IGU Meerpur Result 2023 Released at igu.ac.in for UG, PG Exams (BA, B.P.Ed, B.Com, BCA, B.Tech, B.Ed, LLB, BBA, B.Sc, M.Sc, MBA, M.com, M.Tech, Ph.D.): Indira Gandhi University (IGU), Meerpur Rewari officials announced the IGU Meerpur Exam Result 2023. All the candidates can check the IGU Meerpur Result 2023 on the official site. You can also check the IGU Result 2023 from this page through the direct link given below. Candidates from UG, PG, M.Phill, Ph.D. courses must check the Indira Gandhi University Meerpur Result 2023 from the below-given link. So for the sake of candidates, we advise the students to stay in contact with our page or with the official site for more information. Verify all the sections given below to know the exact information about the IGU Meerpur Exam Result 2023.
New Update: IGU Meerpur Result 2023 Released for BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATION (Fifth Semester (Sem – 5)) Reval, BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATION (Fifth Semester (Sem – 5)) Reval, BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (Fifth Semester (Sem – 5)) Reval, BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATION (Third Semester (Sem – 3)) Reval, and for other UG, PG Courses. So, check on the Result with the help of the below link.
IGU Meerpur Result 2023
Indira Gandhi University (IGU), Meerpur Rewari offered different courses UG, PG, M.Phill, Ph.D. All the students from the courses attempted the BA, B.Com, B.Sc, MA, MSc, and M.Com Exams. As per every year also the officials had decided to release the Indira Gandhi University Meerpur Result 2023 on the official site. All the candidates who took the exam can check the IGU Rewari Sem Result 2023.
IGU Meerpur Result 2023 – Complete Details
IGU Meerpur Result 2023 | Indira Gandhi Rewari BA, B.Com, B.Sc, M.A Exam Results | |
University Name | Indira Gandhi University (IGU), Meerpur Rewari |
Course Name | UG, PG, M.Phill, Ph.D. |
Exam Name | BA, B.Com, B.Sc, MA, MSc, M.Com, Others |
IGU Meerpur Result 2023 Release Status | Available Now |
Category | University Results |
Results Release Mode | Online |
Location | Haryana |
Official Site | igu.ac.in |
IGU Meerpur BA, B.P.Ed, B.Com, BCA, B.Tech, B.Ed, LLB, BBA, B.Sc, M.Sc, MBA, M.com, M.Tech, Ph.D. Results 2023
Moreover, for the convenience of the students, we have provided a quick link to access the IGU BA, B.P.Ed, B.Com, BCA, B.Tech, B.Ed, LLB, BBA, B.Sc, M.Sc, MBA, M.com, M.Tech, Ph.D. Result 2023. Mostly, we will update this article with the latest and trending information on IGU Meerpur Result 2023. So all the candidates are suggested to keep an eye on the home portal. You can also check our page at regular intervals and bookmark it to get notifications.
Details On Indira Gandhi University Meerpur Result 2023
- Name of the student
- Father’s name
- Course Name
- University Name
- Semester
- Subjects Name
- Marks scored by the candidate in individual subjects.
- Maximum marks
- Total marks obtained by the candidate
- Candidate’s Category
- Date of release of the exam
- Overall Status (P/ F)
IGU Meerpur Supplementary Exam Details
All the candidates who are not qualified for the Sem Exams can apply for Supplementary Exams. The officials of the Indira Gandhi University (IGU), Meerpur Rewari will announce the details of Supplementary Exams on the official site.
Candidates can check the dates, fees, and many other details for Supplementary Exams on the official site. Moreover, by applying for Supplementary Exams, you can improve your marks and it will be added to the final marks. Besides, the Supplementary Exams can apply for a single subject or multiple subjects.
About Indira Gandhi University
The Indira Gandhi University Meerpur, Rewari was established through an ordinance promulgated by the Governor of Haryana on Sept. 07, 2013. It started its functioning from Sept.13, 2013. Further for the purpose of imparting education in Arts, Science, Information Technology, Computer Education, Commerce, Humanities, Management and to achieve excellence in these and connected fields of the learned professions the university tends to promote study and research for the further advancement of learning in education
Courses Offered By IGU
- Humanities
- Social Sciences
- Sciences
- Faculty of Education
- Engineering & Technology
- Law
- Commerce, Management & Tourism Management
- Medical Sciences
Steps To Download IGU Meerpur Result 2023
- To check the IGU Result 2023, Visit the official site of Indira Gandhi University (IGU), Meerpur Rewari by using the URL that is igu.ac.in.
- On landing the home page, search for the IGU Meerpur Result 2023 link.
- Click on the link and enter the details in the login form.
- Check and submit the details.
- Your IGU Meerpur Exam Result 2023 will appear on the screen.
- Verify the IGU Rewari Sem Result 2023 and take a hard copy for future use.
IGU Meerpur Result 2023 Links
IGU Meerpur Result 2023 – Impotant Link | |
To Check IGU Meerpur Result 2023 for BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATION (Fifth Semester (Sem – 5)) Reval, BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATION (Fifth Semester (Sem – 5)) Reval, BACHELOR OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (Fifth Semester (Sem – 5)) Reval, BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATION (Third Semester (Sem – 3)) Reval, and other UG & PG courses | Link 1 | Link 2 (Available Now) |
Besides, we have provided all the required details of IGU Meerpur Result 2023. If you are not satisfied with the given data, check the official site. You can follow our page Freshers Now to know more details.
IGU Meerpur Result 2023 – Frequently Asked Questions
For which courses, IGU Meerpur Result 2023 be released?
The IGU Meerpur Result 2023 is released for various UG, PG Courses.
What details are needed to check IGU Meerpur Semester Result?
Aspirants can check the IGU Meerpur Semester Result using their Registration Number and DOB.
What is the official site to check IGU Meerpur Semester Result?
The official site to check IGU Meerpur Semester Result is igu.ac.in.
How to download IGU Meerpur UG Results?
Aspirants can download the IGU Meerpur UG Results from our website Freshers Now and also through the official site of IGU.