IB DCIO Previous Papers PDF Download | ACIO Model Papers

IB DCIO Previous Papers
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IB DCIO Previous Papers: The Intelligence Bureau DCIO, ACIO Model Papers are available on this page. Therefore, in the below sections we have provided all the information related to the IB DCIO, ACIO Previous Year Question Papers. Moreover, you can also check the Exam Pattern at the below post. Aspirants can refer to the whole page to get a clear idea about the IB DCIO Model Papers. Also, download the subject-wise pdf’s from the below links.

 ★ IB DCIO Syllabus

IB DCIO Previous Papers

The competitors who had applied for the recruitment are anxiously waiting for the IB DCIO Previous Papers. We are here to provide the Intelligence Bureau DCIO, ACIO Model Papers for the sake of candidates. So, no need to waste your valuable time for searching the previous papers. In the below sections we have arranged the sample papers for the Written Examination in a PDF format. Moreover, all the aspirants can download these model papers as soon as possible and start your preparation. By practising the IB DCIO, ACIO Sample Papers aspirants can easily solve the questions in the examination. So before going to the examination candidates need to solve the model papers.

Details of IB DCIO Previous Papers

In this section, we have mentioned all the details regarding the IB DCIO Previous Papers in a table format. Before attending the examination each and every candidate needs to know the examination level.

Name Of The Organization Intelligence Bureau
Name Of The Post(s) Deputy Central Intelligence Officer, Assistant Central Intelligence officer
Category Previous Papers
Official Website mha.nic.in

The Recruitment has finally released the notification for the Deputy Central Intelligence Officer and Assistant Central Intelligence Officer positions. Therefore, aspirants need to apply for the IB recruitment fastly. For the sake of aspirants on our website we also have also provided the details of the Recruitment. For the further updates, aspirants can visit the official website of the Intelligence Bureau. The link for the official website is provided in this article.

IB DCIO, ACIO Model Papers

For the sake of the candidates in this article, we have provided the IB DCIO Previous Papers. Before starting the preparation aspirants need to know the exam pattern and the syllabus of the examination. For this reason, we provide the exam pattern and the selection process in the below sections. Recently, the Intelligence Bureau has released a notification for the IB DCIO, and ACIO vacancies. For this reason, on our website, we also provide the IB recruitment details. Moreover, we also provide the link to register for the IB Recruitment. So applicants can visit our website for the latest updates. By solving the sample papers aspirants can also solve the difficult questions in the examination. Therefore, aspirants need to solve and check the answers for the better result in the examination.

Intelligence Bureau DCIO, ACIO Exam Pattern 2018-2019

Intelligence Bureau has set the exam pattern for the applied aspirants. So many applicants have applied for the IB Recruitment. The competition will be high, therefore, competitors need to prepare well and well for the examination. Then only the candidates will score good marks. In addition to this, the exam pattern is mentioned here. The examination will consist of two papers paper I and paper II. Paper I for 100 marks and paper II for 50 marks. The topics for examination paper 1 are General Intelligence, Arithmetic Ability, and General English. The topics for the examination paper II are Analytical capability and computer knowledge. Therefore, candidates need to prepare for the topics which are mentioned above.

Intelligence Bureau Selection Process 2018-2019

The selection process for the Intelligence Bureau Deputy Central Intelligence Officer and Assistant Central Intelligence Officer consists of two rounds. Firstly, for the applied candidate’s written exam will be conducted. For the qualified aspirants, the interview will be there. Aspirants who qualified for both two rounds will be selected for the Intelligence Bureau DCIO and ACIO positions. Thus, the candidates need to perform well in both two rounds. At the time of the interview, document verification will be there. Therefore, aspirants need to verify all the documents before attending the interview. After knowing the selection process and the exam pattern by verifying the model papers aspirants need to mainly focus on the weak area. Therefore, competitors can easily write the examination without facing any difficulties. Aspirants need to prepare more on difficult topics. Then, by chance, if the paper was difficult also then the candidates can easily answer the questions in the examination.

IB DCIO Previous Papers

If the aspirants verify and check all the sample papers then it is easy for the candidates to write the examination. Before starting the solve the model papers candidate needs to keep time that is in how many minutes he or she can solve the model paper. After solving the paper candidate needs to verify all the answers whether it is correct or not. For the first time, it takes too long to solve the questions. By practicing more papers candidates can reduce the time to solve the model papers. Therefore, aspirants need to solve as many as papers before going to the examination. Such, the candidate can answer all the questions in the examination within the time duration. By reading this full article candidates can get an overview of the IB DCIO Previous Papers and the examination pattern.

Download IB DCIO General Aptitude Test Model Papers Papers: Click Here

To Download IB ACIO Grade-II 2020 (Tier-II) Official Paper 2021: Click Here

Download IB ACIO Grade-II 2017 (Tier-II) Official Paper 2018: Click Here

We think the given information related to the IB DCIO’s Previous Papers is useful to all the competitors. Moreover, for fresh updates related to recruitment, Syllabus, Previous papers, Admit cards, Results visit our website freshersnow.com.