Best Books for HPPSC HPAS Exam Preparation: You guys are in search of the Best Books for HPPSC HPAS Exam Preparation? Well, this is the exact article for you candidates to know about the HPPSC HPAS Exam Preparation Best Books. The aspirants who are aiming to be shortlisted for the desired position must note down the HPPSC HPAS Exam Best Books mentioned in this article.
Best Books for HPPSC HPSC Exam Preparation
We have provided the top and Best Books For the HPPSC HPAS Exam in the following sections. We recommend the applicants take the list of Himachal Pradesh PSC HPAS Exam Best Books presented in this article and start their preparation for the upcoming Himachal Pradesh PSC HPAS Exam. Along with the given Best Books for HPPSC HPAS Exam Preparation, the candidates should also focus on the numerous mock tests, and also concentrate on the previous year’s question papers.
HPPSC HPAS Exam Preparation Best Books
Check out the subjectwise Best Books For HPPSC HPAS Exam from the following.
HPAS – Indian and Himachal Economy Best Books
- Himachal Government Yearbook
- Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh
- Indian Economic Development NCERT
- Introduction to Macroeconomics NCERT
- Niti Aayog Reports(Specific to Himachal Pradesh)
HPAS Mathematics Best Books
- NCERT Mathematics Textbook for class 12
HPAS Computer Science Best Books
- Objective Computer Awareness by R Pillai
HPAS Statistics Best Books
- Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics by S. C. Gupta
HPAS Engineering Science Best Books
- All India Engineering Entrance Exam by H.P.Sharma
HPAS Physics Best Books
- Concept Of Physics by H.C. Verma
HPAS Chemistry Best Books
- Chemistry for Competitive Examinations book by Shriniwas Gurjar
HPAS – Geography Best Books
- Fundamentals of Physical Geography NCERT Class 11
- Certificate Physical and Human Geography – G C Leong
- Concise Geography by ALS
HPAS – Current Affairs Best Books
- Press Information Bureau (PIB) website
- Newspapers –Indian Express, One local newspaper
- Anyone Current Affairs monthly magazine
HPAS – Indian Polity Best Books
- Indian polity by Laxmikant
- Constitution of India Bare Act
HPAS – History Best Books
- Indian Art and Culture by Nitin Singhania
- Medieval History NCERT Class XI-XII
- Ancient History NCERT Class 11th by R.S. Sharma
- India’s Ancient Past by R.S. Sharma
- NCERT XII (Modern Indian History)
- A brief history of Modern India – Spectrum
HPAS – Environment & Ecology Best Books
- Environment Book by DS Khullar
- Environmental Studies Books of IGNOU and NOS
HPAS – Science and Technology Best Books
- Newspaper columns dedicated to technology
- Science and technology by Ashok Singh
Hopefully, we have provided useful information about the Best Books for HPPSC HPAS Exam Preparation for the aspirants who are in search of them. Keep visiting the website @ Freshersnow.com for more updates.
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