How To Prepare For IBPS Clerk Exam? Step Wise Preparation Tips, Study Plan: This article is specially designed for the candidates who are aiming to take part in the IBPS Clerk Exam. The IBPS Clerk Exam is one of the competitive exams, where everyone tries to crack in the Exam. But how can the participants prepare for the exam easily? What are the measures they need to follow in cracking the IBPS Clerk exam? Most of the candidates will be bemused about the IBPS Clerk Preparation Tips, they rush to various sites and asks for help from others to get on top of the IBPS Clerk Exam. And now applicants no need to worry about it anymore and any longer. To get all the answers and the best ways to prepare for the exam while sitting at home, read this article till the end. Where we have given the methods to prepare for the IBPS Clerk exam and what are the steps to be followed for the IBPS Clerk study plan.
★★ IBPS Clerk Prelims Mock Tests ★★
★★ IBPS Clerk Mains Mock Test ★★
How To Prepare For IBPS Clerk Exam?
Well! We advise you not to miss any of the single particular from this page, as in turn, you will get to know the strategy and the preparation tips that you needed to follow to crack the IBPS Clerk Exam. However, we can assure you that all the essentials which we have added to this article are absolutely enough to get your dream job. We as a Freshersnow team wish you good luck. Happy preparation!
How To Prepare For IBPS Clerk Exam? Step Wise Preparation Tips, Study Plan
How To Crack IBPS Clerk Exam? Step Wise Preparation Tips, Study Plan | |
Organization Name | Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) |
Post Name | IBPS Clerk |
Category | Preparation Tips |
Job Location | Across India |
Official Website | www.ibps.in |
Study Plan For The IBPS Clerk Exam
Before commencing the preparation, the most essential theme for the participants is to know about the IBPS Clerk Syllabus and Exam Pattern. By checking the syllabus, applicants can get some confidence about the syllabus from where they have extracted the subject. And by understanding the IBPS Clerk Exam Pattern, the contenders will apprehend what type of questions will be asked in the exam and what is the model of the paper. By getting all the basic information, now the applicants should start their preparation for the IBPS Clerk Exam. Consequently, those who are sincere and give out the best hard commitment will definitely break a leg in the IBPS Clerk Exam.
IBPS Clerk 2023 Exam Pattern
Familiarizing themselves with the IBPS Clerk exam pattern enables candidates to grasp the significance of each topic and the allotted time for solving related questions. This understanding becomes crucial in following the appropriate IBPS Clerk Prelims Preparation Tips. As part of the IBPS Clerk Examination, candidates are required to successfully clear two main stages of selection:
- Prelims
- Mains
IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Scheme
S No. | Name of Tests | Medium of Exam | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Time allotted for each test (Separately timed) |
1 | English Language | English | 30 | 30 | 20 minutes |
2 | Numerical Ability | – | 35 | 35 | 20 minutes |
3 | Reasoning Ability | – | 35 | 35 | 20 minutes |
Total | 100 | 100 | 60 Minutes (1 Hour) |
IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Scheme
S No. | Name of Tests | No. of Questions | Maximum Marks | Medium of Exam | Time allotted for each test (Separately timed) |
1 | General/ Financial Awareness | 50 | 50 | – | 35 minutes |
2 | General English | 40 | 40 | English | 35 minutes |
3 | Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude | 50 | 60 | – | 45 minutes |
4 | Quantitative Aptitude | 50 | 50 | – | 45 minutes |
Total | 190 | 200 | 160 minutes |
How To Score Better In IBPS Clerk Exam?
Are you worried about the IBPS Clerk Exam, and how to get better marks for the selection process? Being worry will not give the result, but the hard work does. Applicants have to work very hard to score better marks in the exam. Commencing the preparation during the last days of the competitive exam will not get the result as sweeter as honey. Aspirants need to focus on determining the new topics from the beginning and the most important thing is they should have the utmost excitement and attention in learning the challenging topics.
Easygoing Steps To Be Followed To Know The IBPS Clerk Preparation Strategy
To get the topper in the IBPS Clerk Exam while staying at the home. Students are advised to follow these strategies which make them be better IBPS Clerk exam ranker.
- Equip a timetable for yourself, and start preparing for the exam without any distractions. As the subjects are fewer, applicants need to more attentive in learning the process. As you are trying to get a rank in the IBPS Clerk exam, you need to be more attentive to the preparation.
- Try to understand in which subject you have shorter knowledge and start stressing on it while learning. Do not get distracted while learning the tough subject and its topics. As you know what is the tougher subject for you, then you need to focus on it in learning the new concepts.
- Take less time in which subject you are aware of. When you are already well known and thorough with the subject, don’t start the preparation at the very beginning. If you feel bore in learning the new topics, to boost up yourselves go for the easier subjects to get confidence in yourself and again go with the normal learning. But don’t avoid completely about the known subjects.
- Accuracy is one of the most important ones of the learning process. Whichever subject you are concentrating on learning in such a way that gives accurate results. While understanding the topic be perfect and quick.
- After successful practice and revision, now candidates have to go for the mock tests, By attempting the mock tests, applicants will have clarity on the questions and what are the preventive measures they need to take. Attempting several mock tests develops the thinking ability of the contestants.
Syllabus For IBPS Clerk Exam
The syllabus for the IBPS Clerk Exam is General/ Financial Awareness, Reasoning Ability, and Computer Aptitude, Quantitative Aptitude. We strongly recommend the candidates to cover all the topics of the given syllabus not only in one book but should research all the related topics. Applicants need to have patience in checking the various topics and should practice it thoroughly. Just practicing only a particular subject is not just enough should cover all the related topics. To get full-fledged knowledge about the concepts.
Tips That Should Be Followed In The IBPS Clerk Exam
- After getting the IBPS Clerk Exam Question Paper, don’t get panic just be calm
- Start the exam with more positivity
- Go through the question paper once
- Start with the topic which you felt easy
- Read the questions once and twice and start answering
- Don’t worry if you see the tough question think and take few minutes and then try the answer
- Applicants need to improve their speed in attempting the questions
- Don’t answer the questions which you feel the more difficult
- As there is a negative marking in the IBPS Clerk Exam, don’t lose marks unnecessarily.
- Do the rough work and try to get the answer
- Be alert all the time
- Don’t lose hope, hard work will never betray anyone
- Don’t hold on to only one question which consumes more time, go for another
- Management of time plays a crucial role in any of the competitive exams
- Cross-check every particular
IBPS Clerk Previous Papers PDF Download (Prelims, Mains)
IBPS Clerk Previous Question Papers | PDF Download Links |
IBPS Clerk 2022 Question Papers | |
IBPS Clerk Mains Memory Based Paper Exam Held on 8th October 2022 | Download Memory Based Paper |
IBPS Clerk Prelims Memory Based (4th Sept Shift 1) Question Paper | Download Memory Based Paper |
IBPS Clerk Prelims Memory Based (4th Sept Shift 2) Paper | Download Memory Based Paper |
IBPS Clerk Prelims Memory Based (3rd Sept Shift 1) Paper | Download Memory Based Paper |
IBPS Clerk Prelims Memory Based (3rd Sept Shift 4) Paper | Download Memory Based Paper |
IBPS Clerk 2021 Question Papers | |
IBPS Clerk Memory Based (Shift 1) Question Paper (English) | Download Memory Based Paper |
IBPS Clerk Memory Based (Shift 2) Question Paper | Download Memory Based Paper |
IBPS Clerk Mains Memory Based (Shift 1) Paper | Download Memory Based Paper |
IBPS Clerk 2020 Question Papers | |
IBPS Clerk Memory Based Paper 2020 Questions | Download Memory Based Paper |
IBPS Clerk Memory Based Paper 2020 Solutions | Download Solutions |
IBPS Clerk 2019 Question Papers | |
IBPS Clerk Prelims 2019 Question Paper | Download Previous Paper |
IBPS Clerk Mains 2019 Previous Papers | Download Previous Paper |
We are glad that we have furnished all the methods of how to prepare and what are the tips for the IBPS Clerk Exam. To get more information about the IBPS Clerk Exam and any other competitive exam keep in touch with our site freshersnow.com. And also inform your near ones who are aiming to crack in the IBPS Clerk Exam as a well-wisher.
How To Prepare For IBPS Clerk Exam? Step Wise Preparation Tips, Study Plan – FAQ’S
How can I be a good ranker in the IBPS Clerk Exam?
If you are really aiming to become a good ranker in the IBPS Clerk Exam, then you need to work hard and concentrate on the preparation. So, that you can be a good ranker in the IBPS Clerk Exam.
In which mode the IBPS Clerk Exam will be conducted?
The IBPS Clerk Exam will be conducted online.
How many themes have existed in the IBPS Clerk Exam?
There are two themes for the IBPS Clerk Exam those are the Preliminary Exam and the Mains Exam.
Will there be a negative marking in the IBPS Clerk Exam?
Yes, for every incorrect answer, 0.25 marks will be reduced.
How can I get all the competitive exams in one portal?
Start following our website freshersnow.com to get all the updated competitive exams.