JNTUA MBA 1-2 Sem Exam Notification 2021 For Nov/ Dec Exams @ jntua.ac.in: The officials of Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur (JNTUA) have released the JNTUA MBA 1-2 Sem Exam Notification 2021 on their official website. Whereas, if you are in a search of the JNTUA MBA I Year II Semester Regular Exam Notification 2021, you can check out this article and can know its complete details. Moreover, by referring to this page, you can grab the JNTUA MBA 1-2 Semester Exam Fee details and the instructions that were given. Also, in the below important links section, we have made the JNTUA MBA 1-2 Sem Exam Notification 2021 Download Link available.
Further, we suggest the candidates go through the whole of this page in order not to miss any of the single detail from this page regarding the JNTUA MBA 1-2 Sem Exam Notification 2021 For Nov Dec Exams. Further, in order to get more latest JNTUA updates from our page, kindly follow us @ FreshersNow.
JNTUA MBA 1-2 Sem Exam Notification 2021 – Overview
JNTUA MBA 1-2 Sem Exam Notification 2021 For Nov/ Dec Exams | |
University Name | Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur (JNTUA) |
Course Name | Master of Business Administration (MBA) |
Semesters | 1st Year 2nd Sem |
Exam Name | Semester Regular Examinations, November/ December |
Notification Release Status | Available Now |
Category | Universities |
Location | Anantapur |
Official Site | jntua.ac.in |
JNTUA MBA 1-2 Sem Exam Notification 2021
Candidates appearing for the MBA I Year II semester Regular Examinations, November/ December 2021 (For 2020 admitted batches only) commencing from 22nd November 2021 are informed that the applications will be received as per the time schedule given below:
Last date for registration: 10th November 2021
JNTUA MBA 1-2 Sem Exam Notification 2021 – Fee Details
Examination Fee | |
For the whole examination | Rs. 900/- |
Marks Memorandum. | Rs. 10/- |
Cost of Application | Rs. 5/- |
- Applications are available at the office of the Principal and duly filled-in applications should be handed over in the college office along with the necessary fee
- Hall tickets will be issued only to the eligible candidates who fulfill the academic requirements of the University
- No student is allowed for End laboratory examinations without Hall Ticket
- Principals are requested to verify the eligibility of the registration for examination in respect of malpractice/ court cases/ credits
- The Principals are requested to inform the students that mere payment of the examination fee does not guarantee eligibility for appearing for examinations
- Detailed timetables will be notified on the website www.jntua.ac.in under Examinations
Online receipts/ Challans along with all necessary enclosures have to be submitted at the University Examinations Branch on 11thd November 2021 (Thursday)
Instructions to the Principals
- To upload internal marks of MBA I year II semester Regular students (AY 2020-21) to examinations portal ‘JNTUA EMS’ on or before 05:30 PM of 15.11.2021 (Monday). Internal marks uploaded after 05:30 PM of 15th November 2021 will not be considered. A hard copy of the same duly signed and stamped by the college principal on each sheet should reach Dr. K.F.Bharati, Associate Professor of CSE and Additional Controller of Examinations, University Examinations Building, Opp Govt. Polytechnic College, JNTUAnantapur, Ananthapuramu 515002 (AP) on or before 20.11.2021 (Saturday) by registered/ speed post. Please superscribe the cover containing the hard copy of internal marks as MBA/ I-II /IM/ R17/ Nov/ Dec-21 Exams/ College Code>
- To conduct laboratory examinations from 15.11.2021 to 20.11.2021 and send the award lists in sealed covers to the address mentioned above on or before 26.11.2021 (Friday) without fail by registered/ speed post. The cover may be superscribed as MBA I-II /R17/ Reg/ Nov/ Dec-21/ Lab Award Lists/ <College Code>
- Complete the first entry of lab externals in EMS by 22.11.2021
- You are requested to finalize the attendance particulars of the students for regular examinations by taking presumptive attendance for the last week of the academic calendar for the semester and to upload the detained list to the examinations portal ‘JNTUA EMS on or before 05:30 PM of 28.10.2021 (Thursday) without fail
- To note that Schedule for submission of online receipts/ challan for verification at Head Quarters on 11.11.2021 (Thursday) only
- To submit the following at the time of verification along with Online receipts/ Challans without which the verification process will not be undertaken
a. Detained List signed by the college principal.
b. Condoned List signed by the college principal along with Online receipts/Challan towards condonation fee.
c. College Academic Committee (CAC) resolution approving detained and condonation Lists
d. ‘Eligible but not registered list signed by the college principal.
e. Copy of Clearance Certificate.
f. Copy of UCS Fee Receipts.
- Deduction by the colleges is permissible as per the proceedings of the Registrar dated 07.04.2018 for Regular and 16.04.2014 for Supple, copies of which are available in www.jntua.ac.in under examinations’
- To note that hall tickets will be generated only for eligible students who have paid the UCS fee, for whom clearance has been given by the University, and whose examinations fee has been received. For these candidates hall, tickets will be available in the JNTUA EMS on 12.11.2021 (Friday) for download
JNTUA MBA 1-2 Sem Exam Notification 2021
JNTUA MBA 1-2 Sem Exam Notification 2021 – Important Link | |
To Download JNTUA MBA 1-2 Sem Exam Notification 2021 PDF |
Click Here |
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