Jharkhand Ration Card @ aahar.jharkhand.gov.in | Apply Online, Benefits, Card Status, Correction: The government of Jharkhand launched the scheme of Jharkhand Ration Card. The National Food Security Act (NFSA) provides the beneficiary list. The motto of providing the Jharkhand Ration Card is to make available food and grains for the people of Jharkhand at a subsidized price. Here we have provided you with the required information regarding Jharkhand Ration Card. Candidates can check the Eligibility, Documents, Application Process, New Ration Card List, Ration Card Status, and related links from the below sections.
Jharkhand Ration Card – Overview
Name of the Scheme | Jharkhand Ration Card |
Launched by | Government of Jharkhand |
Mode of Application | Online |
Official Website | aahar.jharkhand.gov.in |
In this critical period of the COVID-19, the government of Jharkhand is issuing ration cards for families who come under the division of AAY and BPL. Jharkhand government had recently announced the supply of grains to 90% of families under the eBPL section.
Types of Jharkhand Ration Card
- P.H Ration card
- White Ration Card
Ration Card Types Details
- Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY) ration card is for the poorest of the poor families of the Jharkhand families.
- A white ration card is issued for those whose family income is more than 1 lakh, income families.
- P.H. ration card consists of two types of ration cards. Those are:
i) Priority Household (PHH)
ii) Non-Priority Household (NPHH)
- NPHH categorized people are financially strong division people. so, they are not eligible for this ration card.
- PHH categorized are eligible for the subsidized ration card.
Eligibility Criteria for Jharkhand Ration Card
- The basic eligibility is the applicant must be native member of the Jharkhand state.
- All the documents applied for the application must be genuine.
- The family member can apply for only one card.
- The applicant of the Jharkhand Ration Card, should not apply for any other scheme of similar ration card schemes announced by the government.
- Newly married members of the Jharkhand state should apply for the new ration card.
How To Apply for Jharkhand Ration Card Online?
Here we provide you with the step-wise procedure for the application oforthe Jharkhand Ration Card. Through this, you can apply for the Jharkhand Ration Card successfully.
- Visit the official website online @ aahar.jharkhand.gov.in.
- Click on “Online Service” on the homepage.
- Then, Click on the “Online Application” option.
- Move to the new page in which the information will appear on the screen.
- Click on the “Proceed” button at the bottom of the page.
- A page will appear on the screen then, select the “Apply for New ration card” option.
- Read the instructions that appeared on the screen and click on the “Proceed” button.
- After that enter the mobile number.
- Then, the ration card form will appear on the screen.
- Fill tout he form carefully with the required documents.
- After the complete filling of the form click on the “Continue” button.
- Enter the OTP which was received to the mobile carefully.
- Then, Submit the form.
- Now, you will receive the receipt number and the details as you fill in the form.
- After that click on the “Save and Preview” button.
- you will get the application details filled bin y the applicant.
- Now, take the print off the form for future reference.
- Finally, apply with the required documents at the DSO office of your district.
How To Make Corrections in Jharkhand Ration Card?
- Visit the official site @ aahar.jharkhand.gov.in
- Click on the “Online Service” button on the homepage.
- Click on the “Online Application” option.
- Then, it will give you the details where you can correct the details on the ration card.
- Click on the “Proceed” button.
- Now, you can reenter the data or correct the errors.
- You can also add a member of your family.
- To add a member selected on the “Ration card number” and “Mobile number”,
- Enter the Aadhar number and click on the “Get OTP” icon.
- Enter the new member details and submit the printout of it with the required details at the nearest DSO office.
How To Check Jharkhand Ration Card Status?
- Log in to the official website online @ aahar.jharkhand.gov.in
- Select the “Application Status” option under the “Online service” section.
- Fill in the details carefully.
- After the submission, it will show the status of the ration card application.
Jharkhand New Ration Card List
- Firstly visit the official website at aahar.jharkhand.gov.in
- IOnthe homepage click on the “राशनकार्ड वितरण” link under “the कार्डधारक” section which sis hown in the below-given link.
- Direct Link –
- Now the Jharkhand Ration Card Beneficiary Search page will appear on the screen.
- Select their district, block, village/ ward, or dealer, and type of card, and click on Submit option.
- Now Jharkhand Ration Card New List will open.
Steps To Check Jharkhand Ration Card Monthly Details?
- Candidlog inlogin to the official website @ aahar.jharkhand.gov.in
- Select the “Cardholder” option under the Seller section on the homepage.
- Now, the details of the monthly ration card will appear on the screen.
Jharkhand is on the List of IMPDS
Jharkhand is one of the states among the 12 states that are a part of the Integrated Management of Public Distribution (IMPDS). The people who are living in the Jharkhand state but areot a native members of this state can also apply for the new ration card. The new scheme of the IMPDS was announced on the 1st of January 2020. This facility is available only for teople who hold AAY and PHH cards.
With the link to the ration cardholders list, you can also get through the other links related to the Jharkhand ration card which were provided below.