ESIC UDC Cut Off 2022 (Out) – Prelims Exam Cut Off Marks (All Regions)

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ESIC UDC Cut Off 2022 (Released) | Prelims Exam Cut Off Marks (All Regions) – Looking for a website that could help you with providing accurate information about ESIC Cut Off 2022 for UDC post? Well, here is an article that provides complete information about the ESIC UDC Cut-Off 2022. Candidates who have recently appeared for the ESIC UDC Prelims Exam on 19th March 2022 should now check this article to get updates about the ESIC UDC Prelims Exam Cut Off Marks. In the below sections, we have accommodated the information about the ESIC UDC Cut Off according to all the regions and categories. Moreover, check out the ESIC UDC Expected Cut Off 2022 and know what are the minimum qualifying marks you need to secure in order to get shortlisted for further selection rounds. So, without any delay drop in and go through ESIC UDC Cut Off Marks 2022 and obtain the actual ESIC UDC Cut Off when released by the officials through the direct link given below.

ESIC UDC Cut Off 2022 | Details

ESIC UDC Cut-Off 2022 | Expected, Previous Year
Organization Name Employees State Insurance Corporation
Name of The Exam UDC Preliminary Exam
Post Name Upper Division Clerk (UDC)
Category Cut Off 
Official Site

Factors Affecting the ESIC UDC Cut Off Marks 2022

In order to frame the ESIC Cut Off 2022 for the UDC post, the officials will take the below parameters into consideration and analyze them. Then finally, ESIC UDC Cut Off Marks 2022 will be decided according to category wise.

  • Total vacancies initially offered by the ESIC officials for UDC posts.
  • Number of candidates applied for the UDC position
  • The total number of candidates who appeared for the exam.
  • The difficulty level of the ESIC UDC Prelims Exam Paper
  • The previous year cut off mark analysis.

ESIC UDC Cut Off 2022

As you guys are already aware that as of now the Employees State Insurance Corporation officials till now haven’t released the actual ESIC UDC Cut-Off 2022. Therefore, in order to get a brief insight about what the present ESIC UDC Cut Off will be like, kindly check out the ESIC UDC Expected Cut Off 2022 established by the experts who have studied the last few years ESIC UDC Prelims Cut Off. From the below table you guys can know the minimum qualifying marks that candidates from the respective category should secure to get shortlisted for further rounds.

esic udc cut off

ESIC UDC Previous Year Cut Off Marks

For a better understanding of ESIC UDC Cut Off based on previous years’ trends kindly check out the below table where we have accommodated the ESIC UDC Cut Off State Wise 2019/ ESIC UDC Prelims Cut Off 2019. By going through this table you can know your category cut off based upon your state.

ESIC UDC Prelims Exam Cut Off Marks 2019

Andhra Pradesh 165 151 126  — 127 85.5  —  —  — 126.5
Bihar 165 122.5 123 163 155.5 105 63  —  — 138.5
Chhattisgarh 141 99.5 96 125.5 92  — 80.5  —  — 88.5
Delhi D (M) D 148 111.5 109.5 117.5 97 146 96.5 66 102.5 74
Delhi HQRS 157.5 142 127.5 140.5 131.5  — 65 84.5  — 120
Delhi RO 169.5 147 114.5 155 149.5 80.5 63.5 140 123.5 135.5
Goa 156  —  — 140.5 141  —  —  —  — 126
Gujarat 161 151 118.5 145.5 135 68.5 93.5 110 64 105
Himachal Pradesh 150 112  — 107 120.5 61.5  —  —  — 122
J&K 151  — 80.5  —  —  —  —  —  —
Jharkhand 168.5 114 124  — 123  —  —  —  — 119.5
Karnataka 153.5 128.5 118 141 125 62 62.5 115 67.5 83
Kerala 167.5 118.5  — 162.5 129 71.5 74 79.5 107.5 125.5
Madhya Pradesh 153 118.5 112 139.5 104 84.5 75.5  —  — 82
Maharashtra 161 151 126 150 133.5 118.5 63.5 122.5 92.5 111.5
North East Regions 158 117 132.5 129 99.5  —  —  —  — 73.5
Orissa 163.5 152 118.5 161 137.5  — 62.5  —  — 148
Puducherry 155 126.5  — 155 126  —  —  —  — 95
Punjab 169 131.5  — 146.5 119.5 61  — 63.5  — 118
Rajasthan 164 135 141.5 151.5 145.5 69.5 80 101 142 125.5
Tamil Nadu 163.5 147 109.5 159.5 117 86.5 77.5 137.5 88 71.5
Telangana 163 146 136 152.5 139  — 60.5 115.5  — 103
Uttar Pradesh 162.5 132  — 147 144 92.5 63 124.5  — 143
Uttrakhand 163  —  — 123 131.5 82  —  —  — 144
West Bengal 165 133 98 151 119.5  — 88.5 114.5 76.5 128

How to Check the ESIC Cut Off 2022 for UDC?

  • Candidates have to initially open the official website @
  • Then ESIC home page will be opened.
  • Now, check the Highlights section.
  • In that search for the “Cut Off Marks for UDC Posts”
  • When found, click on that link.
  • Then a notice displaying the UDC Prelims Cut Off Marks will be opened.
  • Check the cut-off marks according to your category and know what is the minimum marks you have to secure to get shortlisted for further rounds.
ESIC UDC Cut Off Marks 2022 – Important Links
To Download the ESIC UDC Cut Off 2022 Click Here (Link will be enabled once the officials release it on their portal)

For more latest updates about the ESIC UDC Expected Cut Off 2022/ ESIC UDC Cut Off for Prelims exam kindly keep checking our website frequently.