Engineers Day Quiz 2022: Do you recognize the specialty of Today’s Date? Well if you are not aware let us inform you that 15th September 2022 is celebrated as “Engineers Day” in the honor of Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya. If you are an Engineer you can understand the importance of being an Engineer professional in today’s generation. As a Engineer, they not only promote the highest contribution to India’s economy but they make living easy by bringing out solutions to existing problems & make innovations that make our lives easy. This day turned out to be blissful for all engineers across India because our honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and the Ministry of Home Affairs Amit Shah Saluted Engineers for their role in the development of the country.
Engineers Day Quiz 2022
So, here is a small enjoyable quiz for you. In order to make it more interesting for Engineers Day, we have arranged a small quiz regarding Engineers Day which can also be helpful for you if you are going to face any competitive exams in the future. Hence, do pop in and know more interesting facts and news about the Engineers Day.
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