Latest Godrej Placement Papers PDF: Get all the subjects Godrej Sample Papers from this article to prepare for the online written exam. At the time of preparation, you need to practice all the Godrej Model Papers. For free of cost, the candidates can get the Godrej Previous Papers from this post. Also, refer to the below portions and know the essential concepts like Godrej Placement Test Pattern and Godrej Selection Process. Practicing the Placement Papers will help you to score high in the test. Hence, download the Godrej Placement Papers and begin the preparation for the online test.
Latest Godrej Placement Papers
You need to practice the Latest Godrej Placement Papers to improve the performance in Quant, Logical Reasoning and Verbal Ability. Job seekers have to note that based on your performance in the Placement Test you will be selected for Godrej Recruitment Process. So, download these placement papers by accessing the links and practice well for the selection process. Keeping in mind about the level of the question papers and the test pattern we have given the Godrej Sample Papers on this page.
Godrej Model Papers (Latest) Overview
Name Of The Company | Godrej |
Qualification | Any Graduates/Post Graduates |
Category | Placement Papers |
Official Website | www.godrej.com |
About Godrej
The Godrej Group is an Indian conglomerate headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, managed and largely owned by the Godrej family. It was founded by Ardeshir Godrej and Pirojsha Burjorji Godrej and operates in sectors as diverse as real estate, consumer products, industrial engineering, appliances, furniture, security and agricultural products. Subsidiaries and affiliated companies include Godrej Industries and its subsidiaries Godrej Consumer Products, Godrej Agrovet, and Godrej Properties, as well as the private holding company Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd.
Godrej Written Exam Pattern
Section | Number Of Questions |
Aptitude Test (Quant + Logical + Verbal) | 40 |
Total | 40 |
- The written examination conducted by Godrej for selection is moderate.
- The exam has around 40 questions from English Language, Analytical Ability (Logical Reasoning) and Quantitative Ability sections with a time allotment of 15 minutes in total.
- In the English Language section, the students will have to solve reading comprehensions.
- This section also consists of basic grammar usage questions like fill in the blanks, synonyms, antonyms, paragraph completion, sentence completion, vocabulary, etc.
- In the Analytical Ability section questions on data interpretation, logical reasoning questions, puzzles, graphs, charts, and tables are regularly asked.
- The Quantitative Ability section features questions on topics like algebra, time & work, time, speed & distance, arithmetic, percentages, profit & loss, geometry etc.
- There is ¼ negative marking in the paper.
Latest Godrej Selection Process
The Godrej conducts a recruitment process every year to select new candidates. The selection process of the company consists of four rounds. These rounds are as follows:
- Written Exam
- Design test and Essay Writing
- Technical Interview
- HR Interview
Academic Criteria:
- A total of 60 percent throughout (Class X, XII and B.Tech).
- No backlogs.
- Education gap of not more than 1 year.
Godrej Sample Papers
Are you planning to attend for Godrej Recruitment Process? Then you can see this article to get the latest important information and previous papers of Godrej. In order to support the job seekers, we have collected the largest collection of Godrej Placement Papers PDF which can be downloaded from the links below on this page. Candidates can know about the Godrej Test Pattern and Syllabus by reading this article entirely. You should practice these previous papers of Godrej according to the syllabus by managing the time. This will be helpful for them to improve in which area they are weak. After clearing the written exam you will further move to the next level of rounds in the selection process.
Download Godrej Placement Papers PDF
Godrej Aptitude Placement Question Papers PDF
Sample Godrej Logical Reasoning Question Papers PDF
Sample Godrej Verbal Question Papers PDF
Godrej Placement Question Papers PDF
Godrej Sample Question Papers PDF
HR Questions Papers Of Godrej PDF
Hope, the given Godrej Placement Papers PDF’S are helpful at the time of preparation. You can hit the links and download the sample papers of the Godrej. On a regular basis, you can visit our web portal @ FreshersNow.Com to get the fresh updates.
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