JNTUA B.Tech 2-2 Sem Supply Result 2023 Released – R13 Exam Results – jntuaresults.ac.in: The students of JNTUA who have written their B.Tech 2-2 Semester Supply Exams for R13, can finally get their JNTUA B.Tech 2-2 Sem Supply Exam Results through this article. The JNTUA officials have finally declared the JNTUA B.Tech 2-2 Sem Results for Supply Exam. So, candidates who are eagerly waiting to check their JNTUA B.Tech 2-2 Supply Results status can direct click on the below link.
Latest Update: The authorities of the JNTUA have released the B.Tech II Year II Semester (R13) (2014 Batch) Supplementary Examinations, 2023 on their official website. Check your result with the help of the link attached in the below important links section.
Further, from the below sections, aspirants can check out important details like JNTUA B.Tech 2-2 Supply Revaluation/ Rechecking. Moreover, you can also find a detailed process on how to check the JNTUA B.Tech 2-2 Sem Supply Exam Results. So do follow that process or directly click on the JNTUA B.Tech 2-2 Supply Exam Result 2023 Link to check your B.Tech 2-2 Supply results.
JNTUA B.Tech 2-2 Sem Supply Result 2023 – Details
JNTUA B.Tech 2-2 Sem Results for Supply Exam | |
Name Of The Board | Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur (JNTUA) |
Exam Name | B.Tech 2-2 Supply R13 August/ September Exams |
JNTUA B.Tech 2-2 Sem Supply Release Result 2023 Status | Available Now |
Category | University Results |
Official Website | jntua.ac.in or jntuaresults.ac.in |
Details Present on the JNTUA B.Tech 2-2 Sem Supply Exam Results
Go through the following details whenever you check your JNTUA B.Tech 2-2 Semester Supply Results.
- Name of the student
- Roll Number
- Course Name
- Gender (M/ F)
- Year and Semester details
- List of Subject Names & their code
- Marks scored in each subject
- Total Marks
- Final Status (Pass/ Fail)
Revaluation/ Rechecking Details For JNTUA B.Tech 2-2 Supply Exam Result 2023
After you guys check your JNTUA B.Tech 2-2 Supply Examination Results which are conducted in the month of August/ September 2023 then if you are unhappy about the marks you scored in a particular subject or all the subjects, then you will be having an opportunity of improving your marks by applying for the Revaluation/ Rechecking. While applying to the JNTUA B.Tech 2-2 Supply Revaluation/ Rechecking you will be required to pay the requisite fee to the JNTUA officials. More details on this can be found in the official portal.
Process To Download The JNTUA B.Tech 2-2 Sem Results for Supply Exam
- Aspirants have to open the official website @ jntuaresults.ac.in
- Then, on the home page itself, you can check the Published Results section.
- In that click on the “B.Tech II Year II Semester (Last Chance ) (R09 & R13)”
- Then a new tab will be opened.
- Now, provide the Hall Ticket number.
- And click on the search button.
- Finally, your result will be displayed on the screen.
- Do verify the marks of each subject and know whether you have passed or not.
JNTUA B.Tech 2-2 Supply Results 2023 – Important Links | |
To Check the JNTUA B.Tech 2-2 Sem Supply Results for R13 August/ September Exams | Click Here (Available Now) |
In order to get the latest updates about the various semester exam results do kindly keep checking our Freshersnow.com portal regularly.