Google Interview Experience (Latest): Are you searching for the right place to know the Google Interview Experience for Freshers? Then here is an article for you. By meeting up a few of the candidates who have appeared for the Google Interview, we have accommodated this page with Google Latest Interview Experience/ Google India Interview Experience. Knowing the Google Interview Experience will help you get an idea about the toughness level and the type of questions that will be asked in the Google Interview. Moreover, you can even find the particulars on this page regarding the Google On Campus Interview Experience and Google Off Campus Interview Experience. Make use of the whole of this article and get to know the Google Interview Experience and enhance your knowledge in the areas you were needed improvement.
Google Interview Experience – Overview
Name Of The Company | |
Qualification | Any Graduate/ Post Graduate |
Job Role | Multiple |
Job Location | Across India |
Experience | Freshers |
Category | Interview Experience |
Website | www.google.com |
Google Interview Experience for Freshers
This section will help you know the Latest Google Interview Experience which is solicited by the candidates who have lately appeared for the Google India Interview. Here we have shared 2 of the Latest Google India Interview Experience. Now, dive into this section and grab all the essentials you were needed to know.
Google Interview Experience #1
Role Name: Software Engineer
It was the Covid lockdown time. One of the Google recruiters contacted me for the Software Engineer Role in India. The recruiter gave me many resources to prepare for the Google Interview. However, each of the Google Interview rounds has its own difficulty level. After the written coding test, I went up to 3rd round. The overall experience is full of learning.
Round 1: Coding
The coding round comprises 2 questions. In which, the difficulty level of this round is easy to moderate. Both of the questions were related to DP. I have fully solved the first question and partially solved the second question. Here are the two questions that have been asked:
1. Problem statement: On a positive integer, you can perform any one of the following 3 steps.
- Subtract 1 from it. ( n = n – 1 )
- If its divisible by 2, divide by 2. ( if n % 2 == 0 , then n = n / 2 )
- If its divisible by 3, divide by 3. ( if n % 3 == 0 , then n = n / 3 )
Given a positive integer n and you task is find the minimum number of steps that takes n to one.
2. Given a string s, return the longest palindromic substring in s.
Example 1:
- Input: s = “bcbcd”
- Output: “bcb”
- Explanation: “cbc” is also a valid answer.
Example 2:
- Input: s = “cbbd”
- Output: “bb”
Constraints: 1 <= s.length <= 1000; s consist of only digits and English letters.
Round 2: Telephonic Interview
In this round, I was asked for 2 questions. The first question is based on a medium-level pattern searching question (strings) and the second question is on heaps (priority queues).
Round 3: This is a virtual round. When compared to previous round rounds, the level of this round is a bit difficult.
The first question that I was asked is here:
- Text Justification: Given an array of strings words and a width maxWidth, format the text such that each line has exactly maxWidth characters and is fully (left and right) justified.
- You should pack your words in a greedy approach; that is, pack as many words as you can in each line. Pad extra spaces ‘ ‘ when necessary so that each line has exactly maxWidth characters.
- Extra spaces between words should be distributed as evenly as possible. If the number of spaces on a line does not divide evenly between words, the empty slots on the left will be assigned more spaces than the slots on the right.
- For the last line of text, it should be left justified and no extra space is inserted between words.
The second question is followed by The Skyline Problem and the third question is Angle Between Hands of a Clock: Given two numbers, hour and minutes, return the smaller angle (in degrees) formed between the hour and the minute hand.
Round 4: This round is more difficult than all the other rounds. I was asked for 1 DP question and one Graph Hard question. I answered the first question by was struct at the second question.
Google Interview Experience #2
Usually, the Google Interview consists of 1 Phone screening round which will last for 15 minutes, 1 Technical screening to 45 minutes, 4/ 5 onsite rounds for 45 minutes, and in my case, I have appeared for 4 rounds (3 technical rounds and 1 behavioral round)
Round 1: Technical Round
In this round, I was asked to answer one question which is, ‘Write a shuffle for a music player with k iteration of cooldown. Given a list of songs’.
Round 2: Technical Round
On clearing technical interview round 1, I was called for round 2 which is another technical round. The questions that were asked in this round are:
1. Given a string encoding: a1b2c2 (lower case alphabets followed with their count)= abbcc
2. Write an iterator for the same with functions next()(should return the next character) and hasnext() (should tell if the next character exists)
3. Given parent-child relations. given 2 nodes find if they are genetically related(have the same parent using the data)
for e.g. given relation parent->child : a->b, c->b, d->a
isRelated(b,d) = true, isRelated(d,c) = false
Round 3: Technical Round
This round is the very toughest one. I am grateful that I could answer the questions that have been asked. Here are the 2 questions.
- given a matrix of water(0) and land(1). return island with the maximum area
- given matrix of water(0) and land(1). Consider Ocean(water touching surrounding edges of the matrix), lake(water surrounded by land), continent(land area): Return Area of the continent with the greatest lake. (this area should also contain the area of all inside lakes inside that continent)
Round 4: Behavioral (Googlyeness)
The main aim of this round is to assess how well did you manage your work in the past and how well can you fit into the new team. The interview was taken by the team manager that I needed to work with in the future. They have discussed the backend technologies that they are using snd they tried to know how well can I contribute to the organization.
I prepared for this round before head and thus it well smooth for me. Below are the questions that I have prepared before appearing for the Google behavioral Interview which in turn helped me the most.
1. What is the most challenging project you have worked on?
2. What is the project that you enjoyed most?
3. How can you resolve the conflicts that are raised in the team?
4. What is your greatest strength/ Weakness?
5. What is the hardest bug that you solved?
6. Tell me about one time you worked on a project/ task and it failed?
7. Why should we hire you?
8. I was asked if you are tech lead and get to know that there is exactly the same project that is done in your organization how would you handle this situation?
9. I told her I will try to merge. There is no wrong or write here, but you need to justify and clear out all the steps you are doing and the basis of what you are taking the decisions along the way. If you have exact experience tell me how did you handle that.
Keep visiting our site @ freshersnow.com to know more about IT company experiences for freshers in India.