Infosys Interview Questions (Technical, HR) for Freshers PDF Download: Are you in a search for Infosys Interview Questions for Freshers? If yes, then you have landed in the right place. We have seen many of the candidates who have applied for the Infosys Openings were looking for the Infosys Interview Questions And Answers. Hence, for their sake, we have come here to provide the Infosys Technical, HR Questions along with Answers. By scrolling down this page, you can get to know the Infosys Selection Process and the Infosys Interview Questions that are asked for Freshers.
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Infosys Interview Questions – Overview
Name Of The Company | Infosys |
Qualification | Any Graduate/ Post Graduate |
Job Role | Multiple |
Job Location | Across India |
Experience | Freshers |
Category | Interview Questions with Answers |
Website | www.infosys.com |
Infosys Selection Process
Infosys conducts a few rounds in order to select the candidate and to fit them in suitable positions. Whereas, Infosys Recruitment Process includes the following rounds. In which elimination of the candidates in each round will be done based on their performance. Hiring suitable and potential candidates is the key thing that the employers of the company follow for the wellness of the company.
- Online Assessment
- Technical Interview
- HR Interview
Infosys Test Pattern
Online Assessment is the initial round of the Infosys Selection Process where many of the candidates who applied for a specific job role will take this test. And most of the candidates will be filtered in this round and the one who have got through the Infosys Online Test will proceed to the next levels of selection. Have a look at the below table and get to know the Infosys Online Test Pattern.
Name of the Section | Number of Questions | Duration of Time |
Mathematical Ability | 10 | 35 Minutes |
Logical Reasoning | 15 | 25 Minutes |
Verbal Ability | 20 | 20 Minutes |
Pseudo Code | 5 | 10 Minutes |
Puzzle Solving | 4 | 10 Minutes |
Infosys Technical Interview
This is a face-to-face round and the questions that are related to the technical field will be asked in this round. You were expected to have sound knowledge related to the job profile you opted for. Hence, before appearing for the interview you were needed to prepare for the topics that would cover. In this round, your knowledge with respect to relative subjects like C, C++, OOPs, Java, Data Base Management System, Software Engineering, HTML etc., will be judged. The number of technical rounds will vary based on the position opted.
Infosys Technical Interview Questions for Freshers
In this section, we have arranged the Infosys Technical Interview Questions And Answers. And we suggest you to refer the whole of this section and in turn you will get to have an idea of what type of technical questions will be asked in the Infosys Technical Interview.
C/ C++/ OOPs Questions for Infosys Technical Interview
- What is the difference between method overloading and method overriding?
A. Method overloading means methods are having the same name, but they differ either in the number of arguments or in the type of arguments. It is done during compile time, so it is known as compile-time polymorphism.
Method overriding means the ability to define subclass and super-class methods with the same name as well as the same method signatures, here the subclass method will override the super-class method. It is performed during run time, so it is known as run-time polymorphism.
2. Explain pointers in C++
A. A variable that holds the address of another variable of the same data type can be called a pointer. Pointers can be created for any data type or user-defined datatypes like class, structure, etc. It allows variable passing by references using the address. For example:
int x = 25;
int *ptr = &x;
cout << ptr;
- Here, ptr will store the address of x. That means the address of x is the ptr value
- Using *ptr, we can obtain the value stored in the address referenced by ptr(i.e., 25). *ptr is known as dereference operator.
Uses of pointers:
- To point a variable present inside the memory
- To store addresses of dynamically allocated memory blocks
3. Write a C++ program to check whether a number is palindrome or not.
/* A palindrome number is a number that remains same after reversing the digits. */
void main()
int num, n, rem, rev=0;
cout<<“Enter a number:”;
n=num; //Used for comparision after reversal of a number
/* In this block, we retrieve each digit from a given number and will get the reversed number at the end stored at rev variable. */
if(n==rev) //Comparing given number with reversed number
cout<<n<<” is a palindrome.”;
cout<<n<<” is not a palindrome.”;
4. What are Structs and how are they different from Classes?
A. Struct is a customized data type that contains other data types.
For example,
struct Student {
int rollNumber;
char section;
void getName();
Members of a class are private by default, to make a variable public, we need to add the public modifier. In a struct, by default members are public and if we need any private members, we have to use a modifier.
A class can be inherited but structs cannot.
5. What is the difference between reference and pointer?
A. Pointer stores the address of a variable, but the reference is just a copy of a variable with a different name. References have to be initialized, whereas the pointer need not be. To initialize pointer, we use the dereference operator,
int a;
int *ptr = &a;
// We use the & reference operator to initialize the reference variable.
int a = 20;
int &ref = a;
In the above, while ptr will store the address of a, ref will store the value of a (20). Learn more about references and pointers through this detailed article.
6. Give examples of data structures in C++.
A. There are two types of data structures in C++, linear and nonlinear.
- Linear – data elements are stored in sequence. Example, stack, queue, and linked list
- Non-linear – tree and graph that are not stored in a sequential manner
7. What is inheritance? Name its types.
A. Inheritance is one of the important concepts of OOPs languages. With inheritance, we can apply the properties of one class to another class. The concept of inheritance increases the code reusability of the programming language.
Various types of inheritance are:
- Single inheritance
- Multi-level inheritance
- Hierarchical inheritance
- Multiple inheritances
- Hybrid inheritance
- Multipath inheritance
8. What are tokens in C++?
A. Tokens are the smallest elements in C++ that make more sense to a compiler. Identifiers, keywords, literals, operators, punctuations, and other separators are examples of tokens.
9. What is the difference between array and pointer?
A. An array is the group of similar elements having the same data type, whereas the pointer is a variable pointing to some data type in the memory. Arrays can only contain the elements of a similar data type whereas the pointer variable is used to point to any data type variable.
10. Write output of the program?
int i=10;
A. 10 12 12
Java Questions for Infosys Technical Interview
- Distinguish between classes and interfaces in Java
Class | Interface |
A class will have abstract or concrete methods | Interface will have abstract methods only. From Java 8 onwards, it supports static as well as default methods |
A class is a blueprint for the creation of objects with the same configuration for properties and methods | An interface is a collection of properties and methods that helps to describe an object, but it does not provide implementation or initialization for them |
Does not support multiple inheritance. | Multiple Inheritance is supported |
Using extends keyword, a class can be inherited from another class | Interface cannot inherit a class, but it can inherit an interface |
An interface can be implemented by a class | Interface cannot be implemented by another interface, but it is possible to extend an interface |
It can have all types of members(public, private or, others) | Members are public by default, but you can use other access specifiers also for the interface members |
2. What is the word used for the virtual machine in JAVA? How is it implemented?
A. The word “Java Virtual Machine is known as JVM in short” is used for the virtual machine in Java. This word is implemented from the java runtime environment (JRE).
3. What are the Methods In Object?
A. clone, equals, wait, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString
4. Can you instantiate the Math Class?
A. You can’t instantiate the math class. All the methods in this class are static. And the constructor is not public.
5. What is Skeleton and Stub? What is the purpose of those?
A. Stub is a client side representation of the server, which takes care of communicating with the remote server. Skeleton is the server side representation. But that is no more in use… it is deprecated long before in JDK.
DBMS Questions for Infosys Technical Interview
- Why indexing in SQL is useful?
A. A SQL index is a quick lookup table that helps to find records that are frequently searched by a user. An index is fast, small, and optimized for quick look-ups. It is useful for establishing a connection between the relational tables, searching large tables, and fast retrieval of data from a database.
2. What is the left outer join and the right outer join in SQL?
A. Left outer join: It returns an entire set of records from the left table along with the matched records from the right table.
Right outer join: It returns an entire set of records from the right table along with the matched records from the left table.
3. Differentiate between Char and Varchar in DBMS?
Char and Varchar both are the datatypes in DBMS. Char and varchar both datatypes are used to store characters up to 8000. The only point of difference between the Char and Varchar is Char fixed length string datatype whereas Varchar, as the name suggests, is a variable length character storing data type.
For example, char(7) will take 7 bytes of memory to store the string, and it also includes space. Whereas varchar will take variable space, which means that it will only take that much of space as the actual data entered as the data of varchar data type.
4. What do you mean by Object-Relational DBMS?
The object-relational database (ORD) is a database management system (DBMS) that are composed of both an object-oriented database (OODBMS) and a relational database (RDBMS). ORD supports the essential components of an object-oriented database model in its schemas and the query language used, such as inheritance, classes, and objects.
An object-relational database is also known as an object-relational database management systems (ORDBMS).
5. List different advantages of DBMS.
A. The list of several advantages of Database Management System:
- Improved data security
- Improved data access
- Improved decision making
- Better data integration
- Minimized data inconsistency
- Increased end-user productivity
Software Engineering Questions for Infosys Technical Interview
- What is SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle)?
A. SDLC is an end-to-end process that defines the software development flow starting from the requirements stage to the maintenance and support stage. The SDLC stages are requirements analysis, planning, definition, design, development, testing, deployment, maintenance, and support.
2. What are the disadvantages of the Waterfall model?
- Working software is produced only at the end of the life cycle
- Not recommended for the projects where requirements are frequent that may lead to a high risk of changing. So, this model is having a high amount of risk and uncertainty
- Not suitable for complex as well as object-oriented projects
- Difficult to measure progress within each stage
- It is difficult to identify any business or technological bottleneck or challenges early because integration is done at the end
3. Explain about Agile model.
- Agile is a software development model that has an iterative approach for software development that helps teams to deliver value to their customers faster, with greater quality, with lesser errors, greater ability to respond to change
- An agile team delivers a product in small increments instead of a “big bang” launch. Requirements, plans, and result evaluation is continuously done, so teams have a natural mechanism for a quick response to change
- Scrum and Kanban are the most frequently used Agile methodologies
4. Differentiate between white box and black box testing.
White box testing | Black box testing |
The tester will have complete knowledge about the internal working of the application. | It is not necessary to know the internal working of the application. |
It is more time-consuming and exhaustive. | It is less time-consuming and exhaustive. |
Here, a tester will design test data and test cases. | Testing is done based on an external or end-user perspective. |
It is done by developers and testers(QA). | It is done by the end-user and also by developers and testers. |
White box testing is also called an open box, glass, structural testing, clear box, or code-based testing. | Black box testing is also called closed box, functional, data-driven testing. |
5. What is verification and validation?
A. Verification: Verification is a term that refers to the set of activities that ensure that software implements a specific function.
Validation: It refers to the set of activities that ensure that software has been built according to the need of clients.
HTML Questions for Infosys Technical Interview
- What is a frame in HTML?
- HTML Frames are useful for dividing browser windows into many parts where each section is able to load an HTML document separately. A-frame collection in the browser window is called a frameset
- It permits authors to present HTML documents in multiple views, which might be subwindows or independent windows. Multiple views provide help to keep specific information visible, while other views are replaced or scrollable
2. What are tags and attributes in HTML?
A. Tags are the primary component of the HTML that defines how the content will be structured/ formatted, whereas Attributes are used along with the HTML tags to define the characteristics of the element. For example, <p align=” center”>Interview questions</p>, in this the ‘align’ is the attribute using which we will align the paragraph to show in the center of the view
3. Describe HTML layout structure.
Every web page has different components to display the intended content and a specific UI. But still, there are few things which are templated and are globally accepted way to structure the web page, such as:
- <header>: Stores the starting information about the web page.
- <footer>: Represents the last section of the page.
- <nav>: The navigation menu of the HTML page.
- <article>: It is a set of information.
- <section>: It is used inside the article block to define the basic structure of a page.
- <aside>: Sidebar content of the page
4. Can we display a web page inside a web page or Is nesting of webpages possible?
A. Yes, we can display a web page inside another HTML web page. HTML provides a tag <iframe> using which we can achieve this functionality.
<iframe src=”url of the web page to embed” />
5. In how many ways can we position an HTML element? Or what are the permissible values of the position attribute?
A. There are mainly 7 values of position attribute that can be used to position an HTML element:
- static: Default value. Here the element is positioned according to the normal flow of the document.
- absolute: Here the element is positioned relative to its parent element. The final position is determined by the values of left, right, top, bottom.
- fixed: This is similar to absolute except here the elements are positioned relative to the <html> element.
- relative: Here the element is positioned according to the normal flow of the document and positioned relative to its original/ normal position.
- initial: This resets the property to its default value.
- inherit: Here the element inherits or takes the property of its parent
Infosys HR Interview
HR round is the last round in the Infosys Selection Process that the candidates were called who have got through the previous rounds of selection. This is an elimination round, and those who have satisfied the interviewer with the answers will be selected for the job role. In this round, the interviewer will assess the candidates’ capability to work with their company. The detailed particulars of the candidates like strengths, weaknesses, internships, achievements, communication, and background will be assessed in the Infosys HR Interview Round.
Infosys HR Interview Questions for Freshers
In the below-provided section, we have mentioned the Infosys HR Interview Questions And Answers that are commonly asked in the Infosys HR Interview. Make use of it and know how to answer each question.
- Tell me about yourself?
This is the basic question that is asked in any of the HR interviews. The way you answer this question lays the foundation for the rest of the questions that will be asked. While answering this question, make sure that you cover your educational qualification, experience, career goals and objectives, achievements, and family background. Further, you can also talk about your hobbies, likes, dislikes, etc., Before you complete your answer for this question, the interviewer will be known what kind of person you are.
2. Why should I hire you?
Try to give your best for this question. Before answering this question, get to know the greatest needs and demands of the company. This question gives you an advantage over others, and the traits you speak out about yourself must have to differentiate you from others. Then, you will get a chance to grab the interviewer’s attention that will tend to select you for the desired position.
3. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
More number of answers is good to give for this question but in the right manner. Here, you can mention your problem-solving skills which are required to have for a good position in a company, how adaptable you are, and committed you are, etc., Traites like the ability to work hard, professional expertise, leadership skills, a positive attitude can be also included. Whereas, while talking about the weaknesses, you should project your greatest strength as your weakness.
4. Why do you want to work at our company?
Here, you can talk about the esteem of the company. Though it is a common question, at the same time it can be challenging to answer. You better be well prepared for this question beforehand as it is so sensitive when you talk about the company before the company’s people. Whatever you deliver here must make sense. Hence, you can highlight the company by specifying its wellness/ reputation in the industry.
5. Can you work under pressure?
Your answer for this must be strong and should convince the other party in the panel. You can say like, ‘I accept challenges, and being under pressure will enlarge my capabilities which will in turn help me to grow and learn. However, pressure makes me to be more productive and helps me gain a good experience.’
6. What are your goals?
Your answer to this question defines the capability of your thinking about your future. Also, it determines your planning skills. Sometimes this question is asked in order to know the future endurances of the interviewee. Here, you can talk about your future goal with the company being in a good position and having good recognition.
Infosys Interview Questions for Freshers Link
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