Here on this page, we are providing various Latest IOCL Placement Papers in PDF format for good preparation to clear the IOCL test. Aspirants who have a dream to join in the IT sector, they can download the IOCL Previous Papers for practice. To hire talented candidate’s for a certain position in the IOCL company, they conduct the test to know the capabilities and knowledge of you. We have provided the IOCL Test Pattern and IOCL Selection Procedure in the below portions of this page. Download the IOCL Sample Papers PDF and know the actual test pattern. And, practice all the provided IOCL Placement Papers PDF to prepare for the placement test.
We suggest that you go through all IOCL Placement Papers pre-provided by FreshersNow.Com before sitting for your dream job. All IOCL Sample Papers are designed keeping in mind the company’s actual placement paper. But, because most company placement tests include a verbal section, we have provided this section in all our model papers. So, practice all the IOCL Previous Papers to know the different types of questions and answers. In the last section, you will find the links to download the IOCL Placement Papers.
Latest IOCL Placement Papers
Name Of The Company | Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) |
Qualification | Any Graduates/ Post Graduates |
Category | Placement Papers |
Official Website | www.iocl.com |
★ You Can Also Check ★
Aptitude Questions |
Reasoning Questions |
English Questions |
All our IOCL Placement Papers are designed carefully so that the pattern of our sample papers, the type of questions featured in them, their level of difficulty are comparable to the actual selection tests conducted by IOCL. FreshersNow.Com also provides all company placement papers, numerous section-wise/topic-wise tests, mock tests, quizzes, etc. The analysis will help you identify your areas of strengths and weaknesses, provide you to enhance your performance and help you crack the company placement tests. Refer to the above table and know all the details related to the IOCL Placement Papers PDF.
IOCL Selection Process
Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), commonly known as IndianOil is an Indian state-owned oil and gas company with a registered office at Mumbai and primarily headquartered in New Delhi. It is the largest commercial enterprise in the country, with a net profit of INR 19,106 crore (USD 2,848 million). It conducts three rounds of the selection process:
- Written Test
- Technical Interview
- HR Interview
Candidates who will qualify all three rounds will select for the Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL). Hence, you need to check the selection process and prepare according to it.
Latest IOCL Test Pattern
Section | Number of Questions |
Aptitude | 10 |
Technical | 55 |
Total | 65 |
The aptitude section consists of questions based on data interpretation, statement reasoning, graphs, blood relations, etc. Also, there are questions from basic mathematics like algebra, arithmetic, time, speed & distance, probability, geometry, permutation & combination, etc. Moreover, there are questions from the English Language like grammar usage, fill in the blanks, etc. The technical section consists of questions from subjects of engineering.
- The overall time duration of the test is 180 minutes
- There is 1/3rd negative marking in the paper
- And, there is no negative marking in the Aptitude section
IOCL Model Papers
Learn and practice the placement papers, syllabus and interview questions answers of IOCL and find out how much you score before you appear for your next interview and written examination. You should practice the IOCL Placement Papers PDF according to the syllabus by managing the time. This will help them to analyze in which area they are weak and have to spend more time to achieve their goal of clearing the written test and further move to the next rounds. Check our website and gather the IOCL Syllabus to prepare for the online test.
Download IOCL Previous Papers PDF
IOCL Aptitude Placement Papers PDF
IOCL Technical Previous Papers PDF
IOCL English Previous Papers PDF
IOCL Reasoning Placement Papers PDF
Start the preparation for IOCL Placement Test to crack the test easily. Without any time waste, you need to download the IOCL Placement Papers PDF and plan for the preparation. You need to work hard and prepare well for the IOCL Recruitment Test to score high in it. Get the latest Placement Papers, Walk-ins, and more information by visiting our web portal @ Freshers Now.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the IOCL Exam Pattern?
The IOCL Exam Pattern includes two sections of Aptitude, Technical with a total of 65 questions.
Does FreshersNow provide IOCL Latest Placement Papers?
Yes, FreshersNow provides IOCL Latest Placement Papers.
Is there are any negative marking for the IOCL Exam?
Yes, there is 1/3rd negative marking for the exam.