MAT Books | Best Books For MAT Exam Preparation: If you are in search of the best books for the Preparation of the MAT examination then you are at the right place for your search. Here in this article, we have provided MAT Books for Preparation. These books as a guide for your preparation. The MAT Best Books you choose to prepare for exams the greater you succeed in your examination. Similarly, the choice of opting for the books may differ from one person to another but, it is time for all the candidates to choose the books uniquely for better results in the examination. MAT books are comprised of deep core subjects for the candidates the books are designed in such a way. Candidates who are going to attend this exam are graduates so there is no point in confusion about the subject topics and also with the subject.
★★ Best Reference Books ★★
About MAT (Management Aptitude Test)
MAT (Management Aptitude Test) is a national-level examination conducted all over the world for eligible graduates. MAT examination is conducted for those candidates who wish to do a Master of Business Administration (MBA). And the candidates should be very careful while attending this examination because it is like admission to MBA. The examination is via two modes namely a computer-based test or a written exam. On the other hand, this examination comprises different sections with equal weightage. The different sections in this examination are Language Comprehension, Mathematical Skills, Data Analysis, and Sufficiency, Intelligence, and Critical Reasoning, and Indian and Global Environment.
Best Books For MAT Exam Preparation
The best books for these above-mentioned sections are given below go through the complete article for the best reference books.
MAT Best Books For Language Comprehension
The Language Comprehension section for the MAT examination checks the language skills of a candidate. English plays a prominent role in any type of examination respective of the entrance exam or the competitive exam. The English language has enrolled its place in every field so by this we can understand its prominence. Candidates are tested on vocabulary, Antonyms & Synonyms, Fill in the blanks with Prepositions, Comprehension passages, etc. The best books for this section are listed below.
Book | Author/Publisher |
Verbal Ability & Comprehension | Disha Publications |
Word Power Made Easy | Norman Lewis |
Verbal Ability & Comprehension for CAT/ XAT/ GMAT/ IIFT/ CMAT/ MAT/ Bank PO/ SSC | Bharat Patodi and Aditya Choudhary |
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension 2016 | Gautam Puri |
English Grammar and Composition | Wren & Martin |
English Reading Comprehension | RPH Editorial Board |
Best Books For Mathematical Skills For MAT Exam
The Mathematical skills section for the candidates makes them feel hopeless because of the illusion that they keep in mind. The subject of Mathematics from childhood seems to be difficult for students. But, Practise makes a man perfect is the famous proverb that applies to this subject. The mathematical skills section is said to be one of the easy sections if there is enough practice for the problems. Some of the topics for this section are Arithmetic, Geometry, Algebra, Number systems, etc. The best books for this section are listed below candidates can refer to these books to excel in their examination.
Book | Author/ Publisher |
Magical Book on Quicker Maths | M. Tyra |
Speed Mathematics: Do it Quick, Do it Right | Rajesh Kumar Thakur C |
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Exams | R S Aggarwal |
How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude | Arun Sharma |
MAT Best Books For Data Analysis and Sufficiency
The Data Analysis and Sufficiency section has a greater impact on the examination. The candidates need to analyze every situation and promptly they need to make decisions. The data is given to the candidate in various forms so that a candidate doesn’t rely on one type of data for decisions. The topics relating to Data Analysis and Sufficiency are Bar Graph, Expenditure, and Profit, Data Comparison, Data Sufficiency, Line Graph, etc. The best books for Data Analysis and Sufficiency are given below.
Book | Author/ Publisher |
Data Analysis and Sufficiency | Arun Sharma |
The Pearson Guide To Quantitative Aptitude And Data Interpretation | Nishit Sinha |
Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency for CAT/ XAT/ IIFT/ CMAT/ MAT/ Bank PO/ SSC | Disha Experts |
Data Analysis & Interpretation Data Sufficiency | Think Tank of Kiran Prakashan |
Data Interpretation and Data Sufficiency | Arihant Experts |
Best Intelligence and Critical Reasoning Books For MAT
The intelligence and Critical Reasoning section cover a wide range of topics like Constraint-based arrangements, Venn diagrams, Statements – Assumptions, Team formation, True- false, Series, Clocks & Analogy, etc. These topics analyze the thinking nature of the candidates. The best books for this section are given below.
★★ Practice Reasoning Questions & Answers ★★
Book | Author/ Publisher |
Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT | Nishit K Sinha |
General Intelligence and Critical Reasoning for MAT | Disha Experts |
Analytical & Logical Reasoning for CAT & Other Management Entrance Tests | Peeyush Bhardwaj |
A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning | R.S.Aggarwal |
How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for the CAT | Arun Sharma |
MAT Best Books For Indian and Global Environment
Indian and Global Environment section is related to the global world. This section makes the candidates feel free with new interesting things apart from all other subjects. This section includes current affairs, Politics, Sports, Social Issues, Important dates, National Festivals, etc. These topics make the candidates feel interested and help them to focus more on the subject and gain a good score in this section.
Book | Author/ Publisher |
Objective General Knowledge | Lucents Publications |
General Knowledge | Arihant Publications |
The Mega Yearbook 2016: Current Affairs & General Knowledge For Competitive Exams | Disha Experts |
Finally, we hope that Books For MAT Exam Preparation has helped you to gain knowledge for different sections in the examination. For more updates on education and for more best books for various exams stay tuned to our website Freshers Now.