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Top 50 differences between Java and Python | Java vs Python

Java VS Python

Differences between Java and Python: Java and Python are two popular programming languages that have their own unique features and capabilities. Java is a statically-typed, object-oriented language that compiles to bytecode and runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Python, on the other hand, is a dynamically-typed, multi-paradigm language that is interpreted and runs directly on the Python interpreter.

Java vs Python | Which is better?

In the below provided table, we have provided top 50 key differences between Java and Python by covering various aspects such as syntax, type system, performance, libraries, application domains, and more. This comparison aims to provide a useful reference for developers who are considering which language to use for a specific project or who are interested in learning more about the differences between Java and Python.

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Top 50 differences between Java and Python

Here are the list of Top 50 differences between Java and Python. Below table has also covered the advantages and disadvantages of both Java and Python.

S.No Java Python
1 Java is statically typed Python is dynamically typed
2 Requires explicit declaration of variable types Does not require explicit declaration of variable types
3 Compiles to bytecode Interpreted language
4 Code is compiled and executed on the JVM Code is executed directly by the Python interpreter
5 Object-oriented language Multi-paradigm language (procedural, object-oriented, and functional)
6 Follows syntax similar to C++ and C# Follows syntax similar to pseudocode
7 Requires semicolons to terminate statements Does not require semicolons to terminate statements
8 Uses curly braces to define code blocks Uses indentation to define code blocks
9 Supports operator overloading Supports operator overloading
10 Has built-in support for multithreading Has built-in support for multithreading
11 Has stricter syntax rules and guidelines Has more relaxed syntax rules and guidelines
12 Has a larger standard library Has a smaller standard library
13 Has strong support for enterprise applications Is popular for scripting, data analysis, and scientific computing
14 Has static methods and variables Does not have static methods and variables
15 Offers automatic memory management through garbage collection Offers automatic memory management through garbage collection
16 Offers better performance for compiled code Offers better performance for interpreted code
17 Supports multiple inheritance through interfaces Supports multiple inheritance through mixins
18 Has a more verbose syntax Has a less verbose syntax
19 Is a compiled language Is an interpreted language
20 Offers better type checking at compile-time Offers dynamic type checking at runtime
21 Supports functional programming through lambda expressions Supports functional programming through first-class functions and lambda expressions
22 Has a built-in package manager (Maven) Has a built-in package manager (pip)
23 Offers better support for complex data structures Offers better support for simple data structures
24 Has a more complex syntax for exception handling Has a simpler syntax for exception handling
25 Offers better performance for numerical computations Offers slower performance for numerical computations
26 Has a more rigid structure for classes and objects Has a more flexible structure for classes and objects
27 Offers better performance for multithreaded applications Offers slower performance for multithreaded applications
28 Is popular for enterprise software development Is popular for web development and data analysis
29 Has a more verbose syntax for control flow statements Has a less verbose syntax for control flow statements
30 Has stricter rules for variable scoping Has more relaxed rules for variable scoping
31 Supports native code integration through JNI Supports native code integration through C extensions
32 Is a strongly typed language Is a dynamically typed language
33 Has better support for compile-time checking and optimization Has better support for runtime checking and optimization
34 Has better support for large-scale projects Is easier to learn and use for small-scale projects
35 Offers better support for GUI development Offers limited support for GUI development
36 Requires a compiler to produce executable code Does not require a compiler to produce executable code
37 Has better support for network programming Offers limited support for network
38 Offers better support for type safety Offers less strict type safety
39 Has a more complex syntax for file I/O operations Has a simpler syntax for file I/O operations
40 Is platform-independent through the JVM Is platform-independent through the Python interpreter
41 Has better support for code refactoring Has limited support for code refactoring
42 Offers better support for database connectivity Offers limited support for database connectivity
43 Has better support for code analysis and profiling Has limited support for code analysis and profiling
44 Requires explicit declaration of exceptions Allows catching of all exceptions
45 Offers better support for secure programming Offers less support for secure programming
46 Has better support for automated testing Has limited support for automated testing
47 Has a more complex syntax for regular expressions Has a simpler syntax for regular expressions
48 Offers better support for creating and using threads Offers limited support for creating and using threads
49 Has better support for big data processing through Hadoop Offers limited support for big data processing
50 Has better support for creating and using annotations Offers limited support for creating and using annotations

Which is Better Java or Python?

Java and Python are both popular programming languages with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. Which one is better depends on the task at hand and the preferences of the developer.

Java is known for its speed and scalability, making it a great choice for large-scale enterprise applications. It also has a strong emphasis on type safety, meaning that errors are caught at compile-time rather than run-time, making it a more reliable language for mission-critical applications. Additionally, Java has a vast library of tools and frameworks, making it easier to build complex applications.

Python, on the other hand, is known for its simplicity and ease of use. It has a more straightforward syntax than Java, making it easier to learn for beginners. Python is also great for rapid prototyping and testing, as well as for data analysis and scientific computing. Its extensive library of scientific computing tools and frameworks makes it the language of choice for many data scientists and researchers.

In conclusion, both Java and Python are great programming languages with their own unique strengths. It ultimately comes down to the specific needs of the project and the preferences of the developer.

Conclusion: Python vs Java

As we have seen in this table, Java and Python have many differences in terms of syntax, type system, performance, libraries, and more. While Java offers better support for type safety, secure programming, and big data processing through Hadoop, Python provides a simpler syntax, better support for data science and machine learning, and easier integration with web frameworks. We hope the provided information about the top 50 differences between Python and Java are useful for your interview preparation. Keep visiting for more useful updates. is one of the best job sites in India. On this website you can find list of jobs such as IT jobs, government jobs, bank jobs, railway jobs, work from home jobs, part time jobs, online jobs, pharmacist jobs, software jobs etc. Along with employment updates, we also provide online classes for various courses through our android app. also offers recruitment board to employers to post their job advertisements for free.