How to Prepare for UPSC IFS Exam? IFS Preparation Tips & Tricks

How to Prepare for UPSC IFS Exam
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How to Prepare for UPSC IFS Exam? IFS Preparation Tips & Tricks: Candidates who wish to achieve UPSC India Forest Service Exam. But worried about How to crack UPSC IFS Exam? then you landed in a right place. Many of the candidates desire to be a part of IFS. To ace UPSC IFS Exam, one needs to have the best plan to prepare. To help the candidates, Freshersnow came forward with UPSC IFS preparation tips, section-wise strategy, preparation strategies, Study Material, etc. Do follow the information provided in every section below.

★★ Preparation Tips ★★

How To Crack UPSC IFS Exam?

Thinking about How to Prepare for UPSC IFS Exam? Well, in this section you can clear all your doubts. The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) organizes India’s most popular and competitive exam. As there will be high competition, candidates need to prepare effectively. To add some more flavor to your preparation, check the following points.

  • Firstly, Candidates need to be aware of the syllabus.
  • Secondly, Plan a good schedule preparation chart.
  • Thirdly, To avoid unnecessary topics, follow the right material
  • Fourthly, Time management is much needed while preparing.
  • Lastly, Attempt IFS test series

IFS Preparation Tips & Tricks

Preparation is the topmost priority to ace UPSC IFS Exam. To achieve the IFS Exam, candidates need to have some tips and tricks in preparing. Here we have given some IFS Preparation Tips & Tricks. Check out them:-

  1. Candidates need to be thorough with the marking scheme
  2. Candidates need to have practical knowledge of the society
  3. Summarizing what you prepare is very necessary
  4. At the end of the hour, revision is mandatory
  5. Focus on current affairs
  6. Always have a habit of reading newspapers
  7. Develop your personality and communication skills

IFS Preparation Strategies

IFS Preparation Strategies are to be understood clearly while preparing. To have the best score in your UPSC IFS Exam then implement these points in your preparation. Here are they

  1. Thorough with the exam pattern
  2. Have the best study material
  3. Make notes while reading
  4. Cover all the basic concepts
  5. Practice previous years’ papers

UPSC IFS Prelims Test Pattern

Paper Subjects Maximum Marks Time Duration
Paper 1 General Studies 200 2 hours
Paper 2 Civil Services Aptitude Test 200 2 hours

UPSC IFS Mains Test Pattern

Paper Subjects Maximum Marks Time Duration
Paper 1 General English 300 3 hours
Paper 2 General Knowledge 300 3 hours

Section-wise Preparation Strategy for IFS Exam

For the candidates who are looking for a Section-wise Preparation Strategy for IFS Exam, here are they. To make your preparation little ease, follow them.

IFS Exam for General Knowledge/ General Studies

  • Follow journals and magazines that will be a plus in preparation
  • Do not miss reading the newspaper daily
  • Always connect to the news channels and social media

IFS Exam for General English

  • Improve your vocabulary and use them accordingly
  • Solve previous papers for knowing the style of the question
  • Grammar rules need to be at fingertips

IFS Exam for Paper-I

  • Candidates need to work on the core concepts on each subject
  • Allot some time and divide the topics accordingly

IFS Exam for Paper-II

  • Need to be logical in answering
  • Interpersonal skills are compulsory
  • Focus on decision making and problem-solving

UPSC IFS Study Material

Indian Forest Service (Main) Examination

To conclude, This article has guided you with an effective list of preparation tips and strategies. Invest your time and work hard. We believe this article helps equip valuable information for the UPSC IFS Exam. For further informative articles stay connected with our website

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