How To Prepare For UP TET Exam? Important Topics, Preparation Tips: Candidates who are waiting to participate in the UP TET Exam and wanted to begin their preparation are landed on the best website to get all the information concerning the UP TET. The Uttar Pradesh Basic Education (UPBEB) higher authorities will organize the Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (UP TET) for recruiting primary teachers and upper primary teachers in schools of Uttar Pradesh. To get a rank in the UP TET Exam is not an easy job but it is possible by having a perfect preparation plan and implementing it during the preparation. Readout this entire article to get to know what are the best strategies to be executed in the UP TET Preparation, UP TET Reference Books, UP TET Study Plan and more.
How To Prepare For UP TET Exam? Important Topics, Preparation Tips, Best Reference Books
How To Prepare For UP TET Exam? Important Topics, Preparation Tips | |
Organization Name | Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Board (UPBEB) |
Post Name | Uttar Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test (UP TET) |
Category | Preparation Tips |
Job Location | Uttar Pradesh |
Official Website | upbasiceduboard.gov.in |
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Latest UP TET Exam Pattern
Before progressing for the UP TET exam, aspirants must be conscious of the UP TET exam pattern and what is the syllabus present in it. Therefore, you can prepare for the UP TET exam accordingly.
UPTET Exam Pattern – Paper 1
Name of the Subject | Number Of MCQs | Number Of Marks |
Child Development and Pedagogy | 30 | 30 |
Mathematics | 30 | 30 |
Language 1 (Hindi) | 30 | 30 |
Language 2 (English/ Sanskrit/ Urdu) | 30 | 30 |
Environmental Studies | 30 | 30 |
Total | 150 | 150 |
Uttar Pradesh TET Test Pattern – Paper 2
Name of the Subject | Number Of MCQs | Number Of Marks |
Child Development and Pedagogy | 30 | 30 |
Language 1 (Hindi) | 30 | 30 |
Language 2 (English/ Sanskrit/ Urdu) | 30 | 30 |
Science and Mathematics OR Social Science | 60 | 60 |
Total | 150 | 150 |
Stages: Aspirants should understand that the UP TET selection will consist of two stages that are the Written Examination and the Interview. Aspirants should clear the UP TET written examination first. As the exam pattern is given check it out clearly.
It should be noted that there will be 30 questions in each section, the questions will be asked in the form of MCQs. The UP TET question paper will be in dialect, that is English and Hindi only. For every correct answer, one mark will be credited and there will be no negative markings in the UP TET.
Important Topics To Be Covered For UP TET Paper 1 Exam
- Child Development and Pedagogy: Child Development, Learning, Individual Differences, Learning Adjustment and Difficulties, Teaching, Assessment, and Evaluation.
- English: Synonyms, Antonyms, Spelling, Unseen Prose Passage, One Word Substitution, Tenses, Determiners, Change of Degrees, Parts of Speech, Active and Passive Voice, Knowledge of English Sounds Framing Question including Wh-questions and Phonetic Symbols, Principles of Teaching English, Approaches to English Language Teaching and Methods of teaching English, Development of Language Skills Teaching, Comprehensive and Continuous Evaluation.
- Mathematics: Algebraic Expressions, Factors, Equation, Indices, Square Roots, Cube Roots, Interest, Ratio and Proportion, Percentage, Lines and Angles, Plane Figures, Area of Place Figures, Surface Area and Volume, Statistics Graph
- Environmental Studies: Family, Clothes and Habitats, Profession, Public places and Institution, Our Culture and Civilization, Transport and Communication, Personal Hygiene, Living Beings, Matter and Energy, Weather and Climate, Scope, and Concept of Environment Studies, Activities.
Topics To Be Covered During UP TET Paper 2 Preparation
- Child Development and Pedagogy: Child Development, The concept of Inclusive understanding and education children with special needs, Learning, and Pedagogy.
- Language 1: Language Comprehension, Pedagogy of Language Development
- Language 2: Comprehension Pedagogy
- Mathematics: Pedagogical Issues, Number System, Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration, Data Handling.
- Hindi/ Urdu/ Sanskrit: Reading unseen passages, Verbal Ability, Grammar inference acquisition, and learning, listening role and speaking, principles of language teaching, the critical aspect of grammar, teaching challenges in the classroom, remedial teaching to evaluate proficiency in language comprehension, the material of teaching-learning language skills, etc.
- Science: Micro-Organism Living Beings, Human Body and Health, Animal Reproduction and Adolescence, Force and Motion, Heat, Light and Sound, Science and Technology, Solar System, Structure of Matter, Chemical Substance, Nature and Science, Understanding the Method of Teaching Science, Innovation Text Material/Aids, Evaluation Problems, Remedial Teaching.
- Social Studies/ Social Science: History, Geography, Political, and Social Science, Pedagogical Issues.
UP TET Preparation Tips
Based on the UP TET exam pattern, we have furnished the subject-wise preparation tips for the UP TET, aspirants are advised to go through it to make their preparation easier.
Child Development and Pedagogy
This section would be new for the candidates, for this, they need to have complete practice to understand the concepts of child development and pedagogy. Spotlight the issues as the National Curriculum and the teaching-learning process.
This section will not be tougher, this language exam is conducted to test the basic skills of the language. To have the skills, aspirants need to have a grip over the topics of grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension.
Environmental Studies
This subject will be easier for the candidates who show an interest in learning. Environmental Studies is nothing but the day-to-day life topics that will be seen in the subject.
Mathematics is quite tough, to learn this subject aspirants need to put complete efforts for the better understanding. The very basic thing for the candidates is the formulas. When the candidate has a complete grip over formulas, they can do well in the subject.
Important Tips for Uttar Pradesh TET Exam
- Following the timetable will assist you to complete the UP TET preparation on time.
- Always note the important points and practice them every day.
- Practice Previous Year question paper to get an awareness of the UP TET exam.
- Practice Mock Tests to improve speed and accuracy
- Instead of mugging up the topics, aspirants are advised to understand the concepts.
- Be stable and confident in learning the topics
- Practice every day to get a grip over the subjects.
- Aspirants are suggested to keep all the documents ready before the day of the exam.
- Hit the sack, nicely before the day of the exam.
- Reach the exam center before one hour to avoid the rush at the last moment.
- When you answer the question, read it twice and thrice and then answer
- As there are no negative marks, aspirants are suggested to go for the guessing answer
- Keep checking the time, and answer the questions
- Do not seek an answer from your fellow participant
- Never share your answer with anyone.
- Try to end the UP TET exam in ten minutes. So, that you can check all the answers
- End the UP TET exam with more positivity.
UPTET Study Materials
PDF Download Links | |
To Download UPTET Previous Question Paper PDF | Click Here |
UPTET Previous Year Question Paper PDF Download | Click Here |
To Download UPTET Paper – 1 Exam Paper PDF | Click Here |
UPTET Paper – 2 Question Paper PDF Download | Click Here |
To Download Uttar Pradesh TET Previous Paper PDF | Click Here |
Uttar Pradesh TET Previous Paper PDF Download | Click Here |
We believe the above information helped the candidates with their search, and we advise the candidates to apply all these methods in their preparation to see the best outcome in the UP TET. To get more updates concerning the UP TET stay tuned to our website @ freshersnow.com.