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DPAR Puducherry UDC General English Questions & Answers


DPAR Puducherry UDC General English Questions & Answers: If you getting ready to start your exam preparation for the DPAR Puducherry UDC Exam then you should consider this article too. If you have checked the syllabus for Puducherry UDC, you might be aware that General English is also part of the written exam. Candidates who have trouble in answers questions related to English can go through this post.

DPAR Puducherry UDC General English Questions & Answers

By scrolling down to the next section you can find DPAR Puducherry UDC General English Quiz. Now, aspirants who have difficulty in answering English Questions for DPAR Puducherry UDC like filling in the blanks, synonyms, antonyms, and spelling/ detecting misspelled words, can practice them through this article. Further, after attempting the quiz don’t forget to check your score to know your performance.

1. Which of the following is the correct usage of the word “imminent”?

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a. He was able to swim for an imminent amount of time.
b. The imminent storm caused widespread panic.
c. The football team played an imminent game on Saturday.
d. She felt an imminent sense of joy after receiving the news.

Answer: b. The imminent storm caused widespread panic.

Explanation: “Imminent” means about to happen or occur, and in this sentence, it correctly describes the storm’s impending arrival.

2. Which of the following is the correct usage of the word “exacerbate”?

a. The new medicine seemed to exacerbate her symptoms.
b. His poor vision exacerbated his inability to drive.
c. The teacher tried to exacerbate the situation by yelling at the students.
d. The exercise routine helped to exacerbate her muscle soreness.

Answer: a. The new medicine seemed to exacerbate her symptoms.

Explanation: “Exacerbate” means to make a situation worse, and in this sentence, it correctly describes the negative effect the medicine had on her symptoms.

3. Which of the following is the correct usage of the word “ephemeral”?

a. His legacy will be remembered as ephemeral.
b. The painting was admired for its ephemeral beauty.
c. The author’s success was anything but ephemeral.
d. The flowers’ beauty was ephemeral, as they wilted after only a few days.

Answer: d. The flowers’ beauty was ephemeral, as they wilted after only a few days.

Explanation: “Ephemeral” means lasting for a very short time, and in this sentence, it correctly describes the short lifespan of the flowers’ beauty.

4. Which of the following is the correct usage of the word “inadvertent”?

a. She made an inadvertent mistake while typing the report.
b. The company made an inadvertent profit in the last quarter.
c. The athlete won the race due to an inadvertent boost from the crowd.
d. The teacher gave an inadvertent answer to the student’s question.

Answer: a. She made an inadvertent mistake while typing the report.

Explanation: “Inadvertent” means unintentional or accidental, and in this sentence, it correctly describes the mistake she made while typing the report.

5. Which of the following is the correct usage of the word “repercussion”?

a. The decision had a positive repercussion on the company’s profits.
b. The athlete suffered from a repercussion after running the marathon.
c. The student was suspended from school for the repercussion of his actions.
d. The company faced the repercussion of their unethical practices.

Answer:d. The company faced the repercussion of their unethical practices.

Explanation: “Repercussion” means an unintended consequence or outcome, often a negative one, and in this sentence, it correctly describes the negative consequences the company faced due to their unethical practices.

6. Which of the following is the correct usage of the word “gregarious”?

a. The shy girl was very gregarious and outgoing.
b. The lonely man craved gregarious company.
c. The strict teacher was known for her gregarious teaching style.
d. The peaceful protest turned violent due to gregarious behavior.

Answer: c. The lonely man craved gregarious company.

Explanation: “Gregarious” means fond of company or sociable, and in this sentence, it correctly describes the man’s desire for social interaction.

7. Which of the following is the correct usage of the word “propensity”?

a. The company had a propensity to hire inexperienced workers.
b. The successful athlete had a propensity for hard work and dedication.
c. The teacher’s propensity for assigning difficult homework was well-known among the students.
d. The politician had a propensity for telling the truth, even if it was unpopular.

Answer: a. The company had a propensity to hire inexperienced workers.

Explanation: “Propensity” means a natural inclination or tendency towards something, and in this sentence, it correctly describes the company’s tendency to hire inexperienced workers.

8. Which of the following is the correct usage of the word “prolific”?

a. The writer was known for his prolific use of language.
b. The farmer had a prolific harvest this year.
c. The artist was known for her prolific paintings of landscapes.
d. The athlete was prolific in his use of performance-enhancing drugs.

Answer: c. The artist was known for her prolific paintings of landscapes.

Explanation: “Prolific” means producing many works or results, and in this sentence, it correctly describes the artist’s ability to create many paintings of landscapes.

9. Which of the following is the correct usage of the word “quintessential”?

a. The cake was the quintessential example of a perfect dessert.
b. The employee was the quintessential model of laziness and incompetence.
c. The athlete was the quintessential example of sportsmanship and fair play.
d. The politician was the quintessential liar, known for making false promises.

Answer:a. The cake was the quintessential example of a perfect dessert.

Explanation: “Quintessential” means representing the most perfect or typical example of something, and in this sentence, it correctly describes the cake’s perfection as a dessert.

10. Which of the following is the correct usage of the phrase “beg the question”?

a. The politician’s argument begged the question of whether or not he was truthful.
b. The student’s question begged for an answer.
c. The employee’s request begged the question of his loyalty to the company.
d. The musician’s performance begged the question of her talent.

Answer:a. The politician’s argument begged the question of whether or not he was truthful.

Explanation: “Beg the question” means to assume the truth of the very thing one is trying to prove, and in this sentence, it correctly describes the politician’s argument, which assumed his own truthfulness without providing evidence to support it.

11. Which of the following is the correct usage of the word “conundrum”?

a. The company faced a conundrum when it came to choosing between profitability and ethical responsibility.
b. The athlete faced a conundrum when deciding which sport to specialize in.
c. The student faced a conundrum when choosing between two equally appealing colleges.
d. The musician faced a conundrum when deciding which instrument to focus on.

Answer: a. The company faced a conundrum when it came to choosing between profitability and ethical responsibility.

Explanation: “Conundrum” means a difficult problem or dilemma, and in this sentence, it correctly describes the company’s difficult choice between profitability and ethical responsibility.

12. Which of the following is the correct usage of the word “ennui”?

a. The traveler experienced ennui after months of living in the same place.
b. The athlete experienced ennui after winning too many competitions in a row.
c. The student experienced ennui after completing all of her assignments.
d. The artist experienced ennui after painting the same subject over and over again.

Answer: a. The traveler experienced ennui after months of living in the same place.

Explanation: “Ennui” means a feeling of dissatisfaction or boredom caused by lack of interest or stimulation, and in this sentence, it correctly describes the traveler’s boredom after spending too much time in the same place.

13. Which of the following is the correct usage of the word “exacerbate”?

a. The doctor’s treatment plan exacerbated the patient’s condition.
b. The teacher’s feedback exacerbated the student’s self-doubt.
c. The coach’s training regimen exacerbated the athlete’s injury.
d. The musician’s performance exacerbated the audience’s boredom.

Answer: a. The doctor’s treatment plan exacerbated the patient’s condition.

Explanation: “Exacerbate” means to make a problem or situation worse, and in this sentence, it correctly describes the doctor’s treatment plan, which worsened the patient’s condition.

14. Which of the following is the correct usage of the word “facetious”?

a. The politician’s comments were facetious, meant to be humorous and not taken seriously.
b. The athlete’s apology was facetious, lacking sincerity and remorse.
c. The teacher’s lecture was facetious, meant to confuse and mislead the students.
d. The musician’s performance was facetious, meant to mock and ridicule the audience.

Answer: a. The politician’s comments were facetious, meant to be humorous and not taken seriously.

Explanation: “Facetious” means treating a serious issue with inappropriate humor, and in this sentence, it correctly describes the politician’s comments, which were not meant to be taken seriously.

15. Which of the following is the correct usage of the word “hackneyed”?

a. The writer’s use of cliches was hackneyed and unoriginal.
b. The athlete’s performance was hackneyed, lacking skill and technique.
c. The teacher’s lesson was hackneyed, lacking creativity and engagement.
d. The musician’s performance was hackneyed, lacking passion and originality.

Answer: a. The writer’s use of cliches was hackneyed and unoriginal.

Explanation: “Hackneyed” means lacking originality and overused, and in this sentence, it correctly describes the writer’s use of cliches.

16. Which of the following is the correct usage of the phrase “in lieu of”?

a. The company offered a bonus in lieu of a pay raise.
b. The athlete was given a medal in lieu of a trophy.
c. The teacher gave the student an extra assignment in lieu of a punishment.
d. The musician was given a standing ovation in lieu of an encore.

Answer: a. The company offered a bonus in lieu of a pay raise.

Explanation: “In lieu of” means in place of or instead of, and in this sentence, it correctly describes the company’s offer of a bonus instead of a pay raise.

17. Which of the following is the correct usage of the word “esoteric”?

a. The scholar’s research was esoteric, understood only by experts in the field.
b. The athlete’s training regimen was esoteric, too complex for beginners.
c. The teacher’s lecture was esoteric, too difficult for students to understand.
d. The musician’s performance was esoteric, too avant-garde for most listeners.

Answer: a. The scholar’s research was esoteric, understood only by experts in the field.

Explanation: “Esoteric” means intended for or understood by only a small group of people with specialized knowledge or interest, and in this sentence, it correctly describes the scholar’s research.

18. Which of the following is the correct usage of the word “pedantic”?

a. The teacher’s corrections were pedantic, nitpicking small errors.
b. The athlete’s coach was pedantic, expecting perfection in every practice.
c. The writer’s style was pedantic, using overly complicated words and structures.
d. The musician’s performance was pedantic, playing every note exactly as written without any variation.

Answer: a. The teacher’s corrections were pedantic, nitpicking small errors.

Explanation: “Pedantic” means overly concerned with minor details or rules, and in this sentence, correctly describes the teacher’s corrections.

19. Which of the following is the correct usage of the word “idiosyncrasy”?

a. The artist’s style was characterized by idiosyncrasies that made it unique.
b. The athlete’s performance was hindered by idiosyncrasies in his technique.
c. The teacher’s lesson plan was full of idiosyncrasies, confusing the students.
d. The musician’s performance was lacking in idiosyncrasies, making it generic and uninteresting.

Answer: a. The artist’s style was characterized by idiosyncrasies that made it unique.

Explanation: “Idiosyncrasy” means a distinctive or peculiar feature or characteristic of a person or thing, and in this sentence, it correctly describes the artist’s unique style.

20. Which of the following is the correct usage of the phrase “in the doldrums”?

a. The company’s sales were in the doldrums after a slow quarter.
b. The athlete was in the doldrums after losing a big competition.
c. The student’s grades were in the doldrums after a difficult semester.
d. The musician’s career was in the doldrums after a string of unsuccessful albums.

Answer: a. The company’s sales were in the doldrums after a slow quarter.

Explanation: “In the doldrums” means in a state of stagnation or decline, and in this sentence, correctly describes the company’s sales after a slow quarter. is one of the best job sites in India. On this website you can find list of jobs such as IT jobs, government jobs, bank jobs, railway jobs, work from home jobs, part time jobs, online jobs, pharmacist jobs, software jobs etc. Along with employment updates, we also provide online classes for various courses through our android app. also offers recruitment board to employers to post their job advertisements for free.