Famous Days and Dates Quiz: These days for every exams like SSC, Civils, Bank etc many of the questions are asking for the Famous Days and Dates. So, practicing the Famous Days and Dates GK Questions are compulsory. Many of the questions will be on the topic of Famous Days and Dates. So, competitors need to update themselves. However, to test the individuals remembering ability we Freshersnow.com team are conducting the Famous Days and Dates Online Test to crack the competitive exams easily. The individual can practice the Famous Days and Dates Online test for competitive exams which is provided below in the pdf format or you can download and practice the paper of Famous Days and Dates GK Online Test.
Famous Days and Dates Quiz Details
Check the below-given table for the details.
Quiz Name | Famous Days and Dates |
Category | General Knowledge |
Number of Questions | 23 |
Time | 30 Minutes |
Exam Type | MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) |
We have provided the Famous days and dates Online Test. Before going to crack the exam the individual generally takes the GK Quiz on Famous Days and Dates.
Famous Days and Dates Questions and Answers
1. When is World Environment Day celebrated?
a) June 5
b) April 22
c) September 16
d) October 24
Answer: a) June 5
Explanation: World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5 to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the environment.
2. When is International Women’s Day celebrated?
a) March 8
b) February 14
c) November 19
d) October 31
Answer: a) March 8
Explanation: International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8 every year to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women and to raise awareness about gender equality.
3. When is International Yoga Day celebrated?
a) June 21
b) July 1
c) May 1
d) August 15
Answer: a) June 21
Explanation: International Yoga Day is celebrated on June 21 every year to raise awareness about the benefits of yoga for physical, mental, and spiritual health.
4. When is World Humanitarian Day celebrated?
a) August 19
b) July 11
c) June 5
d) September 21
Answer: a) August 19
Explanation: World Humanitarian Day is celebrated on August 19 every year to honor humanitarian workers who risk their lives to help people affected by crises around the world.
5. When is the International Day of Peace celebrated?
a) September 21
b) July 4
c) October 31
d) December 25
Answer: a) September 21
Explanation: International Day of Peace is celebrated on September 21 every year to promote peace and non-violence worldwide.
6. When is World AIDS Day celebrated?
a) December 1
b) January 1
c) February 14
d) November 19
Answer: a) December 1
Explanation: World AIDS Day is celebrated on December 1 every year to raise awareness about the HIV/AIDS epidemic and to support those affected by it.
7. When is World Water Day celebrated?
a) March 22
b) April 22
c) May 22
d) June 22
Answer: a) March 22
Explanation: World Water Day is celebrated on March 22 every year to raise awareness about the importance of freshwater and to advocate for the sustainable management of water resources.
8. When is World Food Day celebrated?
a) October 16
b) November 19
c) September 21
d) December 1
Answer: a) October 16
Explanation: World Food Day is celebrated on October 16 every year to raise awareness about the issues of hunger and malnutrition around the world.
9. When is Earth Day celebrated?
a) April 22
b) March 22
c) May 22
d) June 22
Answer: a) April 22
Explanation: Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 every year to raise awareness about environmental issues and to promote actions for the protection of the planet.
10. When is World Cancer Day celebrated?
a) February 4
b) January 1
c) March 8
d) December 25
Answer: a) February 4
Explanation: World Cancer Day is celebrated on February 4 every year to raise awareness about cancer prevention, detection, and treatment.
11. When is International Day of the Girl Child celebrated?
a) October 11
b) November 19
c) September 21
d) December 1
Answer: a) October 11
Explanation: International Day of the Girl Child is celebrated on October 11 every year to raise awareness about the challenges faced
12. When is World Water Day celebrated?
a) 22nd March
b) 2nd March
c) 20th March
d) 10th March
Answer: a) 22nd March
Explanation: World Water Day is celebrated on 22nd March every year to raise awareness about the importance of freshwater and advocate for sustainable management of freshwater resources.
13. When is International Women’s Day celebrated?
a) 8th March
b) 10th March
c) 12th March
d) 6th March
Answer: a) 8th March
Explanation: International Women’s Day is celebrated on 8th March every year to celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women and raise awareness about gender equality.
14. When is World Press Freedom Day celebrated?
a) 3rd May
b) 5th May
c) 7th May
d) 10th May
Answer: a) 3rd May
Explanation: World Press Freedom Day is celebrated on 3rd May every year to raise awareness about the importance of press freedom and remind governments of their duty to respect and uphold the right to freedom of expression.
15. When is World Humanitarian Day celebrated?
a) 19th August
b) 20th August
c) 21st August
d) 22nd August
Answer: a) 19th August
Explanation: World Humanitarian Day is celebrated on 19th August every year to recognize the efforts of humanitarian workers and to advocate for the safety and protection of civilians affected by conflicts and disasters.
16. When is the International Day of Peace celebrated?
a) 21st September
b) 23rd September
c) 25th September
d) 28th September
Answer: a) 21st September
Explanation: International Day of Peace is celebrated on 21st September every year to promote peace, non-violence, and cease-fire in areas of conflict around the world.
17. Which day is celebrated on March 8th every year?
a) World Health Day
b) International Women’s Day
c) World Environment Day
d) Earth Day
Answer: b) International Women’s Day
Explanation: International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8th every year to celebrate the achievements of women and call for gender equality.
18. What day is celebrated on February 14th every year?
a) World Health Day
b) Valentine’s Day
c) Earth Day
d) International Women’s Day
Answer: b) Valentine’s Day
Explanation: Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February 14th every year to express love and affection to one’s romantic partner.
19. What day is celebrated on October 31st every year?
a) Halloween
b) Thanksgiving Day
c) Independence Day
d) Christmas Day
Answer: a) Halloween
Explanation: Halloween is celebrated on October 31st every year, where people dress up in costumes, go trick-or-treating, and celebrate the supernatural.
20. What day is celebrated on June 5th every year?
a) Earth Day
b) International Women’s Day
c) World Environment Day
d) World Health Day
Answer: c) World Environment Day
Explanation: World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5th every year to promote environmental awareness and encourage action to protect the planet.
21. What day is celebrated on December 25th every year?
a) Halloween
b) Christmas Day
c) Thanksgiving Day
d) New Year’s Day
Answer: b) Christmas Day
Explanation: Christmas Day is celebrated on December 25th every year to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ.
22. What day is celebrated on March 22nd every year?
a) Earth Day
b) World Water Day
c) World Health Day
d) World Environment Day
Answer: b) World Water Day
Explanation: World Water Day is celebrated on March 22nd every year to focus on the importance of freshwater and advocate for the sustainable management of water resources.
23. What day is celebrated on May 1st every year?
a) Labor Day
b) Independence Day
c) Thanksgiving Day
d) Christmas Day
Answer: a) Labor Day
Explanation: Labor Day is celebrated on May 1st every year to honor the contributions of workers and promote better working conditions.
24. What day is celebrated on September 5th every year?
a) Independence Day
b) Christmas Day
c) Thanksgiving Day
d) Teacher’s Day
Answer: d) Teacher’s Day
Explanation: Teacher’s Day is celebrated on September 5th every year to appreciate the role of teachers in society and honor their contributions.
25. What day is celebrated on January 1st every year?
a) New Year’s Day
b) Valentine’s Day
c) Earth Day
d) World Environment Day
Answer: a) New Year’s Day
Explanation: New Year’s Day is celebrated on January 1st every year to mark the beginning of a new year according to the Gregorian calendar.
About Famous Days and Dates GK Questions
Here in the Famous Days and Dates, Online Test consists of questions as Famous day and the date. The Quiz question may have come from what is the importance of January 4th or What is the importance of 1st Sunday of January or when was the republic day celebrated and so on. However, the question might be the individual has to verify and select the option which is suitable for the Question given in the Famous days and dates Online Test. To give the complete grip on Famous Days and Dates Topics, we have arranged the Quiz. Every question will be from the previous paper or either given by the website. Here you go, take the quiz try to more point as many as possible by attempting the Online Test and gain the knowledge.
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Famous Days and Dates GK Quiz Results
The results of the Famous Days and Dates Online Test Results are available at the end of the submission of the Quiz. The results will be in the format of points and grades as the number of Questions correctly attempted by the individual. A proper explanation is available at the end of each question. Try to visit our site Freshers Now on a regular basis.
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