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Data Mining MCQs and Answers With Explanation | Data Mining Quiz

Data Mining MCQs

Data Mining MCQs and Answers With Explanation – In today’s data-driven world, data mining has become an essential tool for businesses, researchers, and individuals to gain a deeper understanding of their data and make more informed decisions. To learn more about data mining, this article on Data Mining MCQs and Answers can serve as a guide by providing previously unknown details. However, before checking out the Top 60 Data Mining MCQs, it’s important to understand what data mining is. So, here is a brief introduction to it “Data mining is a field of study that focuses on the process of extracting useful information and patterns from large sets of data. It involves using statistical and machine learning techniques to analyze data and identify meaningful patterns, relationships, and insights.”

Data Mining MCQ Questions & Answers

This set of Data Mining Multiple Choice Questions on Data Mining/ MCQs on Data Mining covers a range of topics related to data preprocessing, classification, clustering, association rule mining, and more. This Data Mining Quiz is designed to test your knowledge and understanding of data mining concepts and techniques and will help you prepare for exams, interviews, and other assessments in the field of data mining.

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Data Mining Multiple Choice Questions

Name Data Mining
Exam Type MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)
Category Technical Quiz
Mode of Quiz Online

Top 50 Data Mining MCQs | Practice Online Quiz

1. Which of the following is not a data mining task?

a. Classification
b. Clustering
c. Regression
d. Linear Programming

Answer: d. Linear Programming

Explanation: Linear Programming is an optimization technique used to find the best solution to a problem, whereas data mining tasks include classification, clustering, and regression.

2. What is the purpose of data preprocessing in data mining?

a. To transform raw data into a suitable format for analysis
b. To summarize data in a compact form
c. To generate new data from existing data
d. To visualize data for easier analysis

Answer: a. To transform raw data into a suitable format for analysis

Explanation: Data preprocessing involves cleaning, transforming, and reducing the size of raw data to make it suitable for analysis.

3. What is the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning?

a. Supervised learning requires labeled data, while unsupervised learning does not.
b. Supervised learning uses clustering algorithms, while unsupervised learning uses classification algorithms.
c. Supervised learning is used for regression analysis, while unsupervised learning is used for clustering.
d. There is no difference between supervised and unsupervised learning.

Answer: a. Supervised learning requires labeled data, while unsupervised learning does not.

Explanation: In supervised learning, the algorithm is trained on labeled data, while in unsupervised learning, the algorithm learns from unlabeled data.

4. Which of the following is not a type of association rule?

a. Positive rule
b. Negative rule
c. Sequential rule
d. Inverse rule

Answer: d. Inverse rule

Explanation: The three types of association rules are positive, negative, and sequential rules.

5. Which algorithm is used for frequent itemset mining?

a. Decision tree algorithm
b. K-nearest neighbors algorithm
c. Apriori algorithm
d. Naive Bayes algorithm

Answer: c. Apriori algorithm

Explanation: The Apriori algorithm is used for frequent itemset mining, which is a process of finding sets of items that frequently appear together in a dataset.

6. Which of the following is not a measure of similarity used in clustering?

a. Euclidean distance
b. Manhattan distance
c. Cosine similarity
d. Entropy

Answer: d. Entropy

Explanation: Entropy is a measure of randomness or uncertainty, and it is not used as a similarity measure in clustering.

7. Which of the following is a data reduction technique?

a. Clustering
b. Classification
c. Sampling
d. Regression

Answer: c. Sampling

Explanation: Sampling is a data reduction technique that involves selecting a subset of data to represent the whole dataset.

8. Which of the following is a classification algorithm?

a. K-means
b. Decision tree
c. Apriori

Answer: b. Decision tree

Explanation: Decision tree is a classification algorithm that builds a tree-like model of decisions and their possible consequences.

9. Which of the following is not a type of decision tree node?

a. Root node
b. Leaf node
c. Decision node
d. Branch node

Answer: d. Branch node

Explanation: Branch nodes do not exist in decision trees; instead, there are root nodes, decision nodes, and leaf nodes.

10. Which of the following is not a technique used for outlier detection?

a. Clustering
b. Principal component analysis
c. Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN)
d. Association rule mining

Answer: d. Association rule mining

Explanation: Association rule mining is used to find frequent itemsets, and it is not a technique used for outlier detection.

11. Which of the following is not a type of neural network?

a. Feedforward neural network
b. Convolutional neural network
c. Recurrent neural network
d. Decision tree neural network

Answer: d. Decision tree neural network

Explanation: Decision tree is not a type of neural network; it is a machine learning algorithm used for classification and regression analysis.

12. Which of the following is a clustering algorithm?

a. Linear regression
b. K-means
c. Random forest
d. Support vector machine

Answer: b. K-means

Explanation: K-means is a clustering algorithm used to group similar data points together.

13. Which of the following is not a type of association rule mining algorithm?

a. Apriori algorithm
b. FP-growth algorithm
c. Eclat algorithm
d. K-nearest neighbors algorithm

Answer: d. K-nearest neighbors algorithm

Explanation: K-nearest neighbors is a classification algorithm, not an association rule mining algorithm.

14. Which of the following is not a measure of association used in association rule mining?

a. Support
b. Confidence
c. Lift
d. Entropy

Answer: d. Entropy

Explanation: Entropy is not a measure of association used in association rule mining; instead, it is a measure of randomness or uncertainty.

15. Which of the following is a data discretization technique?

a. Principal component analysis
b. Singular value decomposition
c. K-means clustering
d. Equal width binning

Answer: d. Equal width binning

Explanation: Equal width binning is a data discretization technique that involves dividing the data into equal width bins or intervals.

16. Which of the following is not a data mining application?

a. Fraud detection
b. Image recognition
c. Customer segmentation
d. Speech recognition

Answer: d. Speech recognition

Explanation: Speech recognition is a natural language processing application, not a data mining application.

17. Which of the following is not a type of regression analysis?

a. Linear regression
b. Logistic regression
c. Polynomial regression
d. Naive Bayes regression

Answer: d. Naive Bayes regression

Explanation: Naive Bayes is a classification algorithm, not a regression analysis technique.

18. Which of the following is not a type of data mining model?

a. Predictive model
b. Descriptive model
c. Classification model
d. Linear model

Answer: d. Linear model

Explanation: Linear model is a statistical model used for regression analysis, not a data mining model.

19. Which of the following is not a type of attribute used in data mining?

a. Nominal
b. Ordinal
c. Interval
d. Decimal

Answer: d. Decimal

Explanation: Decimal is not a type of attribute used in data mining; instead, it is a numerical data type used in programming languages.

20. Which of the following is a text mining technique?

a. Principal component analysis
b. Singular value decomposition
c. Naive Bayes classification
d. K-means clustering

Answer: c. Naive Bayes classification

Explanation: Naive Bayes classification is a text mining technique used to classify documents based on their content.

21. Which of the following is not a type of data preprocessing technique?

a. Sampling
b. Normalization
c. Standardization
d. Principal component analysis

Answer: d. Principal component analysis

Explanation: Principal component analysis is a dimensionality reduction technique, not a data preprocessing technique.

22. Which of the following is a supervised learning algorithm?

a. K-means clustering
b. Decision tree
c. Apriori algorithm
d. DBSCAN clustering

Answer: b. Decision tree

Explanation: Decision tree is a supervised learning algorithm used for classification and regression analysis.

23. Which of the following is not a classification algorithm?

a. K-nearest neighbors
b. Decision tree
c. Naive Bayes
d. Linear regression

Answer: d. Linear regression

Explanation: Linear regression is a regression analysis technique, not a classification algorithm.

24. Which of the following is not a type of data visualization?

a. Scatter plot
b. Bar chart
c. Tree map
d. Linear regression

Answer: d. Linear regression

Explanation: Linear regression is a statistical technique used for analyzing relationships between variables, not a data visualization technique.

25. Which of the following is not a type of data exploration technique?

a. Descriptive statistics
b. Inferential statistics
c. Visualization
d. Clustering

Answer: d. Clustering

Explanation: Clustering is a data mining technique used for pattern recognition and grouping of similar data points.

26. Which of the following is not a type of sampling method?

a. Random sampling
b. Stratified sampling
c. K-means sampling
d. Cluster sampling

Answer: c. K-means sampling

Explanation: K-means is a clustering algorithm, not a sampling method.

27. Which of the following is a dimensionality reduction technique?

a. Apriori algorithm
b. K-means clustering
c. Principal component analysis
d. Linear regression

Answer: c. Principal component analysis

Explanation: Principal component analysis is a dimensionality reduction technique used to reduce the number of variables in a dataset.

28. Which of the following is not a type of anomaly detection technique?

a. Density-based outlier detection
b. Distance-based outlier detection
c. Clustering-based outlier detection
d. Association rule mining

Answer: d. Association rule mining

Explanation: Association rule mining is a data mining technique used for finding patterns and associations between variables.

29. Which of the following is not a type of ensemble learning?

a. Bagging
b. Boosting
c. Random forest
d. K-means clustering

Answer: d. K-means clustering

Explanation: K-means clustering is a clustering algorithm, not an ensemble learning technique.

30. Which of the following is a type of unsupervised learning algorithm?

a. Decision tree
b. K-means clustering
c. Random forest
d. Gradient boosting

Answer: b. K-means clustering

Explanation: K-means clustering is an unsupervised learning algorithm used for clustering similar data points.

31. Which of the following is not a type of association rule mining?

a. Apriori algorithm
b. FP-growth algorithm
c. Eclat algorithm
d. K-means algorithm

Answer: d. K-means algorithm

Explanation: K-means is a clustering algorithm, not an association rule mining algorithm.

32. Which of the following is not a type of decision tree algorithm?

a. ID3 algorithm
b. C4.5 algorithm
c. CART algorithm
d. K-means algorithm

Answer: d. K-means algorithm

Explanation: K-means is a clustering algorithm, not a decision tree algorithm.

33. Which of the following is not a type of evaluation metric used in machine learning?

a. Accuracy
b. Precision
c. Recall
d. Clustering coefficient

Answer: d. Clustering coefficient

Explanation: Clustering coefficient is a measure used in graph theory, not an evaluation metric used in machine learning.

34. Which of the following is a type of data preprocessing technique?

a. Apriori algorithm
b. K-means clustering
c. Principal component analysis
d. Linear regression

Answer: c. Principal component analysis

Explanation: Principal component analysis is a data preprocessing technique used to reduce the number of variables in a dataset.

35. Which of the following is not a type of artificial intelligence?

a. Machine learning
b. Natural language processing
c. Robotics
d. Linear regression

Answer: d. Linear regression

Explanation: Linear regression is a statistical technique used for analyzing relationships between variables, not a type of artificial intelligence.

36. Which of the following is not a type of neural network layer?

a. Input layer
b. Hidden layer
c. Output layer
d. Regression layer

Answer: d. Regression layer

Explanation: Regression is a type of analysis, not a type of neural network layer.

37. Which of the following is a type of decision boundary?

a. Linear boundary
b. Curved boundary
c. Non-linear boundary
d. All of the above

Answer: d. All of the above

Explanation: Decision boundary is a line or curve that separates different classes or clusters in a dataset. It can be linear, curved, or non-linear depending on the data distribution.

38. Which of the following is not a type of data visualization technique?

a. Scatter plot
b. Bar chart
c. Heatmap
d. Apriori algorithm

Answer: d. Apriori algorithm

Explanation: Apriori algorithm is a data mining technique, not a type of data visualization technique.

39. Which of the following is not a type of feature selection technique?

a. Wrapper method
b. Filter method
c. Embedded method
d. Clustering method

Answer: d. Clustering method

Explanation: Clustering is a technique used for data segmentation and not a type of feature selection technique.

40. Which of the following is a type of unsupervised learning algorithm used for anomaly detection?

a. K-means clustering
b. Support vector machine
c. Isolation forest
d. Random forest

Answer: c. Isolation forest

Explanation: Isolation forest is an unsupervised learning algorithm used for anomaly detection, which can detect anomalies more effectively than supervised algorithms.

41. Which of the following is not a type of classification algorithm?

a. Naive Bayes
b. Decision tree
c. Linear regression
d. K-nearest neighbor

Answer: c. Linear regression

Explanation: Linear regression is a regression analysis technique, not a classification algorithm.

42. Which of the following is not a type of data mining technique?

a. Clustering
b. Classification
c. Regression
d. Data cleansing

Answer: d. Data cleansing

Explanation: Data cleansing is a data preprocessing technique, not a data mining technique.

43. Which of the following is not a type of ensemble learning algorithm?

a. Random forest
b. Gradient boosting
c. Adaboost
d. Neural network

Answer: d. Neural network

Explanation: Neural network is a type of artificial neural network, not an ensemble learning algorithm.

44. Which of the following is a type of time series analysis technique?

a. Linear regression
b. Moving average
c. Principal component analysis
d. Naive Bayes

Answer: b. Moving average

Explanation: Moving average is a time series analysis technique used for smoothing data.

45. Which of the following is not a type of outlier detection technique?

a. Z-score method
b. Box plot method
c. Isolation forest
d. Support vector machine

Answer: d. Support vector machine

Explanation: Support vector machine is a classification and regression analysis algorithm, not an outlier detection technique.

46. Which of the following is not a type of distance metric used in clustering?

a. Euclidean distance
b. Cosine distance
c. Manhattan distance
d. Chi-squared distance

Answer: d. Chi-squared distance

Explanation: Chi-squared distance is a statistical measure used for comparing two probability distributions, not a distance metric used in clustering.

47. Which of the following is not a type of recommendation system?

a. Content-based filtering
b. Collaborative filtering
c. Hybrid filtering
d. Clustering

Answer: d. Clustering

Explanation: Clustering is a data segmentation technique, not a recommendation system.

48. Which of the following is a type of association rule mining algorithm?

a. Naive Bayes
b. Apriori algorithm
c. K-means clustering
d. Linear regression

Answer: b. Apriori algorithm

Explanation: Apriori algorithm is a type of association rule mining algorithm used for frequent itemset mining.

49. Which of the following is not a type of feature engineering technique?

a. PCA (Principal Component Analysis)
b. One-Hot Encoding
c. Binning
d. Random forest

Answer: d. Random forest

Explanation: Random forest is a type of ensemble learning algorithm, not a feature engineering technique.

50. Which of the following is not a type of data type?

a. Numerical
b. Categorical
c. Ordinal
d. Apriori

Answer: d. Apriori

Explanation: Apriori is a data mining algorithm, not a type of data type.

51. Which of the following is not a type of machine learning algorithm?

a. Naive Bayes
b. K-means clustering
c. Apriori algorithm
d. Linear regression

Answer: c. Apriori algorithm

Explanation: Apriori algorithm is a data mining algorithm, not a machine learning algorithm.

52. Which of the following is not a type of regression analysis technique?
a. Linear regression
b. Logistic regression
c. Polynomial regression
d. K-means clustering

Answer: d. K-means clustering

Explanation: K-means clustering is a clustering algorithm, not a regression analysis technique.

53. Which of the following is a type of deep learning architecture?

a. K-means clustering
b. Convolutional neural network (CNN)
c. Principal component analysis
d. Apriori algorithm

Answer: b. Convolutional neural network (CNN)

Explanation: CNN is a type of deep learning architecture used for image and video recognition.

54. Which of the following is not a type of neural network architecture?

a. Feedforward neural network
b. Convolutional neural network
c. Recurrent neural network
d. K-means clustering

Answer: d. K-means clustering

Explanation: K-means clustering is a clustering algorithm, not a neural network architecture.

55. Which of the following is not a type of data imbalance problem?

a. Class imbalance
b. Overfitting
c. Undersampling
d. SMOTE (Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique)

Answer: b. Overfitting

Explanation: Overfitting is a problem of overfitting the model on the training data, not a data imbalance problem.

56. Which of the following is not a type of kernel function used in SVM (Support Vector Machine)?

a. Linear kernel
b. Gaussian kernel (RBF kernel)
c. Polynomial kernel
d. K-means kernel

Answer: d. K-means kernel

Explanation: K-means kernel is not a type of kernel function used in SVM. SVM uses a kernel function to transform data into higher-dimensional feature space for better separation of classes.

57. Which of the following is a type of anomaly detection algorithm?

a. K-means clustering
b. PCA (Principal Component Analysis)
c. Local Outlier Factor (LOF)
d. Linear regression

Answer: c. Local Outlier Factor (LOF)

Explanation: LOF is a type of anomaly detection algorithm used to detect anomalies in the data.

58. Which of the following is not a type of clustering algorithm?

a. K-means clustering
b. Hierarchical clustering
c. DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise)
d. Apriori algorithm

Answer: d. Apriori algorithm

Explanation: Apriori algorithm is a data mining algorithm, not a clustering algorithm.

59. Which of the following is not a type of dimensionality reduction technique?

a. PCA (Principal Component Analysis)
b. LDA (Linear Discriminant Analysis)
c. K-means clustering
d. t-SNE (t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding)

Answer: c. K-means clustering

Explanation: K-means clustering is a clustering algorithm, not a dimensionality reduction technique.

60. Which of the following is a type of time series forecasting algorithm?

a. K-means clustering
b. ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average)
c. Apriori algorithm
d. Decision tree

Answer: b. ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average)

Explanation: ARIMA is a type of time series forecasting algorithm used to model and forecast time series data.

Data mining plays a vital role in today’s data-driven world by helping individuals and organizations extract useful insights from large sets of data. These Data Mining MCQs and Answers provide a helpful resource for those looking to test their knowledge and deepen their understanding of this important field. Additionally, you can stay up-to-date on various technical quizzes by following our website, Freshersnow. is one of the best job sites in India. On this website you can find list of jobs such as IT jobs, government jobs, bank jobs, railway jobs, work from home jobs, part time jobs, online jobs, pharmacist jobs, software jobs etc. Along with employment updates, we also provide online classes for various courses through our android app. also offers recruitment board to employers to post their job advertisements for free.