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Top 50 Differences Between JavaScript and TypeScript | JavaScript Vs TypeScript

Javascript VS Typescript

Difference between TypeScript and JavaScript: When it comes to front-end web development, JavaScript and TypeScript are two of the most popular programming languages used today. While JavaScript has been the go-to language for creating interactive web pages and adding dynamic features to web applications, TypeScript has gained significant traction as an extension of JavaScript that offers optional static typing, classes, and interfaces.

TypeScript vs Javascript: What’s The Difference?

In this article, we have explored the top 50 differences between TypeScript and JavaScript, often referred to as TypeScript vs JavaScript or JavaScript vs TypeScript, to help you choose the right language for your next web development project. From their syntax and data types to their performance and tooling support, we will cover everything you need to know about the difference between TypeScript and JavaScript.

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Comparison of JavaScript and TypeScript

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a dynamic, high-level, interpreted programming language that is used to create interactive and dynamic web pages. It was developed by Netscape in 1995 and has since become one of the most widely used programming languages on the web. JavaScript allows web developers to add interactivity, animation, and dynamic content to web pages by manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM) and responding to user events. It is also used on the server-side through platforms such as Node.js to create web servers and other backend applications. JavaScript has a vast and active developer community, with numerous libraries and frameworks available for use.

What is TypeScript?

TypeScript is a free, open-source programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. It is a superset of JavaScript, which means that any valid JavaScript code is also valid TypeScript code. TypeScript adds optional static typing, classes, interfaces, and other object-oriented features to JavaScript, making it more suitable for large-scale, complex applications. It provides developers with improved tooling and error-checking, which results in fewer bugs and better code quality. TypeScript code is compiled to JavaScript, which can then run on any modern browser or Node.js environment. TypeScript is becoming increasingly popular among web developers, particularly those working on larger applications.

Top 50 Differences Between JavaScript and TypeScript

S.No. JavaScript TypeScript
1 Dynamic typing Static typing
2 Weakly typed Strongly typed
3 No compile-time type checking Compile-time type checking
4 Uses var to declare variables Uses let and const to declare variables
5 No built-in support for modules Has built-in support for modules
6 No optional parameters Has optional parameters
7 No parameter type annotations Has parameter type annotations
8 No return type annotations Has return type annotations
9 No private, protected, or public access modifiers Has private, protected, and public access modifiers
10 No class-based inheritance Has class-based inheritance
11 No interface support Has interface support
12 No namespace support Has namespace support
13 No enum support Has enum support
14 No tuple support Has tuple support
15 No nullability checking Has nullability checking
16 No readonly properties Has readonly properties
17 No abstract classes Has abstract classes
18 No intersection types Has intersection types
19 No union types Has union types
20 No type aliases Has type aliases
21 No type guards Has type guards
22 No type inference for variables Has type inference for variables
23 No type inference for functions Has type inference for functions
24 No type inference for return values Has type inference for return values
25 No type inference for object literals Has type inference for object literals
26 No type inference for array literals Has type inference for array literals
27 No optional chaining operator Has optional chaining operator
28 No nullish coalescing operator Has nullish coalescing operator
29 No non-null assertion operator Has non-null assertion operator
30 No default parameter values Has default parameter values
31 No rest parameters Has rest parameters
32 No spread operator for objects Has spread operator for objects
33 No spread operator for arrays Has spread operator for arrays
34 No template literals Has template literals
35 No destructuring assignment Has destructuring assignment
36 No arrow functions Has arrow functions
37 No generators Has generators
38 No async/await Has async/await
39 No for/of loop Has for/of loop
40 No array methods like map, filter, reduce, etc. Has array methods like map, filter, reduce, etc.
41 No string methods like toUpperCase, toLowerCase, etc. Has string methods like toUpperCase, toLowerCase, etc.
42 No number methods like toFixed, toPrecision, etc. Has number methods like toFixed, toPrecision, etc.
43 No object methods like toString, hasOwnProperty, etc. Has object methods like toString, hasOwnProperty, etc.
44 No Math object methods like random, max, min, etc. Has Math object methods like random,
45 No support for decorators Has support for decorators
46 No Date object methods like getFullYear, getMonth, etc. Has Date object methods like getFullYear, getMonth, etc.
47 No RegExp object methods like exec, test, etc. Has RegExp object methods like exec, test, etc.
48 No Error object properties like name, message, etc. Has Error object properties like name, message, etc.
49 No global type definitions Has global type definitions
50 No strict mode Has strict mode

TypeScript Vs JavaScript | Conclusion

JavaScript and TypeScript are two of the most popular programming languages used in web development, with JavaScript being the more widely used and accessible language. Known for its dynamic and loosely-typed nature, JavaScript is easy to learn and widely supported, making it a popular choice for front-end development. On the other hand, TypeScript is a statically-typed language that offers additional features such as optional static typing, classes, and interfaces to improve code quality and reliability. With its ability to catch errors before runtime and improve code navigation, TypeScript is gaining popularity among developers. The choice between JavaScript and TypeScript ultimately depends on the needs of the project and the preferences of the developer.

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