ Questions & Answers

These Clojure MCQs and Answers cover various aspects of Clojure programming, from basic concepts to advanced topics, allowing individuals to improve their understanding of Clojure programming and assess their proficiency in the language. Here, we provide a set of Clojure Questions & Answers/ Clojure Quiz to assist individuals in preparing for interviews, and exams, or simply to enhance their knowledge of Clojure programming.

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Clojure Multiple Choice Questions

Name Clojure
Exam Type MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)
Category Technical Quiz
Mode of Quiz Online

Top 59 Clojure MCQ Questions & Answers | Clojure Quiz

1. What is Clojure?

a) A functional programming language for the JVM
b) A procedural programming language for the JVM
c) A scripting language for the JVM
d) A markup language for the JVM

Answer: a) A functional programming language for the JVM

Explanation: Clojure is a dialect of the Lisp programming language and is designed to be a modern, general-purpose programming language for the JVM. It is a functional programming language that emphasizes immutability and the use of higher-order functions.

2. What is the primary data structure in Clojure?

a) Array
b) List
c) Stack
d) Queue

Answer: b) List

Explanation: The primary data structure in Clojure is the list, which is a linked list of elements. Clojure also supports other data structures like vectors, maps, and sets.

3. What is the syntax for defining a function in Clojure?

a) (function name parameters body)
b) (defn function-name [parameters] body)
c) (fn function-name [parameters] body)
d) (define function-name parameters body)

Answer: b) (defn function-name [parameters] body)

Explanation: The defn macro is used to define a function in Clojure. The syntax for defn is (defn function-name [parameters] body), where function-name is the name of the function, parameters is a vector of the function’s parameters, and body is the function’s body.

4. What is the syntax for defining a variable in Clojure?

a) (var variable-name value)
b) (define variable-name value)
c) (def variable-name value)
d) (set variable-name value)

Answer: c) (def variable-name value)

Explanation: The def macro is used to define a variable in Clojure. The syntax for def is (def variable-name value), where variable-name is the name of the variable and value is the value that the variable is initialized to.

5. What is the function used to concatenate two lists in Clojure?

a) concat
b) append
c) join
d) merge

Answer: a) concat

Explanation: The concat function is used to concatenate two or more lists in Clojure. It takes one or more lists as arguments and returns a new list that is the concatenation of all the input lists.

6. What is the function used to create a new list with the elements of an existing list filtered based on a predicate?

a) filter
b) map
c) reduce
d) remove

Answer: a) filter

Explanation: The filter function is used to create a new list with the elements of an existing list filtered based on a predicate. It takes a predicate function and a list as arguments and returns a new list that contains only the elements of the input list that satisfy the predicate.

7. What is the function used to create a new list by applying a function to each element of an existing list?

a) filter
b) map
c) reduce
d) remove

Answer: b) map

Explanation: The map function is used to create a new list by applying a function to each element of an existing list. It takes a function and one or more lists as arguments and returns a new list that contains the result of applying the function to each element of the input lists.

8. What is the function used to apply a function to each element of an existing list and accumulate the results?

a) filter
b) map
c) reduce
d) remove

Answer: c) reduce

Explanation: The reduce function is used to apply a function to each element of an existing list and accumulate the results. It takes a function, an initial value, and a list as arguments and returns the result of applying the function to each element of the input list, starting with the initial value.

9. What is the function used to remove all occurrences of an element from a list?

a) filter
b) map
c) reduce
d) remove

Answer: d) remove

Explanation: The remove function is used to remove all occurrences of an element from a list. It takes a predicate function and a list as arguments and returns a new list that contains all the elements of the input list that do not satisfy the predicate.

10. What is the function used to apply a function to each element of a list in parallel?

a) pmap
b) map
c) reduce
d) filter

Answer: a) pmap

Explanation: The pmap function is used to apply a function to each element of a list in parallel. It takes a function and a list as arguments and returns a new list that contains the result of applying the function to each element of the input list in parallel.

11. What is the function used to create a new map from a list of key-value pairs?

a) hash-map
b) assoc
c) dissoc
d) merge

Answer: a) hash-map

Explanation: The hash-map function is used to create a new map from a list of key-value pairs. It takes an even number of arguments, where each pair of arguments represents a key-value pair in the resulting map.

12. What is the function used to add a key-value pair to an existing map?

a) hash-map
b) assoc
c) dissoc
d) merge

Answer: b) assoc

Explanation: The assoc function is used to add a key-value pair to an existing map. It takes a map, a key, and a value as arguments and returns a new map that includes the new key-value pair.

13. What is the function used to remove a key-value pair from an existing map?

a) hash-map
b) assoc
c) dissoc
d) merge

Answer: c) dissoc

Explanation: The dissoc function is used to remove a key-value pair from an existing map. It takes a map and one or more keys as arguments and returns a new map that does not include the specified keys.

14. What is the function used to merge two maps?

a) hash-map
b) assoc
c) dissoc
d) merge

Answer: d) merge

Explanation: The merge function is used to merge two maps. It takes two or more maps as arguments and returns a new map that includes all the key-value pairs from the input maps.

15. What is the function used to get the value associated with a key in a map?

a) get
b) assoc
c) dissoc
d) merge

Answer: a) get

Explanation: The get function is used to get the value associated with a key in a map. It takes a map and a key as arguments and returns the value associated with the key in the map, or nil if the key is not present in the map.

16. What is the function used to check if a key is present in a map?

a) get
b) contains?
c) dissoc
d) merge

Answer: b) contains?

Explanation: The contains? function is used to check if a key is present in a map. It takes a map and a key as arguments and returns true if the key is present in the map, or false otherwise.

17. What is the function used to create a new set from a list of elements?

a) set
b) hash-set
c) conj
d) disj

Answer: a) set

Explanation: The set function is used to create a new set from a list of elements. It takes a list as an argument and returns a new set that contains all the unique elements of the input list.

18. What is the function used to create a new hash-set from a list of elements?

a) set
b) hash-set
c) conj
d) disj

Answer: b) hash-set

Explanation: The hash-set function is used to create a new hash-set from a list of elements. It takes a list as an argument and returns a new hash-set that contains all the unique elements of the input list.

19. What is the function used to add an element to a set?

a) set
b) hash-set
c) conj
d) disj

Answer: c) conj

Explanation: The conj function is used to add an element to a set. It takes a set and one or more elements as arguments and returns a new set that includes the new elements.

20. What is the function used to remove an element from a set?

a) set
b) hash-set
c) conj
d) disj

Answer: d) disj

Explanation: The disj function is used to remove an element from a set. It takes a set and one or more elements as arguments and returns a new set that does not include the specified elements.

21. What is the function used to create a new vector from a list of elements?

a) vector
b) conj
c) assoc
d) dissoc

Answer: a) vector

Explanation: The vector function is used to create a new vector from a list of elements. It takes a list as an argument and returns a new vector that contains all the elements of the input list.

22. What is the function used to add an element to the end of a vector?

a) vector
b) conj
c) assoc
d) dissoc

Answer: b) conj

Explanation: The conj function is used to add an element to the end of a vector. It takes a vector and one or more elements as arguments and returns a new vector that includes the new elements at the end.

23. What is the function used to change the value of an element in a vector?

a) vector
b) conj
c) assoc
d) dissoc

Answer: c) assoc

Explanation: The assoc function is used to change the value of an element in a vector. It takes a vector, an index, and a new value as arguments and returns a new vector that includes the new value at the specified index.

24. What is the function used to remove an element from a vector?

a) vector
b) conj
c) assoc
d) dissoc

Answer: d) dissoc

Explanation: The dissoc function is not used for vectors. To remove an element from a vector, you can use the subvec function to get a new vector that excludes the specified index.

25. What is the function used to get the value at a specific index in a vector?

a) get
b) nth
c) assoc
d) dissoc

Answer: b) nth

Explanation: The nth function is used to get the value at a specific index in a vector. It takes a vector and an index as arguments and returns the value at the specified index, or nil if the index is out of bounds.

26. What is the function used to check if a sequence contains a specific element?

a) contains?
b) filter
c) reduce
d) map

Answer: a) contains?

Explanation: The contains? function is used to check if a sequence contains a specific element. It takes a sequence and an element as arguments and returns true if the element is present in the sequence, or false otherwise.

27. What is the function used to create a lazy sequence?

a) lazy-seq
b) lazy
c) sequence
d) list

Answer: a) lazy-seq

Explanation: The lazy-seq function is used to create a lazy sequence. A lazy sequence is a sequence whose elements are computed on-demand, rather than all at once. This can be useful for working with large or infinite sequences.

28. What is the function used to force evaluation of a lazy sequence?

a) eval
b) force
c) realize
d) compute

Answer: b) force

Explanation: The force function is used to force evaluation of a lazy sequence. When called on a lazy sequence, it forces the computation of all its elements, and returns a new sequence with the same elements.

29. What is the function used to apply a function to each element of a sequence?

a) map
b) filter
c) reduce
d) apply

Answer: a) map

Explanation: The map function is used to apply a function to each element of a sequence. It takes a function and one or more sequences as arguments, and returns a new sequence with the result of applying the function to each corresponding element of the input sequences.

30. What is the function used to filter elements from a sequence that match a predicate?

a) map
b) filter
c) reduce
d) remove

Answer: b) filter

Explanation: The filter function is used to filter elements from a sequence that match a predicate. It takes a predicate function and a sequence as arguments, and returns a new sequence containing only the elements of the input sequence that satisfy the predicate.

31. What is the function used to reduce a sequence to a single value?

a) map
b) filter
c) reduce
d) apply

Answer: c) reduce

Explanation: The reduce function is used to reduce a sequence to a single value. It takes a function, an initial value, and a sequence as arguments, and applies the function to the initial value and the first element of the sequence, then to the result of that operation and the second element, and so on, until all elements of the sequence have been processed.

32. What is the function used to apply a function to a sequence of arguments?

a) map
b) filter
c) reduce
d) apply

Answer: d) apply

Explanation: The apply function is used to apply a function to a sequence of arguments. It takes a function and a sequence as arguments, and applies the function to the elements of the sequence as if they were separate arguments.

33. What is the function used to concatenate two or more sequences?

a) concat
b) merge
c) join
d) combine

Answer: a) concat

Explanation: The concat function is used to concatenate two or more sequences. It takes one or more sequences as arguments, and returns a new sequence containing all the elements of the input sequences in order.

34. What is the function used to split a sequence into sub-sequences?

a) partition
b) split
c) chunk
d) slice

Answer: a) partition

Explanation: The partition function is used to split a sequence into sub-sequences. It takes a size and a sequence as arguments, and returns a lazy sequence of sub-sequences of the input sequence, each containing up to size elements.

35. What is the function used to repeat a value a specified number of times?

a) repeat
b) replicate
c) copy
d) clone

Answer: a) repeat

Explanation: The repeat function is used to repeat a value a specified number of times.

It takes a value and a count as arguments, and returns a lazy sequence of count copies of the value.

36. What is the function used to generate a sequence of numbers?

a) range
b) sequence
c) list
d) nums

Answer: a) range

Explanation: The range function is used to generate a sequence of numbers. It takes one, two, or three arguments: the start value (default 0), the end value (exclusive), and the step value (default 1), and returns a lazy sequence of numbers.

37. What is the function used to iterate a function on a value and return the sequence of results?

a) iterate
b) loop
c) recur
d) apply

Answer: a) iterate

Explanation: The iterate function is used to iterate a function on a value and return the sequence of results. It takes a function and a value as arguments, and returns a lazy sequence of the result of applying the function to the value repeatedly.

38. What is the function used to generate an infinite sequence of values?

a) repeat
b) iterate
c) range
d) cycle

Answer: b) iterate

Explanation: The iterate function can be used to generate an infinite sequence of values, by applying a function repeatedly to an initial value.

39. What is the function used to generate a sequence of Fibonacci numbers?

a) fib
b) fibonacci
c) seq-fib
d) iterate-fib

Answer: a) fib

Explanation: The fib function is used to generate a sequence of Fibonacci numbers. It takes an optional argument n, which specifies the maximum number of elements in the sequence (default is infinity).

40. What is the function used to generate a sequence of prime numbers?

a) primes
b) prime-numbers
c) prime-seq
d) seq-primes

Answer: a) primes

Explanation: The primes function is used to generate a sequence of prime numbers. It takes an optional argument n, which specifies the maximum number of elements in the sequence (default is infinity).

41. What is the function used to sort a sequence?

a) sort
b) sorted
c) order
d) arrange

Answer: a) sort

Explanation: The sort function is used to sort a sequence. It takes a sequence as argument, and returns a new sequence with the elements sorted in ascending order.

42. What is the function used to reverse a sequence?

a) reverse
b) rev
c) flip
d) invert

Answer: a) reverse

Explanation: The reverse function is used to reverse a sequence. It takes a sequence as argument, and returns a new sequence with the elements in reverse order.

43. What is the function used to get the first element of a sequence?

a) first
b) head
c) car
d) start

Answer: a) first

Explanation: The first function is used to get the first element of a sequence. It takes a sequence as argument, and returns the first element of the sequence.

44. What is the function used to get the last element of a sequence?

a) last
b) tail
c) cdr
d) end

Answer: a) last

Explanation: The last function is used to get the last element of a sequence. It takes a sequence as argument, and returns the last element of the sequence.

45. What is the function used to get the rest of a sequence after the first element?

a) rest
b) tail
c) cdr
d) next

Answer: a) rest

Explanation: The rest function is used to get the rest of a sequence after the first element. It takes a sequence as argument, and returns a new sequence with all the elements except the first.

46. What is the function used to filter a sequence based on a predicate function?

a) filter
b) select
c) choose
d) pick

Answer: a) filter

Explanation: The filter function is used to filter a sequence based on a predicate function. It takes a predicate function and a sequence as arguments, and returns a new sequence containing only the elements for which the predicate function returns true.

47. What is the function used to apply a function to a sequence and accumulate the result?

a) reduce
b) fold
c) accumulate
d) sum

Answer: a) reduce

Explanation: The reduce function is used to apply a function to a sequence and accumulate the result. It takes a function, an optional initial value, and a sequence as arguments, and returns the result of applying the function to the elements of the sequence in a cumulative way.

48. What is the function used to group elements of a sequence based on a key function?

a) group-by
b) group
c) partition
d) split

Answer: a) group-by

Explanation: The group-by function is used to group elements of a sequence based on a key function. It takes a key function and a sequence as arguments, and returns a map where the keys are the result of applying the key function to the elements of the sequence, and the values are sequences of the elements with the same key.

49. What is the function used to partition a sequence into groups of a specified size?

a) partition
b) group
c) chunk
d) split

Answer: a) partition

Explanation: The partition function is used to partition a sequence into groups of a specified size. It takes a size and a sequence as arguments, and returns a sequence of sequences, where each sub-sequence has the specified size (except possibly the last one).

50. What is the function used to zip two or more sequences together?

a) map
b) apply
c) reduce
d) zip

Answer: d) zip

Explanation: The zip function is used to zip two or more sequences together. It takes one or more sequences as arguments, and returns a new sequence of tuples, where each tuple contains the elements of the input sequences at the corresponding position.

51. What is the function used to unzip a sequence of tuples into separate sequences?

a) unzip
b) ungroup
c) unpack
d) separate

Answer: a) unzip

Explanation: The unzip function is used to unzip a sequence of tuples into separate sequences. It takes a sequence of tuples as argument, and returns a sequence of sequences, where each sub-sequence contains the elements from the corresponding position in the tuples.

52. What is the function used to sort a sequence based on a comparator function?

a) sort-by
b) sort
c) order-by
d) arrange

Answer: a) sort-by

Explanation: The sort-by function is used to sort a sequence based on a comparator function. It takes a comparator function and a sequence as arguments, and returns a new sequence that is sorted based on the result of applying the comparator function to the elements of the input sequence.

53. What is the function used to shuffle a sequence?

a) shuffle
b) mix
c) randomize
d) reorder

Answer: a) shuffle

Explanation: The shuffle function is used to shuffle a sequence. It takes a sequence as argument, and returns a new sequence that is a randomly shuffled version of the input sequence.

54. What is the function used to count the number of elements in a sequence?

a) count
b) length
c) size
d) amount

Answer: a) count

Explanation: The count function is used to count the number of elements in a sequence. It takes a sequence as argument, and returns the number of elements in the sequence.

55. What is the function used to check if a sequence is empty?

a) empty?
b) null?
c) none?
d) void?

Answer: a) empty?

Explanation: The empty? function is used to check if a sequence is empty. It takes a sequence as argument, and returns true if the sequence is empty, and false otherwise.

56. What is the function used to check if a value is a sequence?

a) sequential?
b) list?
c) array?
d) collection?

Answer: a) sequential?

Explanation: The sequential? function is used to check if a value is a sequence. It takes a value as argument, and returns true if the value is a sequence, and false otherwise.

57. What is the function used to convert a sequence to a vector?

a) vec
b) to-vector
c) make-vector
d) seq->vec

Answer: a) vec

Explanation: The vec function is used to convert a sequence to a vector. It takes a sequence as argument, and returns a new vector that contains the same elements as the input sequence.

58. What is the function used to convert a vector to a sequence?

a) seq
b) to-sequence
c) make-sequence
d) vec->seq

Answer: a) seq

Explanation: The seq function is used to convert a vector to a sequence. It takes a vector as argument, and returns a new sequence that contains the same elements as the input vector.

59. What is the function used to convert a map to a sequence of key-value pairs?

a) map->seq
b) seq->map
c) pair->seq
d) seq->pair

Answer: b) seq->map

Explanation: The seq->map function is used to convert a map to a sequence of key-value pairs. It takes a map as argument, and returns a new sequence that contains the key-value pairs of the input map.

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