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Highcharts MCQs and Answers With Explanation | Highcharts Quiz

Highcharts MCQ's

Highcharts MCQs and Answers With Explanation – Highcharts MCQs comprise multiple-choice questions designed to evaluate users’ comprehension of Highcharts features and functionalities. These Highcharts Multiple Choice Questions cover a range of topics, including chart types, data integration, configuration options, and more. Please proceed to the next section for an overview of Highcharts and access to the Top 55 MCQs on Highcharts.

Highcharts MCQs with Answers

Highcharts is a widely used JavaScript charting library that allows users to create interactive and visually appealing charts for their web applications. Developed by Highsoft AS, Highcharts offers a range of chart types such as line, column, bar, pie, scatter, and more. It is known for its ease of use, flexibility, and wide range of customization options. Further, by answering these Highcharts Quiz questions, users can enhance their proficiency in using Highcharts and create engaging and informative charts for their web applications.

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Highcharts Multiple Choice Questions

Name Highcharts
Exam Type MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)
Category Technical Quiz
Mode of Quiz Online

Top 55 Highcharts MCQ | Practice Online Quiz

1. Which type of chart is best suited for comparing values across categories?

A) Line chart
B) Bar chart
C) Pie chart
D) Scatter chart

Answer: B) Bar chart.

Explanation – A bar chart is the most appropriate chart type for comparing values across categories because it displays each category as a rectangular bar whose length is proportional to the value it represents.

2. Which Highcharts feature is used to highlight a point on a chart?

A) Tooltip
B) Legend
C) Marker
D) Series

Answer: C) Marker.

Explanation –A marker is a graphical representation of a point on a chart. It can be used to highlight specific points or to differentiate them from other points on the chart.

3. Which type of chart is best suited for showing trends over time?

A) Line chart
B) Bar chart
C) Pie chart
D) Scatter chart

Answer: A) Line chart.

Explanation –A line chart is the best chart type for showing trends over time because it displays data as a series of points connected by lines, which makes it easy to see how values change over time.

4. Which Highcharts feature is used to display additional information about a chart element when the user hovers over it?

A) Tooltip
B) Legend
C) Marker
D) Series

Answer: A) Tooltip.

Explanation –A tooltip is a pop-up box that displays additional information about a chart element when the user hovers over it with the mouse.

5. Which type of chart is best suited for showing the proportion of different categories in a dataset?

A) Line chart
B) Bar chart
C) Pie chart
D) Scatter chart

Answer: C) Pie chart.

Explanation –A pie chart is the best chart type for showing the proportion of different categories in a dataset because it displays each category as a slice of a circular pie whose size is proportional to the value it represents.

6. Which Highcharts feature is used to display the different series in a chart?

A) Tooltip
B) Legend
C) Marker
D) Series

Answer: B) Legend.

Explanation –The legend is a feature in Highcharts that displays the different series in a chart and allows users to toggle them on and off.

7. Which type of chart is best suited for showing the relationship between two variables?

A) Line chart
B) Bar chart
C) Pie chart
D) Scatter chart

Answer: D) Scatter chart.

Explanation –A scatter chart is the best chart type for showing the relationship between two variables because it displays each data point as a dot whose position on the chart corresponds to its values for the two variables.

8. Which Highcharts feature is used to display multiple sets of data on the same chart?

A) Tooltip
B) Legend
C) Marker
D) Series

Answer: D) Series.

Explanation –The series is a feature in Highcharts that allows users to display multiple sets of data on the same chart.

9. Which type of chart is best suited for showing the distribution of a dataset?

A) Line chart
B) Bar chart
C) Pie chart
D) Box plot

Answer: D) Box plot.

Explanation –A box plot is the best chart type for showing the distribution of a dataset because it displays the minimum, maximum, median, and quartiles of the data in a compact format.

10. Which Highcharts feature is used to set the appearance of a chart’s axis?

A) Tooltip
B) Legend
C) Marker
D) Axis

Answer: D) Axis.

Explanation –The axis is a feature in Highcharts that allows users to set the appearance of a chart’s axis, including its title, labels, and tick marks.

11. Which type of chart is best suited for showing the comparison of multiple variables for a single data point?

A) Radar chart
B) Bar chart
C) Scatter chart
D) Line chart

Answer: A) Radar chart.

Explanation –A radar chart is the best chart type for showing the comparison of multiple variables for a single data point because it displays each variable as a spoke around a central point, with the length of each spoke representing the value of the variable.

12. Which Highcharts feature is used to set the color of a chart element?

A) Tooltip
B) Legend
C) Marker
D) Color axis

Answer: D) Color axis.

Explanation –The color axis is a feature in Highcharts that allows users to set the color of a chart element based on its value or category.

13. Which type of chart is best suited for showing the relationship between three variables?

A) Line chart
B) Bar chart
C) Pie chart
D) Scatter plot with color coding

Answer: D) Scatter plot with color coding.

Explanation –A scatter plot with color coding is the best chart type for showing the relationship between three variables because it displays each data point as a dot whose position on the chart corresponds to its values for two of the variables, and whose color corresponds to the value of the third variable.

14. Which Highcharts feature is used to display the value of a chart element in a different format, such as a percentage or a currency?

A) Tooltip
B) Data labels
C) Marker
D) Series

Answer: B) Data labels.

Explanation –Data labels are a feature in Highcharts that allows users to display the value of a chart element in a different format, such as a percentage or a currency.

15. Which type of chart is best suited for showing the relationship between two variables with a linear trend?

A) Line chart
B) Bar chart
C) Pie chart
D) Scatter plot with trendline

Answer: D) Scatter plot with trendline.

Explanation – A scatter plot with trendline is the best chart type for showing the relationship between two variables with a linear trend because it displays each data point as a dot whose position on the chart corresponds to its values for the two variables, and displays a line that approximates the trend of the data.

16. Which Highcharts feature is used to customize the appearance of a chart’s background?

A) Tooltip
B) Chart container
C) Marker
D) Series

Answer: B) Chart container.

Explanation –The chart container is a feature in Highcharts that allows users to customize the appearance of a chart’s background, including its color, image, and opacity.

17. Which type of chart is best suited for showing the change in a variable over time with a focus on the magnitude of the change?

A) Line chart
B) Bar chart
C) Pie chart
D) Stacked area chart

Answer: D) Stacked area chart.

Explanation –A stacked area chart is the best chart type for showing the change in a variable over time with a focus on the magnitude of the change because it displays each data point as a stacked area whose height represents the value of the variable, and whose width represents time.

18. Which Highcharts feature is used to customize the appearance of a chart’s title?

A) Tooltip
B) Chart container
C) Title
D) Subtitle

Answer: C) Title.

Explanation –The title is a feature in Highcharts that allows users to customize the appearance of a chart’s title, including its text, font, and alignment.

19. Which type of chart is best suited for showing the distribution of a dataset with outliers?

A) Line chart
B) Bar chart
C) Pie chart
D) Box plot with outliers

Answer: D) Box plot with outliers.

Explanation –A box plot with outliers is the best chart type for showing the distribution of a dataset with outliers because it displays the median, quartiles, and range of the dataset, as well as any outliers that fall outside the range of the box.

20. Which Highcharts feature is used to customize the appearance of a chart’s legend?

A) Tooltip
B) Chart container
C) Legend
D) Marker

Answer: C) Legend.

Explanation –The legend is a feature in Highcharts that allows users to customize the appearance of a chart’s legend, including its text, font, and position.

21. Which type of chart is best suited for showing the composition of a whole dataset?

A) Line chart
B) Bar chart
C) Pie chart
D) Stacked area chart

Answer: C) Pie chart.

Explanation –A pie chart is the best chart type for showing the composition of a whole dataset because it displays each category as a slice of a circle whose size represents the proportion of the dataset that belongs to that category.

22. Which Highcharts feature is used to highlight a specific data point or category on a chart?

A) Tooltip
B) Marker
C) Data labels
D) Point selection

Answer: D) Point selection.

Explanation –Point selection is a feature in Highcharts that allows users to highlight a specific data point or category on a chart by clicking on it.

23. Which type of chart is best suited for comparing the value of a variable across multiple categories?

A) Line chart
B) Bar chart
C) Pie chart
D) Scatter plot

Answer: B) Bar chart.

Explanation –A bar chart is the best chart type for comparing the value of a variable across multiple categories because it displays each category as a bar whose height represents the value of the variable.

24. Which Highcharts feature is used to display the value of a chart element when the user hovers over it with the mouse?

A) Tooltip
B) Data labels
C) Marker
D) Series

Answer: A) Tooltip.

Explanation –The tooltip is a feature in Highcharts that allows users to display the value of a chart element when the user hovers over it with the mouse.

25. Which type of chart is best suited for showing the distribution of a dataset with many data points?

A) Line chart
B) Bar chart
C) Pie chart
D) Density chart

Answer: D) Density chart.

Explanation –A density chart is the best chart type for showing the distribution of a dataset with many data points because it displays the density of the data points on the chart, allowing the user to see the shape of the distribution.

26. Which Highcharts feature is used to animate the rendering of a chart when it is initially displayed?

A) Tooltip
B) Marker animation
C) Series animation
D) Chart animation

Answer: D) Chart animation.

Explanation –The chart animation is a feature in Highcharts that animates the rendering of a chart when it is initially displayed, making it more visually appealing.

27. Which type of chart is best suited for showing the relationship between two variables with a non-linear trend?

A) Line chart
B) Bar chart
C) Pie chart
D) Scatter plot with curve fitting

Answer: D) Scatter plot with curve fitting.

Explanation –A scatter plot with curve fitting is the best chart type for showing the relationship between two variables with a non-linear trend because it displays each data point as a dot whose position on the chart corresponds to its values for the two variables, and displays a curve that approximates the trend of the data.

28. Which Highcharts feature is used to customize the appearance of the axes on a chart?

A) Tooltip
B) X-axis
C) Y-axis
D) Z-axis

Answer: B) X-axis.

Explanation –The x-axis is a feature in Highcharts that allows users to customize the appearance of the x-axis on a chart, including its title, labels, and tick marks.

29. Which Highcharts feature is used to customize the colors used in a chart?

A) Color palette
B) Data labels
C) Marker
D) Series

Answer: A) Color palette.

Explanation –The color palette is a feature in Highcharts that allows users to customize the colors used in a chart, including the colors of the series, markers, and data labels.

30. Which type of chart is best suited for showing the changes in a variable over time?

A) Line chart
B) Bar chart
C) Pie chart
D) Scatter plot

Answer: A) Line chart.

Explanation –A line chart is the best chart type for showing the changes in a variable over time because it displays the variable as a line whose position on the chart corresponds to its value at each point in time.

31. Which Highcharts feature is used to group related data series together on a chart?

A) Tooltip
B) Data labels
C) Series grouping
D) Marker

Answer: C) Series grouping.

Explanation –Series grouping is a feature in Highcharts that allows users to group related data series together on a chart, making it easier to compare their values.

32. Which Highcharts feature is used to customize the background of a chart?

A) Background
B) Chart container
C) Plot area
D) Legend

Answer: C) Plot area.

Explanation –The plot area is a feature in Highcharts that allows users to customize the background of a chart, including its color, image, and opacity.

33. Which type of chart is best suited for showing the correlation between two variables?

A) Line chart
B) Bar chart
C) Pie chart
D) Scatter plot

Answer: D) Scatter plot.

Explanation –A scatter plot is the best chart type for showing the correlation between two variables because it displays each data point as a dot whose position on the chart corresponds to its values for the two variables, making it easy to see any patterns or trends in the data.

34. Which type of chart is best suited for showing the relationship between two variables with multiple categories?

A) Line chart
B) Bar chart
C) Pie chart
D) Stacked area chart

Answer: B) Bar chart.

Explanation – A bar chart is the best chart type for showing the relationship between two variables with multiple categories because it displays each category as a
bar whose length corresponds to its value for the variable being measured, making it easy to compare the values of each category.

35. Which type of chart is best suited for showing the distribution of a continuous variable?

A) Line chart
B) Bar chart
C) Pie chart
D) Histogram

Answer: D) Histogram.

Explanation – A histogram is the best chart type for showing the distribution of a continuous variable because it displays the variable as a series of bars whose height corresponds to the frequency or density of the variable’s values within each bin or interval.

36. Which Highcharts feature is used to customize the appearance of a chart’s axes?

A) Tooltip
B) Axes
C) Title
D) Marker

Answer: B) Axes.

Explanation – The axes are a feature in Highcharts that allows users to customize the appearance of a chart’s axes, including their labels, titles, tick marks, and grid lines.

37. Which type of chart is best suited for showing the distribution of a categorical variable?

A) Line chart
B) Bar chart
C) Pie chart
D) Scatter plot

Answer: C) Pie chart.

Explanation – A pie chart is the best chart type for showing the distribution of a categorical variable because it displays the variable as a set of wedges whose size corresponds to the proportion or percentage of the variable’s values within each category.

38. Which Highcharts feature is used to customize the appearance of a chart’s data labels?

A) Tooltip
B) Data labels
C) Title
D) Marker

Answer: B) Data labels.

Explanation – Data labels are a feature in Highcharts that allows users to customize the appearance of a chart’s data labels, including their position, format, font, and color.

39. Which type of chart is best suited for showing the comparison of two or more variables with different units of measurement?

A) Line chart
B) Bar chart
C) Pie chart
D) Scatter plot with multiple axes

Answer: D) Scatter plot with multiple axes.

Explanation – A scatter plot with multiple axes is the best chart type for showing the comparison of two or more variables with different units of measurement because it displays each variable as a set of points with its own axis, allowing the values of each variable to be compared on a common scale.

40. Which Highcharts feature is used to customize the appearance of a chart’s tooltip?

A) Tooltip
B) Data labels
C) Title
D) Marker

Answer: A) Tooltip.

Explanation – The tooltip is a feature in Highcharts that allows users to customize the appearance of a chart’s tooltip, including its format, content, and position.

41. Which type of chart is best suited for showing the comparison of two or more variables with the same units of measurement?

A) Line chart
B) Bar chart
C) Pie chart
D) Stacked area chart

Answer: A) Line chart.

Explanation – A line chart is the best chart type for showing the comparison of two or more variables with the same units of measurement because it displays each variable as a line whose position on the chart corresponds to its value at each point in time or category.

42. Which Highcharts feature is used to customize the appearance of a chart’s markers?

A) Tooltip
B) Data labels
C) Marker
D) Legend

Answer: C) Marker.

Explanation – The marker is a feature in Highcharts that allows users to customize the appearance of a chart’s markers

43. Which type of chart is best suited for showing the relationship between two continuous variables?

A) Line chart
B) Bar chart
C) Pie chart
D) Scatter plot

Answer: D) Scatter plot.

Explanation – A scatter plot is the best chart type for showing the relationship between two continuous variables because it displays each observation as a point whose x and y coordinates correspond to the values of the two variables.

44. Which Highcharts feature is used to customize the appearance of a chart’s plot area?

A) Tooltip
B) Plot area
C) Title
D) Marker

Answer: B) Plot area.

Explanation – The plot area is a feature in Highcharts that allows users to customize the appearance of a chart’s plot area, including its background color, border, and padding.

45. Which type of chart is best suited for showing the relationship between a continuous variable and a categorical variable?

A) Line chart
B) Bar chart
C) Pie chart
D) Scatter plot with multiple axes

Answer: B) Bar chart.

Explanation – A bar chart is the best chart type for showing the relationship between a continuous variable and a categorical variable because it displays the value of the continuous variable as a bar for each category.

46. Which Highcharts feature is used to customize the appearance of a chart’s plot background?

A) Tooltip
B) Plot background
C) Title
D) Marker

Answer: B) Plot background.

Explanation – The plot background is a feature in Highcharts that allows users to customize the appearance of a chart’s plot background, including its color, image, and opacity.

47. Which type of chart is best suited for showing the trend of a continuous variable over time?

A) Line chart
B) Bar chart
C) Pie chart
D) Scatter plot

Answer: A) Line chart.

Explanation – A line chart is the best chart type for showing the trend of a continuous variable over time because it displays the variable as a line whose position on the chart corresponds to its value at each point in time.

48. Which Highcharts feature is used to customize the appearance of a chart’s axis labels?

A) Tooltip
B) Axis labels
C) Title
D) Marker

Answer: B) Axis labels.

Explanation – Axis labels are a feature in Highcharts that allows users to customize the appearance of a chart’s axis labels, including their format, font, and color.

49. Which type of chart is best suited for showing the distribution of a continuous variable within multiple categories?

A) Line chart
B) Bar chart
C) Pie chart
D) Box plot

Answer: D) Box plot.

Explanation – A box plot is the best chart type for showing the distribution of a continuous variable within multiple categories because it displays the variable as a box and whisker plot for each category, allowing the median, quartiles, and outliers of the variable’s values to be compared across categories.

50. Which Highcharts feature is used to customize the appearance of a chart’s axis titles?

A) Tooltip
B) Axis titles
C) Title
D) Marker

Answer: B) Axis titles.

Explanation – Axis titles are a feature in Highcharts that allows users to customize the appearance of a chart’s axis titles, including their text, format, font, and color.

51. Which Highcharts feature is used to customize the appearance of a chart’s data series?

A) Tooltip
B) Data series
C) Title
D) Marker

Answer: B) Data series.

Explanation – Data series is a feature in Highcharts that allows users to customize the appearance of a chart’s data series, including their color, marker, line style, and animation.

52. Which type of chart is best suited for showing the proportion of different categories within a whole?

A) Line chart
B) Bar chart
C) Pie chart
D) Stacked bar chart

Answer: C) Pie chart.

Explanation – A pie chart is the best chart type for showing the proportion of different categories within a whole because it displays each category as a slice of a pie whose area corresponds to the proportion of that category.

53. Which type of chart is best suited for comparing the values of multiple continuous variables within multiple categories?

A) Line chart
B) Bar chart
C) Pie chart
D) Multiple axis chart

Answer: D) Multiple axis chart.

Explanation – A multiple axis chart is the best chart type for comparing the values of multiple continuous variables within multiple categories because it displays each variable as a line or bar on a separate axis, allowing the variables’ scales and trends to be compared within each category.

54. Which Highcharts feature is used to customize the appearance of a chart’s chart area?

A) Tooltip
B) Chart area
C) Title
D) Marker

Answer: B) Chart area.

Explanation – The chart area is a feature in Highcharts that allows users to customize the appearance of a chart’s chart area, including its background color, border, and padding.

55. Which type of chart is best suited for showing the change in a continuous variable over time, while accounting for differences in the initial values of the variable across categories?

A) Line chart
B) Bar chart
C) Pie chart
D) Area chart

Answer: D) Area chart.

Explanation – An area chart is the best chart type for showing the change in a continuous variable over time while accounting for differences in the initial values of the variable across categories because it displays the variable as a filled area whose height corresponds to the difference between the variable’s current and initial values.

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