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Kubernetes MCQs and Answers with Explanation | Kubernetes Quiz

Kubernetes MCQ's

Kubernetes MCQs and Answers with Explanation: Kubernetes has become a widely used container orchestration platform that automates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It is an open-source system developed by Google that enables developers to deploy and manage their containerized applications at scale. As Kubernetes adoption continues to grow, the need for developers and IT professionals with Kubernetes knowledge and skills is also increasing. Improve your skills in this concept by going through the Kubernetes MCQ Questions that we have provided in this article for your perusal.

Kubernetes MCQs and Answers

If you are student here to understand and learn more about Kubernetes or experienced individual who is preparing for an interview or placement/ certification exam these Kubernetes MCQs and Answers will come in handy. These Kubernetes Multiple Choice Questions and their corresponding answers help test your understanding of Kubernetes concepts and best practices. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced professional, Kubernetes Online Quiz can help you assess your knowledge and improve your skills in using this powerful tool.

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Kubernetes Multiple Choice Questions

Name Kubernetes
Exam Type MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)
Category Technical Quiz
Mode of Quiz Online

Top 50 Kubernetes MCQ Questions with Answers | Kubernetes Quiz

1. What is Kubernetes?

a) An open-source container orchestration platform
b) A container registry
c) A container runtime
d) A containerization tool

Answer: a)

Explanation: An open-source container orchestration platform. Kubernetes is a popular open-source platform used to automate the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

2. What is a Kubernetes Pod?

a) A group of containers
b) A unit of deployment in Kubernetes
c) A network segment
d) A virtual machine

Answer: a)

Explanation: A group of containers. A Kubernetes Pod is the smallest unit of deployment in Kubernetes, and it can contain one or more containers.

3. What is a Kubernetes ReplicaSet?

a) A set of backup pods
b) A group of nodes in a Kubernetes cluster
c) A scaling mechanism for Pods
d) A container registry

Answer: c)

Explanation: A scaling mechanism for Pods. A Kubernetes ReplicaSet is responsible for maintaining a set of identical replicas of Pods and can be used to scale the number of replicas up or down based on demand.

4. What is a Kubernetes Deployment?

a) A configuration file for a Pod
b) A way to manage the deployment of containerized applications
c) A tool for monitoring Kubernetes clusters
d) A way to manage Docker images

Answer: b)

Explanation: A way to manage the deployment of containerized applications. A Kubernetes Deployment is a resource object in Kubernetes that defines how a set of Pods should be deployed, updated, and rolled back.

5. What is a Kubernetes Service?

a) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A way to manage container images
d) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes

Answer: a)

Explanation: A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods. A Kubernetes Service is an abstract way to expose a set of Pods to the network, providing a stable IP address and DNS name for clients to access.

6. What is Kubernetes ConfigMap?

a) A mechanism for storing configuration data in Kubernetes
b) A tool for managing Docker images
c) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
d) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes

Answer: a)

Explanation: A mechanism for storing configuration data in Kubernetes. A Kubernetes ConfigMap is a Kubernetes object used to store configuration data in key-value pairs.

7. What is Kubernetes Secret?

a) A mechanism for storing sensitive data in Kubernetes
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A way to manage container images
d) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes

Answer: a)

Explanation: A mechanism for storing sensitive data in Kubernetes. A Kubernetes Secret is a Kubernetes object used to store sensitive information, such as passwords or API keys, in an encrypted format.

8. What is a Kubernetes Namespace?

a) A way to organize Kubernetes resources into virtual clusters
b) A way to manage Docker images
c) A tool for monitoring Kubernetes clusters
d) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods

Answer: a)

Explanation: A way to organize Kubernetes resources into virtual clusters. A Kubernetes Namespace is a virtual cluster used to partition a physical cluster into multiple virtual clusters, helping to organize and manage Kubernetes resources.

9. What is Kubernetes RBAC?

a) Role-Based Access Control
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
d) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes

Answer: a)

Explanation: Role-Based Access Control. Kubernetes RBAC is a security mechanism that allows administrators to manage access to Kubernetes resources based on user roles and permissions.

10. What is a Kubernetes Operator?

a) An extension of Kubernetes that provides additional functionality
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
d) A tool for managing Docker images

Answer: a)

Explanation: An extension of Kubernetes that provides additional functionality. A Kubernetes Operator is a custom controller that extends the functionality of Kubernetes by automating the management of complex applications and infrastructure.

11. What is a Kubernetes StatefulSet?

a) A controller that manages the deployment of stateful applications
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
d) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes

Answer: a)

Explanation: A controller that manages the deployment of stateful applications. A Kubernetes StatefulSet is a controller that manages the deployment of stateful applications, ensuring that each replica has a unique identity and that each replica is started and stopped in a specific order.

12. What is Kubernetes Helm?

a) A package manager for Kubernetes
b) A tool for managing Docker images
c) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
d) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes

Answer: a)

Explanation: A package manager for Kubernetes. Kubernetes Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that allows developers to define, install, and manage complex Kubernetes applications as a single package.

13. What is a Kubernetes Ingress?

a) A networking resource that manages external access to a cluster
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A way to manage container images
d) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes

Answer: a)

Explanation: A networking resource that manages external access to a cluster. A Kubernetes Ingress is a networking resource that manages external access to a Kubernetes cluster, providing a way to route traffic to specific services based on hostnames or paths.

14. What is a Kubernetes DaemonSet?

a) A controller that ensures a specific number of replicas are running
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
d) A controller that ensures a pod runs on every node in a cluster

Answer: d)

Explanation: A controller that ensures a pod runs on every node in a cluster. A Kubernetes DaemonSet is a controller that ensures a pod runs on every node in a Kubernetes cluster, providing a way to run a specific set of tasks on every node in the cluster.

15. What is a Kubernetes Volume?

a) A way to store data in Kubernetes
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
d) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes

Answer: a)

Explanation: A way to store data in Kubernetes. A Kubernetes Volume is a way to store data in Kubernetes that can be shared between containers and persists even after a container has stopped running.

16. What is Kubernetes Kubelet?

a) The primary node agent that runs on each node in a Kubernetes cluster
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
d) A way to manage container images

Answer: a)

Explanation: The primary node agent that runs on each node in a Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes Kubelet is the primary node agent that runs on each node in a Kubernetes cluster, responsible for managing containers and reporting node status to the control plane.

17. What is a Kubernetes HorizontalPodAutoscaler?

a) A controller that automatically scales the number of replicas in a deployment
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
d) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes

Answer: a)

Explanation: A controller that automatically scales the number of replicas in a deployment. A Kubernetes HorizontalPodAutoscaler is a controller that automatically scales the number of replicas in a deployment based on demand, ensuring that the right amount of resources are allocated to meet the needs of the application.

18. What is a Kubernetes Custom Resource?

a) An extension of Kubernetes that allows for the creation of custom objects
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
d) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes

Answer: a)

Explanation: An extension of Kubernetes that allows for the creation of custom objects. A Kubernetes Custom Resource is an extension of Kubernetes that allows developers to define and create their own custom objects, which can be used to represent specific applications or infrastructure components.

19. What is Kubernetes CNI?

a) A networking interface used by Kubernetes to interact with container runtimes
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
d) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes

Answer: a)

Explanation: A networking interface used by Kubernetes to interact with container runtimes. Kubernetes CNI (Container Network Interface) is a networking interface used by Kubernetes to interact with container runtimes, enabling the creation of network namespaces and the assignment of IP addresses to containers.

20. What is a Kubernetes Secret?

a) A way to store sensitive data in Kubernetes
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
d) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes

Answer: a)

Explanation: A way to store sensitive data in Kubernetes. A Kubernetes Secret is a way to store and manage sensitive data in Kubernetes, such as passwords or API keys, by encrypting the data at rest and providing access controls for managing access to the data.

21. What is Kubernetes PodSecurityPolicy?

a) A resource that controls the security settings of pods in a Kubernetes cluster
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
d) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes

Answer: a)

Explanation: A resource that controls the security settings of pods in a Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes PodSecurityPolicy is a resource that controls the security settings of pods in a Kubernetes cluster, enabling administrators to enforce specific security policies on pods and containers.

22. What is the Kubernetes Helm chart?

a) A package that contains all the information necessary to deploy an application or service
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
d) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes

Answer: a)

Explanation: A package that contains all the information necessary to deploy an application or service. A Kubernetes Helm chart is a package that contains all the information necessary to deploy an application or service, including Kubernetes manifests, configurations, and dependencies.

23. What is Kubernetes Kubectl?

a) A command-line tool used to interact with Kubernetes clusters
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
d) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes

Answer: a)

Explanation: A command-line tool used to interact with Kubernetes clusters. Kubernetes Kubectl is a command-line tool used to interact with Kubernetes clusters, enabling administrators to manage Kubernetes resources, create, modify and delete resources, and troubleshoot cluster issues.

24. What is Kubernetes StatefulSet?

a) A way to manage stateful applications in Kubernetes
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
d) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes

Answer: a)

Explanation: A way to manage stateful applications in Kubernetes. Kubernetes StatefulSet is a way to manage stateful applications in Kubernetes, enabling administrators to deploy and manage applications that require persistent storage and stable network identities.

25. What is Kubernetes DaemonSet?

a) A way to ensure that a specific pod runs on every node in a Kubernetes cluster
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
d) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes

Answer: a)

Explanation: A way to ensure that a specific pod runs on every node in a Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes DaemonSet is a way to ensure that a specific pod runs on every node in a Kubernetes cluster, enabling administrators to deploy background tasks or services that need to run on every node.

26. What is Kubernetes Ingress?

a) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
b) A way to manage access to Kubernetes resources based on roles and permissions
c) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes
d) A way to expose HTTP and HTTPS routes from outside the cluster to services within the cluster

Answer: d)

Explanation: A way to expose HTTP and HTTPS routes from outside the cluster to services within the cluster. Kubernetes Ingress is a way to expose HTTP and HTTPS routes from outside the cluster to services within the cluster, enabling administrators to manage external access to services running in a Kubernetes cluster.

27. What is Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)?

a) A way to automatically scale the number of pods in a Kubernetes deployment based on resource utilization
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
d) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes

Answer: a)

Explanation: A way to automatically scale the number of pods in a Kubernetes deployment based on resource utilization. Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) is a way to automatically scale the number of pods in a Kubernetes deployment based on resource utilization, enabling administrators to ensure that their applications can handle varying levels of traffic and load.

28. What is Kubernetes Service?

a) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A way to manage access to Kubernetes resources based on roles and permissions
d) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes

Answer: a)

Explanation: A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods. Kubernetes Service is a networking abstraction to access a set of Pods, enabling administrators to expose their application as a network service that can be accessed by other applications or services within or outside the Kubernetes cluster.

29. What is Kubernetes PersistentVolume?

a) A way to manage persistent storage in Kubernetes
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
d) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes

Answer: a)

Explanation: A way to manage persistent storage in Kubernetes. Kubernetes PersistentVolume is a way to manage persistent storage in Kubernetes, enabling administrators to provision and manage storage resources that can be dynamically allocated to containers running in the cluster.

30. What is Kubernetes Stateful Application?

a) An application that requires persistent storage and stable network identities
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
d) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes

Answer: a)

Explanation: An application that requires persistent storage and stable network identities. A Kubernetes Stateful Application is an application that requires persistent storage and stable network identities, such as databases or other applications that store state information.

31. What is Kubernetes Pod?

a) The smallest deployable unit in Kubernetes
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
d) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes

Answer: a)

Explanation: The smallest deployable unit in Kubernetes. Kubernetes Pod is the smallest deployable unit in Kubernetes, representing a single instance of a running process in a cluster, and encapsulating one or more containers that share the same network and storage resources.

32. What is Kubernetes Deployment?

a) A way to manage the rollout and scaling of containers in Kubernetes
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
d) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes

Answer: a)

Explanation: A way to manage the rollout and scaling of containers in Kubernetes. Kubernetes Deployment is a way to manage the rollout and scaling of containers in Kubernetes, enabling administrators to declare the desired state of their application and Kubernetes to automatically manage the deployment and scaling of containers to meet that desired state.

33. What is Kubernetes ReplicaSet?

a) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
b) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
c) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes
d) A way to ensure that a specified number of identical pods are running at all times

Answer: d)

Explanation: A way to ensure that a specified number of identical pods are running at all times. Kubernetes ReplicaSet is a way to ensure that a specified number of identical pods are running at all times, enabling administrators to ensure high availability and reliability of their applications running in a Kubernetes cluster.

34. What is Kubernetes Node?

a) A worker machine in a Kubernetes cluster
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
d) A way to manage access to Kubernetes resources based on roles and permissions

Answer: a)

Explanation: A worker machine in a Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes Node is a worker machine in a Kubernetes cluster, running the container runtime and other necessary components to manage containers and run applications.

35. What is Kubernetes Namespace?

a) A way to isolate and manage resources in a Kubernetes cluster
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
d) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes

Answer: a)

Explanation: A way to isolate and manage resources in a Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes Namespace is a way to isolate and manage resources in a Kubernetes cluster, enabling administrators to create virtual clusters within a physical cluster, and to manage access to resources based on namespace-level roles and permissions.

36. What is Kubernetes Operator?

a) An extension of the Kubernetes API that allows for custom controllers
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
d) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes

Answer: a)

Explanation: An extension of the Kubernetes API that allows for custom controllers. Kubernetes Operator is an extension of the Kubernetes API that allows for custom controllers, enabling administrators to define and manage custom resources in a Kubernetes cluster using code, and to automate complex application operations and maintenance tasks.

37. What is Kubernetes Job?

a) A way to run a single task to completion in a Kubernetes cluster
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
d) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes

Answer: a)

Explanation: A way to run a single task to completion in a Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes Job is a way to run a single task to completion in a Kubernetes cluster, enabling administrators to manage batch jobs and other tasks that need to run once and then exit, such as backups and data migrations.

38. What is Kubernetes CronJob?

a) A way to schedule periodic tasks in a Kubernetes cluster
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
d) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes

Answer: a)

Explanation: A way to schedule periodic tasks in a Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes CronJob is a way to schedule periodic tasks in a Kubernetes cluster, enabling administrators to manage scheduled jobs and other recurring tasks, such as backups and database cleanup.

39. What is Kubernetes HorizontalPodAutoscaler?

a) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
b) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
c) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes
d) A way to automatically scale the number of Pods in a deployment based on resource usage

Answer: d)

Explanation: A way to automatically scale the number of Pods in a deployment based on resource usage. Kubernetes HorizontalPodAutoscaler is a way to automatically scale the number of Pods in a deployment based on resource usage, enabling administrators to manage the horizontal scaling of applications running in a Kubernetes cluster.

40. What is Kubernetes VerticalPodAutoscaler?

a) A way to automatically scale the number of Pods in a deployment based on resource usage
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
d) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes

Answer: d)

Explanation: A way to manage Kubernetes nodes. Kubernetes VerticalPodAutoscaler is a way to manage Kubernetes nodes, enabling administrators to automatically adjust the resource requests and limits of containers running in a pod to optimize their performance and efficiency.

41. What is Kubernetes Volume?

a) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A way to manage Kubernetes nodes
d) A way to manage persistent storage for containers in a Kubernetes cluster

Answer: d)

Explanation: A way to manage persistent storage for containers in a Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes Volume is a way to manage persistent storage for containers in a Kubernetes cluster, enabling administrators to manage the lifecycle of storage volumes separately from containers and to attach and detach volumes to and from containers as needed.

42. What is the command to create a Kubernetes Namespace?

a) kubectl create namespace [name]
b) kubectl create -f namespace.yaml
c) kubectl apply -f namespace.yaml
d) kubectl create ns [name]

Answer: d)

Explanation: kubectl create ns [name]. This command creates a new Kubernetes Namespace with the specified name.

43. What is the difference between Kubernetes Deployment and Kubernetes StatefulSet?

a) Deployment manages stateful applications while StatefulSet manages stateless applications
b) Deployment manages stateless applications while StatefulSet manages stateful applications
c) Deployment is used for rolling updates and rollbacks while StatefulSet is not
d) StatefulSet is used for rolling updates and rollbacks while Deployment is not

Answer: b)

Explanation: Deployment manages stateless applications while StatefulSet manages stateful applications. Deployment and StatefulSet are both ways to manage the deployment and scaling of applications in a Kubernetes cluster, but they differ in their support for stateful applications. Deployment is typically used for managing stateless applications, while StatefulSet is designed for managing stateful applications that require stable network identifiers, persistent storage, and ordered deployment and scaling.

44. What is the Kubernetes Ingress resource?

a) A networking abstraction to access a set of Pods
b) A tool for managing Kubernetes resources
c) A way to manage persistent storage for containers in a Kubernetes cluster
d) A way to manage HTTP(S) routing rules for external traffic into a Kubernetes cluster

Answer: d)

Explanation: A way to manage HTTP(S) routing rules for external traffic into a Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes Ingress is a way to manage HTTP(S) routing rules for external traffic into a Kubernetes cluster, enabling administrators to configure routing rules for incoming traffic based on URL paths or domain names.

45. What is the command to create a Kubernetes Deployment?

a) kubectl create deployment [name] –image=[image]
b) kubectl create -f deployment.yaml
c) kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
d) kubectl create deploy [name] –image=[image]

Answer: a)

Explanation: kubectl create deployment [name] –image=[image]. This command creates a new Kubernetes Deployment with the specified name and container image.

46. What is the command to scale a Kubernetes Deployment?

a) kubectl scale deployment [name] –replicas=[number]
b) kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
c) kubectl create deployment [name] –image=[image]
d) kubectl edit deployment [name]

Answer: a)

Explanation: kubectl scale deployment [name] –replicas=[number]. This command scales the number of replicas of a Kubernetes Deployment with the specified name to the specified number.

47. What is the command to create a Kubernetes ConfigMap?

a) kubectl create -f configmap.yaml
b) kubectl create configmap [name] –from-file=[filename]
c) kubectl apply -f configmap.yaml
d) kubectl create cm [name] –from-file=[filename]

Answer: b)

Explanation: kubectl create configmap [name] –from-file=[filename]. This command creates a new Kubernetes ConfigMap with the specified name and data from the specified file.

48. What is the command to create a Kubernetes Secret?

a) kubectl create secret [name] –from-file=[filename]
b) kubectl apply -f secret.yaml
c) kubectl create -f secret.yaml
d) kubectl create secret generic [name] –from-file=[filename]

Answer: d)

Explanation: kubectl create secret generic [name] –from-file=[filename]. This command creates a new Kubernetes Secret with the specified name and data from the specified file.

49. What is the command to install a Kubernetes Helm chart?

a) helm install [name] [chart]
b) kubectl apply -f helm.yaml
c) helm create [name]
d) helm upgrade [name] [chart]

Answer: a)

Explanation: helm install [name] [chart]. This command installs a Kubernetes Helm chart with the specified name and chart.

50. What is the command to create a Kubernetes Operator?

a) kubectl create -f operator.yaml
b) kubectl apply -f operator.yaml
c) operator-sdk new [name]
d) kubectl create operator [name]

Answer: c)

Explanation: operator-sdk new [name]. This command creates a new Kubernetes Operator with the specified name using the Operator SDK, which is a framework for building Kubernetes Operators.

To sum up, Kubernetes MCQs and Answers are a valuable tools for assessing and improving your knowledge of container orchestration. With the growing demand for Kubernetes expertise, investing time in mastering this platform can benefit your career in the field of cloud computing. For more technical quizzes in various IT concepts keep checking our Freshersnow portal. is one of the best job sites in India. On this website you can find list of jobs such as IT jobs, government jobs, bank jobs, railway jobs, work from home jobs, part time jobs, online jobs, pharmacist jobs, software jobs etc. Along with employment updates, we also provide online classes for various courses through our android app. also offers recruitment board to employers to post their job advertisements for free.