Dell Interview Experience (Latest): Hello! For the sake of the freshers’ aspirants who are preparing for the Dell Interview, we have come up here with the Latest Dell Interview Experience. Whereas, going through the whole of this article will help you know the Dell Technologies On Campus Interview Experience/ Dell Technologies Off Campus Interview Experience. Knowing the Dell Technologies Interview Experience for Freshers will help the candidates to know how capable they are to face the Dell Technologies Interview and will also let the candidates gain knowledge on what type of Dell Technical/ HR questions that are been asked in the Dell Technical/ HR Interview. Hence, as you will get more kind of useful stuff from this page with respect to Dell Technologies Latest Interview Experience, we suggest you to keep in touch with us always. For now, go through the below sections and don’t miss any of the single detail in here regarding the Dell Interview Experience.
Dell Interview Experience – Overview
Name Of The Company | Dell |
Qualification | Any Graduate/ Post Graduate |
Job Role | Multiple |
Job Location | Across India |
Experience | Freshers |
Category | Interview Experience |
Website | www.dell.com |
Dell Technologies Latest Interview Experience
If you were preparing to appear for the Dell Technologies interview, we suggest you to have a look at this section and know the Latest Dell Interview Experience. As in turn, you will get to know what kind of questions that are been asked in each of the Del Technologies Selection Process rounds.
Dell Technologies On Campus Interview Experience
Job Role: Software Engineer
Dell Technologies Selection Process: Written-test, 1 Technical Round, and 2 HR Rounds.
Round 1: Written Test
The mode of the test is online. There were a total of 60 questions asked and the time given to complete the test is 70 minutes. Topics that were covered in the written test were Aptitude questions, OS, Data structure, and Database and Computer Networks. Out of 800 candidates, only 90 were shortlisted in this round.
Round 2: Technical & HR Round
Once I have been shortlisted in the written test I have called for the Technical and HR round. On completion of the technical round immediately the HR round has started. Questions that have been asked in this round are:
1. Tell me about yourself
2. Find the kth element from the end in a linked list.
3. Garbage collection in C++, python
4. Difference between .dll and .exe
5. About my projects and internships.
6. Describe how would design a vending machine.
7. Describe an analogy between Knight and rook movements (in chess) in any code you have written in the past.
9. There were other many basic HR questions that I can’t seem to recall.
Out of all the 90 students, only 17 students got shortlisted for the further round.
Round 3: Tech HR Round
This round went just for 5 minutes. And it was happen through a Zoom call. The only question that was asked by the interview is whether I am flexible with relocation or not. Out of all the 17 candidates, all were selected in this round.
Dell Technologies Interview Experience
Job Role: Software Development Engineer
Dell Technologies Interview Process:
- Round 1: Resume Shortlisting
- Round 2: Online Test
- Round 3: Technical Interview 1
- Round 4: Managerial + HR
Round 1: Resume Shortlisting: The Dell Technologies Hiring Team has asked us to submit our latest resumes. After a few days, they have shortlisted 90 candidates out of 600 for the Online test. Mostly, the candidates who have got skills and projects were shortlisted.
Round 2: Online Test
- The online test was conducted in the HirePro platform. This is an MCQ test. Where 50 questions were asked. In which, 10 questions were from Aptitude, the rest of the questions were asked on DBMS, OS, Networking, OOPS, C++, Java, SQL, and Data Structures
- It takes a lot of time to solve the questions and I have confidently solved nearly 40 questions
- t was selected in this round, and including me, 11 got deleted for the nest round
Round 3: Technical Interview 1
- This round is scheduled to conduct on the next day in Microsoft Teams. For me, is round lasts for 45 minutes
- Firstly, he asked me to tell about myself
- Then he asked me about my projects
- Later, he asked questions on the topics like OOPS concepts, DBMS, OS, and Networking. Here are some of the questions:
1. Explain the layers of the OSI Model.
2. Abstraction vs Data Hiding
3. CPU Scheduling techniques and some conceptual questions regarding that. After that, he asked me to implement encapsulation
- Once I am done answering the questions, the interviewer asked me about my preferred programming language. My answer for it is C++, and he started asking questions about it like how doubly linked list is implemented in C++, Interfaces, Friend functions, and some more
- Followed by the previous questions, he asked me two coding questions which I have mentioned below:
Program1: Write a function that produces the set of merged intervals for the given set of intervals.
1. Sort the intervals based on increasing order of starting time.
2. Push the first interval on to a stack.
3. For each interval do the following: a. If the current interval does not overlap with the stack top, push it. b. If the current interval overlaps with stack top and the ending time of the current interval is more than that of stack top, update stack top with the ending time of the current interval.
4. At the end stack contains the merged intervals.
Program 2: Given a linked list and an integer N, the task is to delete the Nth node from the end of the given linked list.
Input: 2 -> 3 -> 1 -> 7 -> NULL, N = 1
The created linked list is:
2 3 1 7
The linked list after deletion is:
2 3 1
Input: 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> NULL, N = 4
The created linked list is:
1 2 3 4
The linked list after deletion is:
2 3 4
Round 4: Managerial + HR
This is a basic kind of interview round. Questions related to my resume were asked in this round. The overall time taken for this round is 30 minutes. At last, 3 got selected in this round.
- The interviewer asked about my projects and internships. This is followed by the questions related to Microsoft Azure and its services
- Later, the interviewer asked a few behavioral questions. My interview has ended up with the question from my side asking about the technologies that will be used if I am selected.
At last, 3 got selected in this round.
We hope that the provided information on this page was helpful to you. To get such IT Jobs interview experience updates, make sure that you are following us @ freshersnow.com.