FRI Dehradun Group C Syllabus 2025 PDF Download & Exam Pattern

FRI Dehradun Group C Syllabus
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FRI Dehradun Group C Syllabus 2025 PDF Download & Exam Pattern: Forest Research Institute provided FRI Group C Syllabus, FCI Group C Exam Pattern for Technician (Field/ Lab Research), Technician (Maintenance), Technical Assistant (Para Medical), Lower Division Clerk, Forest Guard, Steno Grade-II, Store Keeper, Driver Ordinary Grade, Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) posts. Applicants who want to qualify for the respective post need to be aware of the FRI Dehradun Syllabus and FRI Dehradun Test Pattern from the below sections. We have shared the FRI Group C Dehradun Syllabus download link for easy access.

FRI Dehradun Group C Previous Question Papers

FRI Dehradun Group C Syllabus 2025 – Details

Latest FRI Dehradun Syllabus 2025
Organization Name Forest Research Institute
Post Names Group C Posts – Technician (Field/ Lab Research), Technician (Maintenance), Technical Assistant (Para Medical), Lower Division Clerk, Forest Guard, Steno Grade-II, Store Keeper, Driver Ordinary Grade, Multi Tasking Staff (MTS)
Advt.No 1/FRI/GC/2022
Category Syllabus
Selection Process Computer-Based Exam, Descriptive Paper, Skill/ Trade Test
Job Location Dehradun
Official Website

FRI Dehradun Group C Exam Pattern 2025

Here is the FRI Group C Exam Pattern 2025. There will be 100 Marks for each post under FRI Group C Dehradun. And there is a negative marking of 1/3 marks for Technician Posts. And for Lower Division Clerk, Forest Guard, Steno Grade II, Store Keeper, Driver Ordinary Grade, Multi Tasking Staff negative marking is 1/4 mark for each wrong answer.

FRI Group C Dehradun Exam Pattern
Post Subject No of Questions Duration
Technician (Field / Lab / Research)
  • Basic Science
  • Arithmetic
  • Mental Ability & Reasoning
  • General Awareness
  • General English





3 Hours
Technician (Maintenance)
  • Relevant Field
  • Arithmetic
  • Mental Ability & Reasoning
  • General Awareness
  • General English





Technical Assistant (Para Medical)
  • Relevant Subject
  • Arithmetic
  • General Awareness & Reasoning
  • English & General Science




Lower Division Clerk
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • English Language
  • General Awareness
  • General Intelligence




2 Hours
Forest Guard
  • Basic Science related to Forestry
  • Arithmetic & Reasoning
  • General Awareness
  • English




Steno Grade II
  • English Language & Comprehension
  • General Intelligence & Reasoning
  • General Awareness



Store Keeper
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • English Language
  • General Awareness
  • General Intelligence




Driver Ordinary Grade
  • Relevant Field
  • Arithmetic
  • Mental Ability & Reasoning
  • General Awareness
  • General English





Multi Tasking Staff
  • Numerical Aptitude
  • General English
  • General Awareness
  • General Intelligence & Reasoning




Stage 2 : Descriptive Test

FRI Group C Exam Pattern for Stage 2


Max Marks

Time Duration

Short Essay (300 Words) & a letter or application (Any one of these must be in Hindi and the other in English) 50 (25+25) 45 minutes

FRI Dehradun Group C Topics (Post Wise)

For the post of Technician Field/ Lab Research 

  • (i) Basic Science: Chemistry Some basic concepts of Chemistry, Structure of atoms, the Classification of elements and Periodicity in properties, Chemical bonding, and Molecular Structure, States of matter: Solid, Liquid, and Gas, Thermodynamics, Equilibrium, Redox reactions, Hydrogen, block elements (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals), Group 13 and 14 p-Block elements, Organic chemistry-some basic principles, and techniques, Hydrocarbons, Environmental Chemistry. Solid state, Solutions, Electrochemistry, Chemical kinetics, Surface chemistry, General principles and processes of isolation of elements, Group 15, 16,17 & 18 p-Block elements, d and block elements, Coordination compounds, Haloalkanes and Haloarenes, Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers, Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic acids, Organic compounds containing Nitrogen, Biomolecules (Carbohydrates, Proteins, Hormones, Vitamins, Nucleic acids), Polymers, Chemistry in everyday life (Chemicals in medicines, Chemicals in food, Cleansing agents).
  • Physics: Physical world and measurement, Kinematics, Laws of motion, Work, Energy and Power, The motion of system of particles and rigid body, Gravitation, Properties of bulk matter; Thermodynamics, Behaviour of perfect gas and Kinetic theory, Oscillations and Waves Electrostatics, Current electricity, Electromagnetic induction and alternating current, Electromagnetic waves, Optics, Dual nature of Light, Atoms & nuclei, Electronic devices, and Communication systems.
  • Biology: Diversity in the living world, Structural organizations in Animals and Plants, Cell structure and function, Plant physiology (Transport in plants, Mineral nutrition, Photosynthesis, Respiration, Plant growth, and development), Human Physiology (Digestion and absorption, Breathing and Respiration, Body fluids and circulation, Excretory products and their elimination, Locomotion, and Movement, Neural control and coordination, Chemical coordination and regulation).
  • (ii) Arithmetic: The questions will be designed to test the ability of appropriate use of numbers and number sense of the candidate. The part will include questions on problems relating to the number system, computation of whole numbers, decimals and fractions, relationships between numbers, fundamental arithmetical operations, percentages, proportions, averages, interest, profit and loss, discount, use of tables and graphs, mensuration, time and distance, etc.
  • (iii) Mental Ability and Reasoning: It would include questions of both verbal and non-verbal types. The test will include questions on Semantic analogy, Symbolic operations, Symbolic /Number analogy, Trends, Figural analogy, Space orientation, Semantic Symbolic/Number Classification, Drawing inferences, Figural classification, Punched hole/ Pattern-folding and unfolding, Semantic series, Figural pattern-folding and Completion, number services, Embedded figures, Figural series, Critical thinking, Problem-solving, Emotional intelligence, Word building, Social intelligence, Coding, and decoding.
  • (iv) General Awareness: Questions are designed to test the candidate’s general awareness of the environment around him and its application to society. Questions are also designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of everyday observations and experience in their scientific aspect as may be expected of an educated person. The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Policy, General Science, and Scientific Research. Magnetic effect of current & magnetism, ratio, and classification, Venn diagrams,
  • (v) General English: Spot the error, Fill in the blanks, Synonyms/Homonyms, Antonyms, Spelling/Detection of misspelled words, Idioms & Phrases, word substitution, Improvement of sentences Active/Passive voice of verbs, Conversion into Direct/Indirect narration, Shuffling of Sentence parts, Shuffling of Sentences in a passage, Cloze Passage, Comprehension Passage.

B. For the post of Technician Maintenance

i) Relevant Field

  • Information Technology: Computer Organisation: Fundamentals of Computer and its use, Components of a computer Block diagram of a computer, the function of various components of computer and CPU, storage devices used in computer, SSD vs. HDD, memory units, Operating System and its functions, types of the operating system, Hardware and software in computers. Introduction to WWW: Protocols and programs, secure connections, application and development tools, the web browser, server, Web Design: Web site design principles, planning the site and navigation, working knowledge of social media sites. Introduction to HTML The development process, Html tags and simple HTML forms, web site structure Introduction to XHTML: XML, Move to XHTML, Meta tags, Character entities, frames, and frame sets, inside browser. Style sheets Need for CSS, introduction to CSS, basic syntax and structure, using CSS, background images, colors, and properties, manipulating texts, using fonts, borders, boxes, margins, padding lists, positioning using CSS, CSS2. PHP: Starting to script on the server side, Arrays, function, and forms, advance PHP Databases: Basic command with PHP examples, Connection to the server, creating a database, selecting a database, listing database, listing table names creating a table, inserting data, altering tables, queries, deleting the database, deleting data and tables, PHP my admin, and database bugs.
  • Database Management system: Database and its purpose, Components of a
    table, Relational Database Model, Terminology (Relation, Tuple, Attribute,
    Cardinality), Keys (Primary, Candidate, Alternate, Foreign), MYSQL, AND DML Commands.
  • Networking and Internet: Need and benefits of networking, Components of a network, sender, receiver, message, channel, Transmission Medium (wired and wireless), Types of Networking (LAN, MAN, WAN, PAN, VAN ), Introduction and use of Internet Digital Literacy, Internet Devices: Repeater, Hub, Switch, Gateway, Bridge, Router, Data Transfer Rate (bps, Kbps, KBps, Mbps, MBPS, Gbps, GBPS) Network safety concerns: (Digital Footprints, Threats, Virus, Worm, Trojan Horse, Spam, Malware, DoS Attacks, Eavesdropping, Adware, Spyware, Snooping), Cyber Crime Cracking, (Phishing, Pharming, Spoofing, Cyber Bullying, Hacking, Identity Theft, Cyber Stalking, Cyber Trolling.
  • Electronics Mechanic: Hand Tools and their uses- Identification, of specifications, uses and maintenance of commonly used hand tools. Riveting of tags and lugs, cutting and bending of sheet metals, chassis, and cabinets. AC and Electrical Cables- electric
    Resistance. Basics charges, Potential difference, Voltage, Current, of AC & DC. Terms such as +ve cycle, -ve Time cycle, Frequency, and supply. period, Terms RMS, Peak, P-P, Instantaneous value. Single phase and Three phases like Line and Phase voltage/ currents. Insulators, conductors, and semiconductor properties. Different types of electrical cables and their Specifications. Types of wires & cables, standard wire of cables gauge(SWG). Classification according to gauge(core size), number of insulation conductors, material, strength, flexibility, etc. its Cells types and Batteries, Resistance, Capacitors, Electromagnetism, Transformers, and AC 8 DC measurements- electrical measuring instruments, Importance classification of meters, of meter, forces necessary to work a meter. MC and MI meter, range extension, need for calibration, characteristics of meters and errors in meters. Multimeter, use of meters in different circuits. Care and maintenance of meters. Use of CR0, Function generator, LCR meter Soldering & De-soldering and switches,- Different types of soldering guns, related to Temperature and wattages, types of tips. Solder materials and their grading Use of fix and other materials. Selection of a soldering gun for specific requirements. Soldering and De-soldering stations and their specifications. Different switches and their specification uses Rectifiers- Semiconductor component number coding for different electronic components such as Diodes, Zeners. PN Junction, Forward, and Reverse biasing of diodes, Interpretation of diode specifications Forward current and Reverse voltage, packing styles of diodes. Diode Bridge Modules. Rectifier configurations, their efficiencies, Filter components, and their role in reducing ripple. Working principles of Zener diode/ specifications /applications, Varactor diode / Tunnel diode/ specifications with applications. IC Regulators- Regulated Power supply using 78XX series, 79XX series, Op-amp regulator, 723 regulators, (Transistorized & IC based) voltage regulation, error correction, and amplification, etc.
  • Pump Operator-Cum-Mechanic: Fundamentals of Electricity- Voltage, Current, resistance, Energy, Energy, Power. Electrostatics and Electromagnetism- laws. Electric Flux, Potential Difference, Potential, Permittivity, Permeability, Capacitors, Coulumb’s Law, Faraday’s Law, Magnetic Flux, Self-inductance, Fleming’s law, etc. Fundamentals of AC systems generation, Equation of Voltage, amplitude, frequency, cycle, time period, Inductance, and Capacitance. Star and Delta connections. Direct Current Machines- DC generator. Alternate Current- Transformers- its construction, types, principle. emf equation, transformation ratio, efficiency, and losses. Three-phase induction motor- principle, types, construction, slip. losses. torque, three-phase motor starters. Alternators, Three-phase synchronous motor, single-phase, and FHP single-phase induction motor, AC series motor, Servomotor, Universal Motor, Split-phase, and Stepper motors. Automobile- Engines- introduction, description of internal combustion, classification of IC engines, 2 and 4 stroke engines. Diesel Engine components, cooling systems, Lubricating systems, splash and pressure systems, Intake and exhaust systems. Air cleaners- description and functions, different types of air cleaners. Extraction mufflers. Diesel fuel system, Injection pump, Emission control, Braking systems. Charging circuit operation of alternators, regulator unit, ignition warning, remedy in charging system descriptions. Steering systems, Clutch, Manual Transmissions, rear-wheel drive, Suspension systems.
  • Arithmetic: The questions will be designed to test the ability to appropriately use of numbers and number sense of the candidate. The part will include questions on problems relating to the number system, computation of whole numbers, decimals and fractions, relationships between numbers, fundamental arithmetical operations, percentages, ratio and proportion, average, interest, profit, and loss, discount, use of tables and graphs, mensuration, time and distance, etc.

(ii) Mental Ability and Reasoning: It would include questions of a non-verbal type. The test will include questions on similarities and differences, space visualization, problem-solving, analysis, judgment, decision-making, visual memory, discriminating observation, relationship concepts, figure classification, arithmetical number series, non-verbal series, etc. The test will also include questions designed to test the candidate’s abilities to deal with abstract ideas and symbols and their relationship, arithmetical computation, and other analytical functions.

(iv) General awareness: Questions are designed to test the candidate’s general awareness of the environment around him and its application to society. Questions are also designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of everyday observations and experience in their scientific aspect as may be expected of an educated person. The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighbouring countries especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Policy, General Science, and Scientific Research.

(v) General English: Candidate’s understanding of the Basics of the English Language, its vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, synonyms, antonyms, and its correct usage, etc., and writing ability would be tested.

C. For the post of Technical Assistant (Para-medical) 

  • Staff Nurse: Anatomy, physiology, Nutrition, Biochemistry, Nursing foundations, Psychology, Microbiology, Sociology, Pharmacology, Pathology, Genetics, Medical-Surgical Nursing, Adult including Geriatrics)-1, Community Health Nursing, Child Health Nursing, Mental Health Nursing, Midwifery and Obstetrical Nursing, Nursing Research & Statistics, Management of Nursing Services and Education.
  • Pharmacist: Human Anatomy and Physiology, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical inorganic Chemistry, Remedial Biology/Remedial Mathematics, Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Pathophysiology, Computer Applications in Pharmacy, Environmental sciences, Physical Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Pharmaceutical Engineering, Medicinal Chemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Industrial Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence, Herbal Drug Technology, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics, Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Pharmacy Practice, Novel Drug Delivery System, Biostatistics and Research Methodology, Social and Preventive Pharmacy, Pharma Marketing Management, Pharmaceutical Regulatory Science, Pharmacovigilance, Quality control and Standardization of Herbals, Computer Aided Drug Design, Cell, and Molecular Biology, Cosmetic Science, Experimental Pharmacology, Advanced Instrumentation Techniques, Dietary Supplements, and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Quality Assurance, and Nutraceuticals.
  • Physiotherapist: Psychology & Sociology, Anatomy, Physiology, Applied Physiology, Basic and Applied Physics for Physiotherapy, Basic Nursing & First Aid, Orientation to Physiotherapy, General Medicine/General Surgery/Paediatrics/Geriatrics, Biomechanics, Applied Anatomy & Kinesiology, Exercise Therapy, Microbiology and Pathology, Electrotherapy (low & medium frequency), Electrotherapy (high freq &s Actinotherapy), Community Medicine, Clinical Orthopedics, Clinical CardioRespiratory Diseases, Bio-Statistics & Research methodology, Physical Modalities Maintenance, PT in Orthopaedics, PT in Neurology, PT in Cardio Respiratory Conditions, Rehabilitation Medicine, Advanced Physiotherapeutics, Physical Education.
  • Lab Technician: Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Fundamentals of Medical Laboratory Technology, Microbiology, Clinical biochemistry, Pathology & Histopathology, Hematology and blood, and bank.
  • Radiographer: Human Anatomy & Physiology, Radiology Physics, General Physics, Radiation Physics & Physics of Diagnostic Radiology, X-Ray Machines & Accessories,
    Maintenance, X-ray Film/Image processing Techniques (Dark Room Techniques), Clinical Radiography-Positioning, Medical Ethics and patient care, Principals of Medical Emergencies, equipment, Techniques of modern Imaging Modalities, Contrast & Special Radiography procedures, Quality Control at Radiology & Radiation Safety.
  • Arithmetic: The questions will be designed to test the ability to appropriately use of numbers and number sense the candidate. The part will include questions on problems relating to the number system, computation of whole numbers, decimals and fractions, relationships between numbers, fundamental arithmetical operations, percentages, ratio and proportion, average, interest, profit and loss, discount, use of tables and graphs, mensuration time and distance ratio and time, etc.
  • General Awareness & Reasoning: Questions in this component will be aimed at testing the candidates’ general awareness of the environment around them and its application to society. Questions will also be designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of everyday observation and experience in their scientific aspects as may be expected from an educated person. The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining to history, culture, geography, economic scene, general policy, and scientific research, etc. These questions will be such that they do not require a special study of any discipline. Questions of reasoning would include questions of both verbal and non-verbal types. This component will include questions of analogies, similarities, and differences, spatial visualization, spatial orientation, problem-solving, analysis, judgment, decision-making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetic reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series, non-verbal series, decoding and decoding, statement, conclusion, syllogistic reasoning, etc.
  • English & General Science: Questions in this component will be designed to test the candidate’s understanding and knowledge of the English language and will be based on spotting the error. Fill in the blanks, synonyms, antonyms, spelling/detecting misspelled words, idioms & phrases, word substitution, improvement of sentences, Active/passive Voice of Verbs, conversion into direct/indirect narration, comprehension passage, etc.
  • Chemistry: Some basic concepts of Chemistry, Structure of atoms, Classification of elements and Periodicity in properties, Chemical bonding, and Molecular Structure, States of matter: Solid, Liquid, and Gas, Thermodynamics, Equilibrium, Redox reactions, Hydrogen, s Block elements (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals), Group 13 and 14 p-Block elements, Organic chemistry-some basic principles, and techniques, Hydrocarbons, Environmental Chemistry.Solid state, Solutions, Electrochemistry, Chemical kinetics, Surface chemistry, General principles and processes of isolation of elements, Group 15, 16, 17 & 18 p-Block elements, d and f Block Elements, Coordination compounds, Haloalkanes and Haloarenes, Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers, Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic acids, Organic compounds containing Nitrogen, Biomolecules (Carbohydrates, Proteins, Hormones, Vitamins, Nucleic acids), Polymers, Chemistry in everyday life (Chemicals in medicines, Chemicals in food, Cleansing agents).
  • Physics: Physical world and measurement, Kinematics, Laws of motion, Work, Energy, and Power, Motion of system of particles and rigid body, Gravitation, Properties of bulk matter; Thermodynamics, Behaviour of perfect gas and Kinetic theory, Oscillations and Waves Electrostatics, Current electricity, Magnetic effect of current & Magnetism, Electromagnetic induction and alternating current, Electromagnetic waves, Optics, Dual nature of Light, Atoms & nuclei, Electronic devices, Communication systems.
  • Biology: Diversity in the living world, Structural organizations in Animals and Plants, Cell structure and function, Plant physiology (Transport in plants, Mineral nutrition, Photosynthesis, Respiration, Plant growth, and development), Human Physiology (Digestion and absorption, Breathing and Respiration, Body fluids and circulation, Excretory products and their elimination, Locomotion, and Movement, Neural control and coordination, Chemical coordination and regulation).

D. For the post of Lower Division Clerk 

  • Quantitative Aptitude: Probability, Time and Distance, Quadratic Equations, Odd one out, Races and Games, Numbers and Ages, Averages, Mensurations, Profit and Loss, Problems on Numbers, www Pipes and Cisterns, Indices and Surds, Simple Equations, Permutation and Combination, Simple & Compound Interest, Boat and Streams, Simplifications and Approximations, Mixture and Allegations, LCM & HCF, Time & Work, Problems on Trains, Ratio and Proportion, Areas, Volumes and Percentage, etc.
  • English Language: Antonyms, Synonyms, Active and Passive Voice, Substitution, Sentence Improvement, Spelling Test, Passage Completion, Idioms and Phrases, Transformation, Prepositions, Fill in the Blanks, Spotting Errors, Para completion, Joining Sentences, etc.
  • General Awareness: Indian History, Indian Culture & Heritage, current Events-National & International, Indian Polity, Indian Constitution, General Science & Technology, Indian Geography, IT & Space, Indian Economy, etc.
  • General Intelligence: Analogies, Similarities and differences, Space Visualization, Spatial orientation, Problem-solving, Analyst, Judgment, Decision making, Visual memory, Discrimination, Observation, Relationship concepts, Arithmetical reasoning and figural classification, Arithmetical number series, Non-verbal series, coding, and decoding, syllogistic reasoning, clocks, Odd one out, Symbolic/ Number Classification, letter series, shapes and mirrors, Venn Diagrams, etc.

For the post of Forest Guard

  • Basic Science related to Forestry: Nature of Universe – General Scientific Laws – Mechanics Properties of Matter, Force, Motion and Energy – Everyday application of the basic principles of Mechanics, Electricity and Magnetism, Light, Sound, Heat, Nuclear Physics, Laser, Electronics and Communications. Elements and Compounds, Acids, Bases, Salts, Petroleum Products, Fertilizers, Pesticides, and Soil types of India. Classification of Plants, Evolution, Genetics, Physiology, Nutrition, Health, and Hygiene. Environment and Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation, Environmental issues, Environmental conventions, Biogeochemical cycles. Forest Types of India, Wildlife Parks, Sanctuary, Ramsar sites, Wetlands, Nontimber Forest products derived from forests.
  • Arithmetic & Reasoning: Probability, Time and Distance, Quadratic Equations, Odd one out, Races and Games, Numbers and Ages, Averages, Mensurations, Profit and Loss, Problems on Numbers, Pipes and Cisterns, Indices and Surds, Simple Equations, Permutation and Combination, Simple & Compound Interest, Boat and Streams, Simplifications and Approximations, Mixture and Allegations, LCM & HCF, Time & Work, Problems on Trains, Ratio and Proportion, Areas, Volumes and Percentage, etc. Analogies, Similarities and differences, Space Visualization, spatial orientation, problem-solving, Analyst, Judgment, Decision making, Visual memory, Discrimination, Observation, Relationship concepts, Arithmetical reasoning and figural classification, Arithmetical number series, Non-verbal series, coding, and decoding, syllogistic reasoning, clocks, Odd one out, Symbolic/Number Classification, letter series, shapes and mirrors, Venn Diagrams, etc.
  • General Awareness: Indian History, Indian Culture & Heritage, Current Events-National & International, Indian Polity, Indian Constitution, General Science 8 Technology, Indian Geography, IT & Space, Indian Economy etc.
  • English: Antonyms, Synonyms, Active and Passive Voice, Substitution, Sentence Improvement, Spelling Test, Passage Completion, Idioms and Phrases, Transformation, Prepositions, Fill in the Blanks, Spotting Errors, Para completion, Joining Sentences, etc.

For the post of Steno Grade-II 

  • English Language Comprehension: In addition to the testing of candidates’ understanding of the English Language, its vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, synonyms, antonyms, correct usage, etc. his/ her writing ability, would also be tested.
  • General Intelligence & Reasoning: It would include questions of both verbal and non-verbal types. The test will include questions on analogies, similarities and differences, space visualization, problem-solving, analysis, Judgment, decision-making, visual memory, discriminating observation, relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number series, non-verbal series, etc. The test will also include questions designed to test the candidate’s abilities to deal with abstract ideas and symbols and their relationship, arithmetical computation, and other analytical functions.
  • General Awareness: Questions will be designed to test the ability of the candidate’s general awareness of the environment around him and its application to society. Questions will also be designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of everybody’s observation and Experience in their scientific aspects as may be expected of an educated person. The test will also include questions relating to India and its Neighbouring countries especially pertaining to Sports, History, Culture, Geography, the Economic scene, General Polity including Indian Constitution, Scientific Research, etc. These questions will be such that they do not require a special study of any discipline

G. For the post of Store Keeper

  • Quantitative Aptitude: Probability, Time and Distance, Quadratic Equations, Odd one out, Races and Games, Numbers and Ages, Averages, Mensurations, Profit and Loss, Problems on Numbers, Pipes and Cisterns, Indices and Surds, Simple Equations, Permutation and Combination, Simple & Compound Interest, Boat and Streams, Simplifications and Approximations, Mixture and Allegations, LCM & HCF, Time & Work, Problems on Trains, Ratio and Proportion, Areas, Volumes and Percentage, etc.
  • General Awareness: Indian History, Indian Culture & Heritage, Current Events-National & international, Indian Polity, Indian Constitution, General Science & Technology, Indian Geography, IT & Space, Indian Economy, etc.
  • General Intelligence: Analogies, Similarities, and differences, Space Visualization, Spatial orientation, problem-solving, Analyst, Judgment, Decision making, Visual memory, Discrimination, Observation, Relationship concepts, Arithmetical reasoning and figural classification, Arithmetical number series, Non-verbal series, coding, and decoding, syllogistic reasoning, clocks, Odd one out, Symbolic/Number Classification, letter series, shapes and mirrors, Venn Diagrams, etc.
  • English Language: Antonyms, Synonyms, Active and Passive Voice, Substitution, Sentence Improvement, Spelling Test, Passage Completion, Idioms and Phrases, Transformation, Prepositions, Fill in the Blanks, Spotting Errors, Para completion, Joining Sentences, etc.

For the post of Driver Ordinary Grade 

  • Relevant Field: Road sense (traffic rules/ signals, road marking, etc., Various sections of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1939, Knowledge of vehicle parts, Licensing of drivers of motor vehicles, Registration of motor vehicles, Insurance of vehicles, Offence, penalties and procedure, Knowledge related to the toolkit, Security and maintenance of vehicles, Accidental claims. GPS-related knowledge, Mechanical vehicles vis-avis electrical vehicles, Identification of defects, Carryout minor repairs handled by drivers, Changing of wheels, Inflation of wheels correctly, Synchro Cutch & Accelerator, Control of Vehicle & Steering Reversing
  • General Awareness: Indian History, Indian Culture & Heritage, Current Events-National & International, Indian Polity, Indian Constitution, General Science & Technology, Indian Geography, IT & Space, Indian Economy, etc.
  • Mental Ability & Reasoning: Analogies, Similarities and differences, Space Visualization, Spatial orientation, problem-solving, Analyst, Judgment, Deçision making, Visual memory, Discrimination, Observation, Relationship concepts, Arithmetical reasoning and figural classific at Arithmetical number series, Non-verbal series, coding and decoding, syllogistic reasoning clocks, Odd one out, Symbolic/Number Classification, letter series, shapes and mirror Venn Diagrams, etc.
  • General English: Antonyms, Synonyms, Active and Passive Voice, Substitution, Sentence Improvement, Spelling Test, Passage Completion, Idioms and Phrases, Transformation, Prepositions, Fill in the Blanks, Spotting Errors, Para completion, Joining Sentences etc.
  • Arithmetic: Probability, Time and Distance, Quadratic Equations, Odd one out, Races and Games, Numbers and Ages, Averages, Mensurations, Profit and Loss, Problems on Numbers, Pipes and Cisterns, Indices and Surds, Simple Equations, Permutation and Combination, Simple & Compound Interest, Boat and Streams, Simplifications and Approximations, Mixture and Allegations, LCM & HCF, Time & Work, Problems on Trains, Ratio and Proportion, Areas, Volumes and Percentage, etc.

For the post of Multi Tasking Staff (MTS)

  • Numerical Aptitude: This paper will include questions on problems relating to Number Systems, Computation of Whole Numbers, Decimals and Fractions and relationship between Numbers, Fundamental arithmetical operations, Percentages, Ratio and Proportion, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, use of Tables and Graphs, Mensuration, Time and Distance, Ratio and Time, Time and Work, etc.
  • General Awareness: Questions will be designed to test the ability of the candidate’s general awareness of the environment around him and its application to society. Questions will also be designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of everyday observation and experience in their scientific aspects as may be expected of an educated will person. The test also includes questions relating to India and its neighboring countries pertaining to Sports, History, Culture, especially Geography, economics including Indian Constitution, Scientific Science, General Polity Research, etc. These that questions will be such they do not require a special study of any discipline.
  • General Intelligence & Reasoning It would include questions of a non-verbal type. The test will include similarities and differences, questions on space visualization, problem-solving, analysis, judgment, decision-making, visual memory, discriminating observation, classification, arithmetical number series, relationship concepts, figure questions designed to test the candidate’s non-verbal series, etc. The test will also include symbols and their relationship, arithmetical abilities to deal with abstract ideas, and computation and other analytical functions.
  • General English: Candidate’s understanding of the Basics of the English Language, its vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, synonyms, antonyms, correct usage, etc., and writing ability would be tested.

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FRI Dehradun Group C Syllabus 2025 – FAQ

For which posts, FRI Dehradun Group C Syllabus is released?

FRI Dehradun Group C Syllabus is released for Technician (Field/ Lab Research), Technician (Maintenance), Technical Assistant (Para Medical), Lower Division Clerk, Forest Guard, Steno Grade-II, Store Keeper, Driver Ordinary Grade, Multi Tasking Staff (MTS).

Who will conduct FRI Dehradun Group C Exam?

The officials of Forest Research Institute will conduct FRI Dehradun Group C Exam.