DVC JE Syllabus 2025 PDF Download & Exam Pattern: From this article, aspirants can get details of the DVC JE Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025, providing you with a clear understanding of the subjects and topics you need to focus on. The DVC JE Exam Syllabus provides a detailed understanding of the various topics that will be covered in the written test. Candidates who wish to score well in the competitive examination must understand the weightage and importance of all sections mentioned in the DVC Junior Engineer Exam Pattern 2025.
DVC JE Syllabus 2025
To excel in the DVC JE Exam 2025, candidates need a comprehensive understanding of the DVC Junior Engineer Syllabus 2025 and exam pattern. The DVC Junior Engineer Syllabus and Exam Pattern provide a detailed outline of the question paper. By familiarizing themselves with the DVC Junior Engineer Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2025, aspirants can strategize their preparation effectively and aim for a high score. This article presents a thorough coverage of the complete DVC JE Syllabus and Exam Pattern, ensuring convenience for the candidates in their exam preparation.
DVC JE Syllabus 2025 – Overview
DVC JE Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2025 | |
Organization Name | Damodar Valley Corporation |
Post Names | Junior Engineer |
Category | Syllabus |
Selection Process | Computer Based Test |
Official Site | dvc.gov.in |
DVC Junior Engineer Selection Process
The selection process for DVC Junior Engineer is based on Computer Based Test.
DVC JE Exam Pattern 2025
Duration : 120 Minutes
S. No. | Subject | No. of Question | Marks |
1. | General Aptitude Test | 30 | 30 |
2. | Technical Knowledge Test (Civil) | 70 | 70 |
Total | 100 | 100 |
DVC Junior Engineer Syllabus 2025
To optimize their preparation for the exam, it is crucial for candidates to have a comprehensive understanding of the DVC JE Syllabus 2025. This will allow them to align their studies with the specific requirements of the exam. In this section, we provide the tentative DVC Junior Engineer Syllabus 2025, giving candidates an overview of the topics to focus on.
General Aptitude Test (GAT) Syllabus:
Reasoning Ability:
1. Analogies
2. Classification
3. Coding-Decoding
4. Blood Relation
5. Seating Arrangement
6. Direction Sense
7. Order and Ranking
8. Calendar
9. Clock
10. Decision Making
11. Data Sufficiency
12. Counting of Figures
13. Non-Verbal Reasoning
Quantitative Aptitude:
1. Problems on Numbers
2. Ratio and Proportion
3. Average
4. Decimal Fraction
5. Percentage
6. Profit & Loss
7. Simple and Compound Interest
8. Time and Work
9. Pipe and Cistern
10. Mixture and Allegation
11. Algebra
12. Trigonometry
13. Mensuration
14. Geometry
15. Statistics
English Language:
1. Vocabulary
2. Synonyms and Antonyms
3. Error Detection
4. Fill in the Blanks
5. Sentence Correction
6. One Word Substitution
7. Idioms and Phrases
8. Tense
9. Parts of Speech
10. Active and Passive Voice
11. Narration
12. Reading Comprehension
General Awareness:
1. History of India
2. Indian Constitution
3. Economics
4. Arts and Culture
5. Awards and Honors
6. Appointments
7. Books and Authors
8. Sports
9. Political Events
10. Current Affairs
Technical Knowledge (Civil):
1. Fundamental of Civil Engineering & knowledge of different materials
2. Concrete Technology
3. Construction material & its management
4. Structural Engineering
5. Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering
6. Highway & Railway engineering
7. Water supply & sanitation
8. Surveying
9. Quality
10. Miscellaneous
DVC JE Syllabus 2025 Download Link
DVC JE Syllabus 2025 PDF Download | |
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Regularly, keep visiting our website Freshersnow.com for more latest and updated information. We expect all aspirants to have the DVC JE Syllabus 2025 PDF Download from the attached direct link.
DVC JE Syllabus 2025 – FAQ
What is the time duration of the DVC JE Exam?
2 hours will be given for the DVC JE Exam.
Which type of questions will be asked in the DVC JE Exam?
Only objective-type questions will be asked in the DVC JE Exam.
What is the selection process for the DVC Junior Engineer post?
The selection process for the DVC Junior Engineer post consists of a Computer Based Test (CBT).
What is the exam pattern for the DVC Junior Engineer Exam?
The exam pattern for the DVC Junior Engineer exam in 2025 is as follows: Part I: General Aptitude Test (GAT), and Part II: Technical Knowledge Test (TKT).