IBPS Clerk Computer Awareness Questions and Answers PDF Download (Mains): Are you the one appearing for IBPS Clerk Exam? then what are you waiting for? Check our article to get all the frequently asked IBPS Clerk Computer Awareness Mock Test Questions and Answers. To help you during the IBPS Clerk Exam preparation, we have collected all the IBPS Clerk Computer Awareness Online Test Q&A.
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IBPS Clerk Computer Awareness Free Mock Test – Mains Exam
1. Direction: In a certain number system there are only two notations to represent numbers: & and #, 0 is represented by & and 1 by #. The subsequent numbers are represented in the following manner:
2 is represented as #&,
3 is represented as ##,
4 is represented as #&&,
5 is represented as #&# and so on.
Based on this coded language, answer the following questions:
Find the sum of #&&##& and ####?
A. ##&&##
B. ##&#&#
C. &&#&#&
D. ##&&#&
Answer – Option B
2. Which of the following is the type of software that controls the internal operations in the computer and controls how the computer works with all its parts?
A. Shareware
B. Public domain software
C. Application software
D. Operating system software
E. None of these
Answer – Option D
Explanation: An operating system (OS) is a program or software that manages and coordinates the functions of all the components of a computer. It also acts as an interface between the user and the hardware of a compute.
3. Which of the following is used to open file menu options in the current program?
A. Ctrl+F
B. Shift+F
C. Alt+F
D. Alt+Ctrl+F
E. Tab+F
Answer – Option C
4. Which of the following is the type of software that controls the internal operations in the computer and controls how the computer works with all its parts?
A. Shareware
B. Public domain software
C. Application software
D. Operating system software
E. None of these
Answer – Option D
5. A barcode is ________ code that represents data with bars of varying widths or heights.
A. optical
B. magnetic
C. laser
D. read/write
E. None of these
Answer – Option C
Explanation: A barcode is an optical, machine-readable, representation of data; the data usually describes something about the object that carries the barcode.
6. Which of the following language defines commands GRANT and REVOKE?
Answer – Option C
7. The abbreviation ISP stands for___
A. International spy project
B. Indian social planning
C. Internet solution provider
D. Internet service provider
E. None of these
Answer – Option D
8. which of the following is not a type of computer network
A. LAN(Local Area Network)
B. MAN( Metropolitan Area Network)
C. RAN (Remote Area Network)
D. WAN( Wide Area Network)
Answer: RAN (Remote Area Network), other all are the types of computer network but RAN(Remote Area Network)
9. Which IEEE Standards is used for Wi-Fi system?
A. 802.11
B. 802.1
C. 802.2
D. 802.3
E. 802.10
Answer – Option A
10. Which of the following is used to transfer data intended for a peripheral device into a disk so that it can be transmitted to the peripheral device at a more suitable time or in bulk?
A. Virtual programming
B. Multi programming
C. Caching
D. Multitasking
E. Spooling
Answer – Option E
11. HUB is _____________ device and switch is a ________ device
A. Unicast, Multicast
B. Multicast, Unicast
C. Broadcast, Unicast
D. Unicast, broadcast
Answer: Broadcast, unicast, Hub is broadcast as it doesn’t save the MAC address in memory and Switch is Unicast because it does save the MAC address in the memory. Therefore Broadcast, unicast is the answer.
12. How many layers are in the T C P/ I P model?
A. 4 layers
B. 5 layers
C. 6 layers
D. 7 layers
E. None of these
Answer – Option B
13. _____ manual instructs you on how to use the software.
A. Documentation
B. Help
C. Technical
Answer – Option D
14. If you receive an E-mail from someone you don’t know what should you do?
A. Forward it to the police immediately.
B. Delete it without opening it.
C. Open it and respond to them saying that you don’t know them.
D. Reply and ask them for their personal information.
E. Reply and tell them you want to keep in touch with them.
Answer – Option B
15. Programs from the same developer sold bundled together, that provide better integration and share common features, toolbars and menus are known as ____
A. software suites
B. integrated software packages
C. software processing packages
D. personal information managers
E. none of these
Answer – Option A
16. Storing the same data in many places is called?
A. iteration
B. concurrency
C. redundancy
D. enumeration
E. None of these
Answer – Option C
17. Which of the following is the first step in the “transaction processing cycle”, which captures business data through various modes such as optical scanning or at an electronic commerce website?
A. Document and report generation
B. Database maintenance
C. Transaction processing
D. Data Entry
E. None of these
Answer – Option D
18. What will be the 1’s complement of decimal number 45?
A. 111000
B. 010010
C. 011110
D. 111000
E. 011101
Answer – Option B
Explanation: 45/2 – Remainder 1
22/2 – Remainder 0
11/2 – Remainder 1
5/2 – Remainder 1
2/2 – Remainder 0
45 => 101101
=> 010010
19. Computer Keyboard is an example of
A. input device
B. output device
C. input and output both
D. none of these
Answer – Option A
20. How many digits of the DNIC (Data Network Identification Code) identify the country?
A. first three
B. first four
C. first five
D. first six
E. None of the above
Answer – Option A
21. The probability that a single bit will be in error on a typical public telephone line using 4800 bps modem is 10 to the power -3. If no error detection mechanism is used, the residual error rate for a communication line using 9-bit frames is approximately equal to
A. 0.003
B. 0.009
C. 0.991
D. 0.999
E. None of the above
Answer – Option B
22. An OR gate can be imagined as
A. switches connected in series
B. switches connected in parallel
C. MOS transistors connected in series
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Answer – Option B
23. Address 200H contains the byte 3FH. What is the decimal equivalent of 3FH
A. 63
B. 32
C. 16
D. 38
E. None of the above
Answer – Option A
24. The primary tool used in the structured design is a:
A. structure chart
B. data-flow diagram
C. program flowchart
D. module
E. None of the above
Answer – Option A
25. In a _____ one module of the new information system is activates at a time.
A. System Development Life Cycle
B. CASE tool
C. Phased Conversion
D. Success factors
E. None of the above
Answer – Option C
26. The step-by-step instructions that solve a problem are called _____.
A. An algorithm
B. A list
C. A plan
D. A sequential structure
E. None of the above
Answer – Option A
27. Which of the following condition is used to transmit two packets over a medium at the same time?
A. Contention
B. Collision
C. Synchronous
D. Asynchronous
E. None of the above
Answer – Option B
28. Which of the following types of channels moves data relatively slowly?
A. wideband channel
B. voiceband channel
C. narrowband channel
D. broadband channel
E. None of the above
Answer – Option C
29. Which technique enables the designer to mold and shape, rather than construct on an object using a series of lines?
A. Solid modeling
B. Wire-frame modeling
C. Surface modeling
D. FEM (Finite Element Modeling)
E. None of the above
Answer – Option A
30. CAD/CAM is the inter-relationship between:
A. manufacturing and marketing
B. marketing and design
C. engineering and marketing
D. engineering and manufacturing
E. None of the above
Answer – Option D
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